Women Share The Moment They Realized Their Man Doesn’t Love Them

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Sometimes you need to hit rock bottom in a relationship, to realize you deserve better. These women shared the heartbreaking, funny, and absurd moments when they realized a man they were dating could not care less about them…

Truly empathetic

There are many ways a person could react if a partner breaks down crying. But saying “call me when you’re done” and hang up, probably doesn’t qualify as a great alternative. It’s at least not something a good, caring person would do.

So if this, or something similar happens to you, it’s probably a sign you need to take a long, hard look at your relationship. And then dump them.

An interesting way to break up

Breaking up is tough, and many people lack the maturity and social skills to do it in a direct, respectful manner. And sometimes, when you think you’re in a real relationship, in their mind it’s just a relationship of convenience, until someone better comes along.

So if you’re really unlucky (or really good at ignoring red flags) you might find yourself wasting months dating a guy who never had the intention to introduce you to his family.

Reading between the lines

Many girls make the mistake of waiting around for a guy who just “isn’t ready for a serious relationship”. So they date them casually for months, hoping and praying that he will come around. Spoiler alert; they never do.

They either like you enough, or they don’t. It really is as simple as that. This girl finally learned that lesson, when seeing with what ease her ex committed to another girl.

Crying for attention?

Did you know women cry during labor not because it’s one of the most painful things a human body can go through, but in order to get attention? We had no idea either.

This guy wins worst partner and worst father of the year all in one go, and we sincerely hope this mom realized her and the little one would be better off without him.

Codeword Thomas

A clear red flag every girl should learn as soon as possible, is when a guy you’re dating seems to want to hide you. For example; they never want to introduce you to their friends. Or, when they’re on the phone with family members in front of you, they tell them they are with “Thomas” when they are in fact with you.

We can’t believe this guy didn’t even bother coming up with a more convincing lie when he was on the phone with the girl he pulled this trick on…

Just indifferent

When people show you how they feel about you, believe them. Don’t come up with complicated reasons and excuses for their behavior. Just believe them.

In this case, it’s painfully obvious this guy doesn’t care about the girl he’s dating. He was indifferent at best, annoyed by her at worst. We have no idea why he wasted both of their time by dating her in the first place.

‘Your medical condition is annoying’

We’re sure dating someone with a serious health condition can be a challenge. But it probably isn’t as challenging as being the person suffering.

And, we can’t emphasize enough how not ok it is to get angry at your partner for having a medical condition they have zero control over. Hopefully this young lady realized the man she was dating was not even worth sticking around to explain this to.

Almost romantic

This guy is clearly a keeper. Sure, he cheats. But he thinks about you the entire time, so its actually just his way of showing how much he cares about you!

Above should obviously be read with a generous dose of sarcasm. In all seriousness, the only appropriate response to a situation like this would be to laugh in the guy’s face, walk away, and never look back.

Just didn’t care

Most people who hurt you will not do it intentionally. Misunderstandings and conflicts happen in any relationship, and people get hurt along the way. That doesn’t mean ill intent was usually premeditated.

But, if you find yourself confronting a partner abut the hurt he caused you, and he shrugs it off saying he knew exactly what he did but doesn’t care – then you are dealing with a really bad specimen, and need to dump that asap.

The way he spoke about another girl

Some guys just aren’t that expressive or comfortable talking about feelings, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t care about you.

But, if they talk about another girl with joy and excitement in a way they never did about you… then you need to pick up the pieces of your broken heart, take a deep breathe, and move on. You should be the only girl your guy gushes over, and if you’re not – he’s not the right guy.


We’ve all got different priorities in life, and those priorities change over time. When we’re really young, partying with friends or playing Call Of Duty might be the most important thing to us. Later on, it might be our careers, or romantic partners, or having children.

But, regardless of where someone’s priorities lie – if you’re in their life, you want to be at the top of the list. If a guy would rather play a better version of Call Of Duty than spend time with you – you need to find a guy with better priorities.

Possibly a psychopath

We’re not psychiatrists or anything, but this does sound like something only a total psychopath would do. Because have you ever met a nice, normal person who smiles when their partner is crying? We didn’t think so.

It’s also super random to say have a good day” when the girl very clearly was not having a good day, and you just made it worse by your creepy and hurtful behavior…

Important laundry plans

Ghosting is one of the worst trends to come out of modern dating culture. But it’s so easy to do, now that we never have to face people in real life. Entire courtships can start and (abruptly) end over the screen.

But even though ghosting is always wrong and cowardly, it’s even worse to do to someone you’ve been involved with for half a year, like in this example. And to blame needing to do laundry? That makes it ridiculous, on top of disrespectful.

Words of wisdom

This might be our favorite comment on this entire list; simply wasting my time. Because in those fours words, she really sums up what we should all learn from our failed relationships.

Anyone who is unable or unwilling to give you the kind of relationship that you want and need, is simply wasting your time. There is no need to wait around for some big dramatic event or cheating scandal. Just say boy bye, and go invest in someone you deserve.

Nothing important to say

We’re confused by this guy. If he really thinks this girl has nothing interesting to say, why is he dating her in the first place?

We know what you’re thinking – maybe he was interested in something casual, that involves minimal talking. Well in that case, we have a feeling he had not honestly and directly communicated that to the girl in question, or she would not find it weird he didn’t talk to her for days on end. Nothing wrong with wanting casual – but leading people on and insulting them, that’s beyond despicable.

Not worth the effort

If you think you were raised right and know how to treat women, but actually only treat women you want with respect and kindness – then you were definitely not raised right. Not by a long shot.

A decent human being, who has actually been taught to treat people right, will treat everyone with respect, dignity, and kindness. That goes for romantic partners to complete strangers, to everyone in between. Period.

Surprise Spoiled

It’s always nice to know that your significant other is thinking about you and sometimes that means planning little surprises just to make you feel special. Some women like to be nosey and spoil fun things for themselves, but this one got the wrong end of the stick after barging in on a phone call.

It turned out her boyfriend was actually planning a surprise party for his mother after all! That left his girlfriend feeling surprised for all the wrong reasons.

Actions speak louder than words

Actions really do speak louder than words, and we often forget this when we’re in love. We see the object of our desire through deceptive, rose-colored glasses, and only see what we want to see.

But at the end of the day, if they’re all talk and no action – they’re not worth much. Saying they’re going to spend time with you means nothing if they don’t follow through.

The silent treatment

The silent treatment is so humiliating, and a person who respects you would never treat you that way. So if a partner does it, it’s even worse.

You should feel comfortable being your most vulnerable self in a romantic relationship, and not fear them using that against you. That’s unfortunately exactly what happened to this girl, who hopefully realized she should not put up with that kind of behavior.

Not exactly the doting boyfriend

This girl went all in for this camping trip, and we’re sure it wasn’t exactly fun for the rest of the group. But these things happen, we’re all only human, and as the boyfriend this guy should have stepped up to care for his girl.

Instead he just dumped her in a tent, without making sure she was safe and comfortable (or clean). Talk about a terrible boyfriend.

That’s actually sad

For whatever reason, this guy didn’t think he could love anyone, not even his family…We doubt a person who says this kind of thing is in a very good place to be in a relationship, no matter how perfect the girl is.

You cannot and should not fix anyone, so this is an example of when you need to put yourself first and walk away. And maybe leave the phone number to a good therapist on your way out.

That’s called gaslighting

We’re pretty sure the behavior described in this tweet is a classic example of gaslighting. The guy was clearly manipulating this girl into thinking she was in the wrong, for asking a very valid question.

She was simply worried about him, and expressing concern – something anyone should feel for a partner they love and haven’t heard from in days. But he took it as an opportunity to lash out, and claim it was now her fault he didn’t want to see her. What?

Overall terrible

It’s hard to pick what’s the worst in this long list of problematic behaviors. And we can’t help but wonder why this guy would date a girl he so clearly didn’t like or respect in any way.

Another valid question is; why did it take this girl so long to realize this guy does not love her? She should have left after just one of these, instead of staying long enough to experience the entire, painful list…


Fat shaming is unacceptable, regardless of someone’s weight. If someone’s weight isn’t up to your “standard”, then keep your opinion to yourself, and don’t date them. Simple as that.

This guy called his clearly underweight girlfriend chubby, and when she called him out for it (you go girl!) he deflected by saying he was joking…We all know you were not joking, and that you are a jerk. Next!

The least funny prank ever

Having a beloved pet run away is extremely stressful and sad, and anyone who cares about you will dow whatever is in their power to help. Whether that’s handing out fliers, helping you search the neighborhood, or just hug and comfort you.

They will definitely not call a friend and ask him to prank you by calling to say they have found your missing pet. That is just beyond messed up and cruel.

Too much attention

Last we checked very few people are sick all the time just to get attention. Some people just have a weaker immune system, and find themselves coming down with a cold every other week. Which sucks, as they miss out on a lot of fun things.

But this guy clearly thought his often sick girlfriend was too demanding, and basically was sick to inconvenience him. Right.

The female bestie

This sentence doesn’t make even the slightest sense. The guy said he could only post (we assume pictures) of his female bestie on social media, because his family knew her?

Was he implying he was not allowed to date, and therefore had to hide the existence of a girlfriend? That’s the only explanation that doesn’t make him look like a complete jerk. We have a feeling he just wasn’t very serious about this girl.

That killer stare

How awkward and insulting isn’t this situation? You’re laughing, having a good time with your friends – when you notice your significant other giving you a dirty look. That’s a recipe for immediately feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable, and no one should feel that way about laughing.

And your partner is the last person on earth who should make you feel that way, in any situation. On the contrary, they should be happy you are happy and laugh right with you!

Crying always has an ulterior motif

Maybe it’s just this list, but there seems to be a disproportionately high number of guys who think girls only cry to get attention. Not because, let’s say, they are sad, or in physical pain, or touched by a movie…

Don’t get us wrong, a person who cries all the time over seemingly nothing, either needs therapy or really has an odd way of asking for attention. But that hardly seems to be case here.

Sounds illegal…

Yeah, this is an example of a behavior that is not only terrible, but also illegal…We actually hope this girl called the cops. Ditching your girlfriend to go to a couple of parties is bad in and of itself.

But the fact that he also locked her in the house, that’s the illegal part. And the poor girl not even having anything to eat, is just the cherry on top of this disaster.

Just one of these is enough to leave…

Here we have another example of an entire laundry list of terrible behavior, which everyone reading this can learn from. Please people, ditch the rose-colored glasses and see people for who they are. If they treat you like dirt, they are dirt – and belong in the metaphorical trash can of your past.

He might be the hottest guy in school, and you might have had a crush on him for years – but if he does even one of above things, he is not the guy you’re looking for.

Belittling and complaining

Emotional abuse can be tricky to recognize, especially when you’re used to it. Most emotionally abusive partners don’t show their true colors right away, but gradually up their abuse. It might start as friendly teasing, which becomes no so friendly teasing, which then turns into harsher and harsher ridicule and insults.

Gaslighting is usually also involved, where you’re made to feel like you’re exaggerating or even imagining issues. But if you feel like your partner is pretty much always belittling your feelings and experiences – we’d say it’s time to dump them.

No difficult topics allowed

Almost no one wants to talk about sad, negative things all the time. So if you’re that boyfriend or girlfriend who always needs to vent about something bad that has happened – don’t be surprised if you get dumped.

But the other extreme is being expected to never talk about difficult or vulnerable topics. If your partner can’t ever listen and offer support, they clearly don’t view you as a serious partner they are emotionally invested in.

Nom nom nom

We’re confused here. Is this girl saying her and her boyfriend hung out in complete silence, all the time, except for when she was eating? And then all he said was this?

It just seems less offensive and hurtful, and more like these two literally had nothing in common. And if he said it as a way to shame her for eating, then we really doesn’t see why she was with the guy in the first place.

She won in the end

This tweet starts out pretty much as sad as many of the others on this list, but we love how this girl gave us a glimpse into what happened after she dated this terrible guy.

This is the happy ending we’d like to imagine all these girls got, or will get eventually. Because the good thing about dating a truly bad guy, is that it can teach you exactly why you want to find a good one.

A sweet gesture

Telling a partner something very personal and traumatic that you’ve been through, that takes courage. It also takes a certain level of trust and intimacy. You don’t exactly tell your deepest, darkest secrets to a guy you’ve just started dating.

So this leads us to assume, this girl felt close enough with this guy to trust him with her confession – and he just turned right around and abused that trust. Ouch.

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