40+ Funny Posts That Make Our Day Brighter


The world can be a dark and scary place, and every once in a while, you need something light-hearted to get you through it. Luckily, the internet is a great spot to go if you’re looking for a good laugh.

These hilarious posts will bring a smile to your face while helping you forget about the stressors of life. Prepare to laugh out loud!

Hide-and-Seek Master

Even as adults, there’s something about playing hide-and-seek that just never gets old. This kid seems to have mastered the art of hiding in a spot that’s so genius, he practically turned invisible.

If it weren’t for those bright yellow socks, we could have left him hanging there all day long! Luckily for him, it looks like he’ll have no trouble sneaking out of the house when he’s older.


Nothing is more road-rage-inducing than being stuck behind a driver that seems to be crawling down the street. We’ve seen some seriously slow drivers in our time, but this takes things to a whole new level.

Of all the ways you could get away with using the carpool lane, bringing a live tortoise might be the most creative. At least we know this car is probably not going to get caught speeding.

Silent But Deadly

Everyone gets gassy sometimes, and that’s just a fact of life. In fact, being able to fart in the presence of a partner without shame or embarrassment is often a sign that you’re truly comfortable around them.

It’s one thing to be comfortable enough with someone to unleash your silent-but-deadlies, but it’s a whole other thing altogether to be producing gas that’s so lethal it’s making the air quality level “very poor”. Now that’s impressive.

Fair Tree-tment

If you’re hiring someone to do a physically demanding job for you, like working on your yard, chances are that they’re not just doing it as a favor—that’s their livelihood. So that means you have to pay them!

This is a genius way of getting revenge on someone who thought they could get away with not paying their tree trimmer. Good luck getting into your garage now, buddy.

MarioKart Level: Extreme

Speeding drivers cause all kinds of problems on the road. While most people might think the solution is to encourage safe driving without speeding, this town’s Homeowners’ Association had another idea.

Whatever is waiting at the end of this treacherous road, it’s probably not worth risking your life to get there because this street is not for the faint-hearted. Best just to turn around and go home.

You Only Get One Snot

A Costco membership is a seriously hot commodity if you can get your hands on one. Just remember, when it comes time to take your ID photo, you only get one chance—even if you happen to sneeze right at the wrong time.

This photo is simply too good to re-do. The poor guy looks like how a toe must feel when you stub it. We’re only wondering if he’ll have to recreate his sneeze face every time he gets carded at the door.

It’s All Adding Up

To anyone who didn’t spend their time in math class typing silly calculations to make their friends laugh, this might just look like an innocent 3D painting—as long as you don’t turn it upside down, that is.

So either the judges of the Monroe County Fair have excellent taste in art or they just have a playful sense of humor. Whatever the reason, it’s a well-deserved First Place if you ask us.

Unleash the Beast

When a tree fell on this person’s fence, they took the opportunity to do the funniest thing possible by adding this sign.

It’s the quotes around the word “dog” that make this sign so unsettling. It would make for a great Halloween decoration if they really hammed it up with some fake blood or a hanging dog’s collar—or it’s good enough on its own just to give the mailman a fright the next time he walks past.

New HoMEOWner

At first glance, we couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary with this post. It seems to be someone celebrating their new house purchase—until you look out the window to be met with the glaring eyes of a giant cat.

Tiny House or Mutant Kitty? You tell us, but in these trying times, this elaborate dollhouse is probably the closest anyone’s going to get to joining the property ladder.

Urine Trouble

What is it about signs telling you not to do something, that only makes you want to do it more? Any time you see a sign where your first thought is “surely nobody’s going to do that”, just remember that there’s a reason they needed to make the sign in the first place.

You might be thinking that this sign above the urinal seems pointless, but we just know that some people out there would see this as a challenge and not an instruction.

The Forgotten Avenger

As a kid, or even as a superhero fan at any age, there’s nothing cooler than state-of-the-art action figures. People collect them and they end up selling for thousands of dollars—only if they’re in the right packaging, though.

This time, somebody in the toy factory clearly majorly messed up. How did DC Comics’ Batman find himself in the Avengers collection?

What’s the T

Expecting any kind of gifts or handouts from a corporate boss these days is unlikely, so obviously expecting a good Christmas gift is asking for too much. After all, why would you want something personal or thoughtful when you can have a mug where the design looks like an IUD?

Unless T secretly stands for “Team Player” or “Top Employee”, this is a pretty terrible present. Gift-giving is clearly not this boss’ love language. It’s the thought that counts, eh?

High-Flying Ambition

While dogs are known for their loyalty to humans and being friendly pets, cats have kind of given themselves the opposite reputation. They’re more sly and mysterious, so you can never quite tell what they might be thinking about.

You might think your cat dreams of catching fish and jumping into trees, but some of them have bigger ambitions. That’s right—some cats dream of becoming pilots. It’s only the next step before total world domination.

Thanks a Latte

Being a good barista takes a lot more skill than most people might think. All those heart shapes and intricate designs of latte art are actually the product of hours of training.

With that in mind, it makes this cursed creation even more special. This person was given a literal work of art in caffeinated form, without paying a penny. That’s priceless!

Cry Baby

Raising a newborn is one of the toughest things any human ever has to go through. It’s like an everlasting challenge to see how long you can last being patient on minimal hours of sleep—not to mention the crying.

We have a sneaking feeling that this Apple Watch warning isn’t going to stop this little tot from screaming the house down at all hours of the day or night. Who cares if she’s being told she’s crying too loud—she can’t read!

From Meat Lover, With Love

Hundreds of thousands of people order and eat pizza every day. It’s a pretty impersonal business, in the sense that you usually don’t know the person who’s made your delicious Italian treat by name.

Knowing that your pizza is hand-crafted makes the experience more special, though we’re not sure we’d be willing to try whatever “Meat Lover” has come up with. What are the chances that this is that pizza maker’s real government name?

Special Delivery

Anyone who’s ever had a dog as a pet knows how quickly they become a part of the family. Some dog parents even treat their pooch like their human children, just like this one who’s taken on the role of mail collector for the day.

When this delivery driver wrote that the packages were “delivered to a family member directly”, they were technically right. How he’s going to get them into the house without opposable thumbs to pick them up—that’s another story.

In the Bag

Anyone who’s ever taken a trip to IKEA will appreciate that their giant blue bags are a staple when it comes to packing groceries or packing anything, really. They can come in clutch for almost any occasion.

This tiny version probably isn’t going to be very helpful unless her boyfriend is trying to unload a colony of ants or some tiny borrower-sized bottles into the house.

Hair-Raisingly Bad

Going to a new barber is always a risk. This barber heard the word “parting” and ran—she went full Moses on his hair and now he’s stuck with a half-inch trough on his head.

In the same way that people are told they have a great face for radio, this is a great haircut for a hat. At least hair grows back, right, buddy?

Dog Days are Over

Compared to us humans, dogs have it so easy. They don’t have to worry about anything. Taxes, paying rent, having a job—their stress is nonexistent! That’s probably why they’re all so happy and carefree.

We want to know what’s troubling this dog so much to give them such a sad expression. It has a “when will my husband come home from war” vibe going on, and it’s quite unsettling to look at. Why are they sitting like that?

Shake it Up

For anyone with any kind of social anxiety, going through a drive-thru can be a tough experience. You can never be sure that they’ll get your order right and the chances are that even if they get it wrong, we nervous folk are just going to suck it up and take it anyway.

Now, we’ve heard of controversial combos like fruit and balsamic vinegar, but we can’t imagine that coconut and ranch make for such a good milkshake mix.

Wood You Rather

Nature is beautiful, but there’s no denying that sometimes it can be a real nuisance. That’s why this person cut down a tree in their yard, much to the disappointment of the local wildlife.

This little creature looks so upset, and we don’t blame him—imagine coming home from a hard day of collecting nuts and things, only to find that your house has been chopped down!

Feeling Antsy

Every culture on Earth is unique. We all have the things that make us special, and it turns out that those things are often more similar to other cultures than we realize.

One might think that it would be anger-inducing to compare a nation of people to ants, but this is so funny it’s hard not to agree. If ants could read, we think they’d really enjoy this one.

Make Sure to Duck

We all know that it can be condescending to have a sign telling you what to do in your house, like “live, laugh, love”, or “keep smiling,” so this is a much more lighthearted approach to warning people that there’s a low ceiling ahead.

By the time anyone’s looked at this picture and understood the warning, their concussion has already probably started to form.

Banjo Players Strike Back

If you think about all the musicians you’ve come across in your life, it’s likely that there aren’t a huge number of banjo players who make that list. Now that we think about it, does anyone ever really have banjo lessons or do you just become a banjo master overnight?

We’re hoping that the missing tabs on this poster actually said “Yes please”, and it led to a whole new banjo-playing empire. The world needs more banjo.

Rules are Made to Be Broken

A restaurant isn’t usually a place where you’d expect there to be a strict list of rules to follow. But if you’re looking for a taste of home, this Iranian restaurant might be perfect for you.

Not because of the food, in particular, but because they have so many rules that it’ll be just like having dinner with your parents! Hey, don’t fret though, because they never specified that light petting was forbidden. No mischief-making on the other hand—no fair!

Furniture Hack

There are some people out there who just have a knack for building furniture. It comes naturally to some people, often without even needing to read instructions.

This person unlocked an absolutely genius furniture hack when they realized you don’t even need to assemble some stuff. Why go to all that effort when the box it comes in makes for a perfectly good side table?

You’ve Got Mail

Getting little packages every now and again is an underrated form of self-care. What better way to cheer yourself up than by ordering something in the mail?

It’s safe to say that if this was our delivery guy, we’d be ordering packages daily. He’s meant to be taking pictures of the address labels, but is taking hilarious selfies instead. We applaud him for making a mundane job a little more fun.

Leaky Washer

Nothing beats a good old harmless prank. And usually, in most families, the father takes on the role of dad-joking prankster, but this time, it seems like the students have become the masters.

This person’s kids told them there was water coming from the washer in the laundry room, and to come quickly, only for them to find this. If we didn’t know any better, we’d say this was the official unleashing of an all-out prank war.

Daily Commute

During the pandemic, experts recommended retaining a sense of normalcy by keeping your daily rituals during the work day, even if we you were working from home.

For this guy, that meant practicing his commute to work on the London Underground from the comfort of his bathroom. At least if he checks the weather app on his way to work it’ll give him the accurate report—light showers.

Water Mess

Hot temperatures can be really tough to manage for us humans, so we can’t even imagine how unbearable it must be for all the dogs out there. They can’t even walk on the ground without the risk of burning their little paws!

This dog had a chaotic yet hysterical solution to beat the heat by bringing the yard sprinkler through the doggy door. We couldn’t even be mad because it’s so cute.

Put Your Hands Up

We all know how that classic joke goes, right? So a DJ, a robber, and a priest walk into a bank…we’ll let this hilarious Venn diagram do the rest for us.

This just goes to show that everyone in life has more in common with each other than we thought. Whoever figured out the similarities between these vastly different groups must be nothing short of a genius.

Cursed Face Swap

Whether you’re more of a cat person or a dog person, no one can deny that these two species are two of the cutest in the world. If you’ve ever wanted to know what they would look like with each others’ faces, now’s your chance.

They’re both the perfect color for an almost seamless face swap. But just because you can, doesn’t always mean that you should. You might just be wishing you’d never seen it.

Paint the Town Gray

Graffiti is a pretty divisive topic these days. Some people see it as art, and others think it’s a form of environmental pollution.

This person saw a blank wall and instead of painting a beautiful scene, they jumped at the chance to leave a passive-aggressive message about the nature of graffiti itself. Pretty meta when you think about it.

Clean Sweep

When you ask members of the public to name just about anything, it’s always going to end in chaos. This person sent in their daughter’s wholesome suggestion for the local “Name a Street Sweeper” competition and luckily it won.

We never thought we needed to humanize street cleaning trucks, but seeing a truck with a name like “David Plowie” or “Bruce Springclean” would be enough to put a smile on anyone’s face.

Not Cool

Online shopping always comes with the risk that you’re not going to get the product you ordered. If you don’t measure right, or get a price that seems a little too good, chances are high that you’ll end up disappointed.

This person might not be as good at online shopping as they thought. The only solutions here are either to exclusively buy teeny tiny foods or buy another one and stack it on top.

Time to Chill

Family time can be stressful. And the only thing that’s more stressful than spending forced time with your own family is spending time with the in-laws.

It turns out that being around family during the holidays can raise your heart rate so much that even your watch is telling you to calm down. If only there was a button you could press on your smartwatch to tell your family to leave.

Last Person Standing

Times are tough these days. Work culture is getting so toxic and more people than ever seem to be abandoning ship at their various jobs. This happened in a big way at this drive-thru.

Of all the potential tragedies that could happen at your local Wendy’s, this has to be the absolute worst. At least the poor soul who stayed til the end had the decency to print a polite note before she left!

Take My Advice

We’ve all got those friends who think they’re therapists in the making. They just love to give advice, even if it’s completely unsolicited—and often terrible.

This group of crooners took their talent and turned it into a fully-fledged stall at their local art fair. Hey, no one can complain if it’s free! Maybe they don’t have anything better to do, so we should just let them have their fun.

Absolute Nomster

With the amount of time most people spend online, we’ve created a nation of super-fast typers. Some of us don’t even look at the keys whilst typing anymore, which is what makes this prank so devious because it would take a while for anyone to notice.

Switching the “m” and “n” keys? That’s a good one. Office pranks can land you in a whole lot of trouble, so this one is honestly harmless and hilarious in equal measure.

In Your Walls

There are two types of people in this world—those who like to play by the rules and those who can’t help but inject a little mischief into everyday life. This person was clearly feeling silly while renovating their house, as they left a skeleton in a full work-from-home setup hiding inside a wall before it got boarded up.

We would love to see the look on the face of whoever has the misfortune of uncovering this spooky house guest.


Cats are known for being chaotic creatures. They love to chase after the most bizarre things and race around causing a trail of destruction.

Whether this is a giant cat or a tiny model village, we can’t be too sure. But one thing’s for sure—this cat looks like it’s up to no good. We’re waiting for it to cause havoc.

Spice it Up

Can you handle your spice? Some people have a more—let’s just say—vanilla palate when it comes to spice, while others will take any kind of heat they can get.

This person wanted their pad thai spicy—and they meant seriously spicy. After specifying that they wanted their food 17 times spicier than usual, we’re going to bet that it still wasn’t hot enough for them.

Easiest Present Ever

You might think that you have to get kids the latest gadgets or most up-to-date tech for their holiday gifts these days, but if you’re anything like this girl, a stack of printer paper will do.

After stealing paper from her dad’s office to draw on all year, he gifted her her very own pack for Christmas. We can attest that this is a great gift because we remember from our childhoods that printer paper really is the best kind to draw on.

Heartfelt Message

Receiving birthday cards is always a joy. But if you’re anything like us, you’ll know that cards signed by “the family” are usually just your mom pretending that everyone else made an effort to write a message.

This mom officially ran out of patience for that whole facade and just stopped pretending altogether. At least she’s honest!

Toilet Riddle

Public toilets have a terrible reputation and it’s usually for good reason. You’d think some people out there never even learned how to use a toilet by the state in which some of them get left.

We could honestly spend hours trying to figure out what on earth they meant by this “important notice”. It sounds more like a fortune cookie message than a sign in a bathroom! How cryptic.

Daddy Long Legs

Kids can be so funny without even meaning to be. Even in the most serious of situations, their innocent humor can crack you up.

This guy lost his foot in a motorcycle accident, and that was the sticker his son chose to decorate the brace. It might not be the best choice of words, but if anything, we hope this sticker made him laugh during what must be a tough time.

After Life Buddies

Not everybody wants their funeral to be a sad occasion. Some people see it as a chance to celebrate life and remember the person who’s passed in a fond light.

We can tell that this grandma had an excellent sense of humor that came through long after she was gone. What a way to make your loved ones laugh from beyond the grave!

Doing Crunches

The pandemic really turned the world on its head. One of the most fascinating parts of quarantine was online school, which was arguably a terrible time for parents and teachers alike.

Trying to teach a regular class must be hard enough, but teaching Physical Education through a computer screen to a class full of uninterested students is borderline impossible. This kid, however, was clearly having a great time. Eating chips counts as exercise, right?

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