Kate Hudson’s Sixth Sense, She Has Made Some Strange Claims

Kate Hudson's Sixth Sense, She Has Made Some Strange Claims. daily jugarr

Kate Hudson, is an American actress known for her roles in movies like Almost Famous and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. She won a Golden Globe and was selected for an Oscar for her performance in Almost Famous. Her parents are singer Bill Hudson and actress Goldie Hawn. Apart from acting, she co-founded the fitness brand Fabletics and has written two non-fiction books.

Recently, the actress from How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days has said she can sense spirits just like her mom, Goldie Hawn. During an interview on the Howard Stern Show, she talked about her psychic abilities, saying it was quite Severe in the past. When asked if she could see dead people, she laughed and said, I can see everything.

After Howard asked if his late dad was in the room and yelling at him, Kate quickly said, It is not like that. It is like you get these messages. When I was a little girl, it was actually quite wild because I would see ghosts all the time. I see dead people. It was a little bit like that when I was younger. I read tarot cards.

Kate shared her thoughts on the afterlife, saying it would be both weird and beautiful, and added that she believes it is probably more scientific than we realize and very multi-dimensional. She insisted that despite our desire to understand everything, we will only truly know when we experience it. She joked that her experiences should cast her in a reboot of The Sixth Sense.

Kate has talked openly before about her encounters with spirits, sharing that her mom also has the same abilities. During an interview on Alan Carr’s Chatty Man show in 2014, She described a very frightening encounter with a spirit. She told the comedian that she saw the ‘ghost of a woman with no face, confessing that it was creepy. It is not exactly seeing, more like sensing a spirit, like a fifth energy. I believe in energy. I think our minds can make things appear visually, she said firmly.

When you see something like that, you should tell the energy what year it is and that they do not belong there.

When your brain is playing tricks on you, sometimes you have to remind it. Why is it acting so strangely about being dead?

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Raza Chaudary


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