How to Incorporate Big Meanings into Your Tattoo
Choosing a tattoo is a big deal, but it doesn’t have to be huge. Small tattoos can be just as powerful as big ones. They’re...
Choosing a tattoo is a big deal, but it doesn’t have to be huge. Small tattoos can be just as powerful as big ones. They’re...
Tattoos are like permanent love letters to our passions and loves, etched onto our skin. They’re this incredible canvas where our stories and passions are...
Doing something risky doesn’t automatically make it brave. To be called brave, the action should have a purpose and serve a cause. If you take...
Some folks didn’t like certain scars or birthmarks on their bodies. Instead of hiding them with makeup or removing them with lasers, they chose to...
If you have a tattoo, you’ve probably heard common arguments against them like regretting it later or getting bored with the design. Sometimes, it’s worth...
Tattoo artists are really creative people. Tattoos used to be simple, like tribal designs, but now they’re like real artworks. What you’re about to see...
The eerie season might have concluded, but a woman discovered herself grappling with the repercussions of a bold Halloween decision in the days that followed....
With Halloween approaching, many of you are probably looking for costume and make-up ideas. Maybe this Japanese art student Chooo-San, aged 19, could inspire you:...
Four people with obesity shared their stories with artists. These stories are full of challenges like losing a loved one or feeling judged by others....
One intelligent individual once suggested that instead of regretting our past, we should seek to learn from it. However, individuals who have tattoos, which are...