34+ Terrible Things People Did That Make Our Blood Boil


Have you ever stumbled upon something that made your blood boil, but you couldn’t quite understand why? Life is hard enough without the people around you contributing negatively to it.

Whether it’s infuriating parking jobs, rude signs, or just a tendency for being inconsiderate, these people seem to have an agenda for causing chaos and harm. Check out the terrible things these people did that made our blood boil.

No Parking

Before you can start driving, you must pass a test that shows you know the rules of the road. Contrary to popular belief, these rules don’t change—no matter how old you get or how expensive of a car you have,

We’re glad this guy didn’t take up any of the handicapped spaces, but it’s almost as bad that now, no one can get up onto the sidewalk. Come on, find a parking spot anywhere else.

Down in the Dumpster

Getting a dog takes a lot of time and responsibility. If you’re going to adopt a dog, it’s important that you have the means to do so.

We didn’t think we’d have to remind people of this, but a dog isn’t a piece of trash to throw away when you don’t want it anymore. Hopefully, this pup finds a better home soon.

So Im-nature

When you live in a city, a public park can be the perfect place to engage with nature and take a break from the normal hustle and bustle. However, some people just can’t let anyone enjoy anything nice.

Though the city planted small trees to add to the ambiance of the park, vandals seemed to have cut them down. What did those trees ever do to them?

Doggone It!

With so many dogs waiting in shelters to be adopted, and certain breeding practices that are simply inhumane, we’re not too upset to hear that this person is looking for a new line of work.

What we are upset by is the fact that they’re threatening the lives of four puppies to encourage someone to save them from a terrible fate. There simply must be other options.

Tire-d of This

Instead of going to the tire shop, these folks decided it’d be a whole lot cheaper to go to their local parking lot and steal some tires right off of a car.

Whoever owns this car is in for a shock when they rush to get to work in the morning. The tire robbers didn’t even bother to remove the cinder block they used to prop up the car! How unfortunate.

You’ll Be Charged

Many of us are glued to our phones. We can’t go anywhere without them, even to our jobs. If we hired employees, we might also be nervous that phones might make them less productive.

However, there are all kinds of situations where a phone might be needed on hand. To refuse your employees from plugging their phones in to charge them is simply unreasonable. How much electricity are you really losing from a few charged phones?


If you need extra manpower but can’t provide your employees with the standard needs for them to survive, you have a few things to worry about before you hire new people.

This company simply decided to outsource its labor by hiring people from other countries so they could pay them less. Clearly, this is a reflection of this company’s priorities. Yikes!

Ring It In

If you’re at the point where you and your boyfriend are talking about getting married, it’s a good idea to discuss the kind of ring you want. Otherwise, you might end up with a ring you’re not happy about.

This girl didn’t even allow her boyfriend to propose to her before she took to the internet to roast the ring he chose. Maybe he should reevaluate popping the big question.

Air it Out

These days, there are all kinds of ways to get to work. With bike and scooter shares, people can use these vehicles at their leisure. However, these motorists seem awfully upset that the city-implemented bikes are taking up what used to be their parking spots.

We get the frustration, but taking the air out of the bike tires accomplishes nothing. The only thing it does is make people late to work and cause beef throughout the neighborhood.

Love and Kindness

Relationships are built on love, trust, and communication. Without these, there’s not much of a foundation to build anything on.

This couple wouldn’t know what those things mean even if they were staring at them straight in the face. We’re not sure we’ve ever heard of two people less fit for each other than these two. We can’t help but think it’s time for a breakup.

Flick Off

There’s a fine line between disciplining your child and taking it too far. While every parent addresses their children’s wrongdoings in a different way, we thought we were past using physicality to get our kids in line.

There are tons of other ways to encourage different behaviors from your kids without having to threaten them—no matter how old they are.

Check the Flyer

At a certain point, it seems like our grandparents go from strong and capable to needing a bit of extra help when it comes to moving around on their own and taking care of business—both logistically and otherwise.

Unfortunately, for this grandmother, her grandson decided to use her vulnerability against her. Hey, if he’s not going to take responsibility, keep pasting those flyers for miles.

Giddy Up For Grief

We can all agree—picking up after our dogs is one of the most unfortunate parts of being a pet owner. Unfortunately, it’s part of the job. Luckily, it only takes a second.

However, this person’s refusal to put his dog’s poo bags in the trashcan led to major consequences. Not one, but two horses died! We didn’t even know this was a possible cause of death.

Here’s a Tip

Whoever made the rule that a ripped dollar bill is no longer legal to use probably should’ve thought more about the fact that money is made out of paper.

With one accidental rip, it’s all too possible to lose a hundred dollars—or five dollars for that matter. If you have a ripped bill, throw it away. Don’t shatter a barista’s hopes with a bill they can’t even use.

Rule Breaker

When it comes to cars, it’s pretty easy to tell when someone thinks very highly of themselves. One way to tell the size of someone’s ego is by how much they think rules don’t apply to them.

Did this Mustang driver really need Chipotle so badly that they couldn’t park a few spaces down? This whole parking lot is a mess.

Grave Digger

There’s no greater pain than losing a family member, especially when they’re your children. When this mom lost her son, putting a small memento he loved was one of the only things she could do to make herself feel just a tiny bit better.

Who on earth goes around cemeteries and takes things off to keep for themselves? If one thing should be kept sacred, it’s the graveyards where people visit their loved ones. Please, return the stone Millennium Falcon and get a new hobby.

Just My Type

When an attractive woman came in to apply for this job, this man was quick to dismiss her for the position—despite how well she’d fit in the job or the fact that this man is married.

If you’re making judgments about candidates based on something other than their experience and capabilities, you’re doing something wrong. If this guy is tempted by the presence of an attractive woman, he has more things to be guilty about than he thought.

Baby Daddy

If you are going to engage in adult activities and not use protection, you better be ready to deal with the consequences. When this girl found out she was pregnant, this guy stepped up to the plate, ready to take responsibility.

Too bad it wasn’t his child in the first place. The mother simply let him take on daddy duties without ever specifying that this wasn’t actually his child. This takes manipulation to a whole other level.

Roll With It

We’re not exactly sure what drives people to steal from others. Stealing from a guy in a wheelchair, who can’t even run after you? Now that’s a whole new low.

We can’t believe this man made eye contact with this person in the wheelchair before walking slowly away with their stuff. We hope he gets a healthy dose of karma.

A Step Too Far

Any person you get into a relationship with will come with their own set of baggage. While we wouldn’t necessarily categorize children as baggage, they can be an unexpected part of the deal. If you can’t handle the kids your partner already has, find a new relationship.

We can’t believe this woman tried to remove her young stepson from her family photos. Poor boy.

Blocked In

Living in a crowded area is not ideal for someone who works late and drives a car. If you’ve ever come home after 8 p.m. and had trouble finding a parking spot, we really feel for you.

However, in the middle of the day, in a suburban area with tons of parking on every other side of this car, there’s no good excuse to park in front of someone’s driveway. We’d tow their car right then and there.

Plane Rude

Finding the right position on a plane to sleep can be difficult. With narrow seats and even narrower legroom, you might be in for a long, restless journey.

Or you could always find the perfect position for you, even if it’s inconvenient and uncomfortable for everyone else. We’re all for taking your shoes off on a long flight, as long as you don’t rest them on top of someone’s head.

Faux Pas

Weddings are wonderful occasions, celebrating love, life, and the creation of a new family. Everyone has their own preferences for the aesthetics of their wedding, but there are a few rules we should all be agreeing to.

If you throw your wedding outside, please minimize the number of nonbiodegradable materials you use. You don’t want people remembering your big day for all the wrong reasons.

Showered in Love

Finding out you’re pregnant can be one of the most wonderful news to discover—unless of course, you don’t know who the father of the child is.

Instead of getting a test to determine who exactly was responsible for the baby in her tummy, this girl decided to go ahead and throw two baby showers. Now that takes some creativity and guts.

Contain Yourself

Caring for a dog is one of life’s joys, but sometimes they come with an unexpected bonus—tons of puppies. Suddenly having multiple baby pups to take care of can seem like a foreboding task, and not everyone is up for the challenge.

However, please don’t dump these newborn puppies on the side of the road in a storage container. We can’t believe this cruelty.

Beast Mode

Without even knowing the context of this guy’s rant, we could already tell we didn’t like what he had to say. But once we found out that he was referring to the bishop who stuck his hand inside Ariana Grande’s shirt during a funeral, we couldn’t help but cringe.

We’re so over people thinking it’s okay to act a certain way based on what a woman wears. We’re still waiting for the “harmless fun” part.

Stages of Grief

Grief can be overwhelming. When a family member dies, there are suddenly people to call, arrangements to be made, and big emotions to feel. The last thing you want to deal with is going to work.

At 9:18, this person messaged their work, saying they would need to be excused due to a death in the family. Too bad the management cared more about the time of the request than the actual content. We’d quit right away.

Mama’s Boy

We all get cravings for something sweet, but we’ve never felt the need to go into a store and steal something in order to fill those cravings. With no regard for laws or cameras in the store, this guy boldly took what he wanted without paying.

This looks like a grown man. If that wasn’t already embarrassing enough, his mom had to come into the store on his behalf!

Ditch the Rug

Living in more remote places can be a great way to have a quieter life, surrounded by nature. However, this makes it difficult when it comes to things like receiving packages.

Still, FedEx didn’t have to do these people so dirty by throwing their rug in a ditch. If they couldn’t find the house, couldn’t they drop it off at a local post office or ask them to clarify the address? Anything would be better than ruining their new carpet.

Girls Wanna Have Fun

When our parents told us to worry about ourselves, they were on to something. We’re not sure who put this woman in charge of speaking for girls as a whole population, but it’s not doing anyone any good.

Neither is the opinion of this guy. Ah, the wonders of social media—making it easier and easier to figure out whose presence you wouldn’t want in your life.

Admittedly Wicked

We’re sure most of us can look back on our days at school with a bit of regret. Maybe we failed a class here or had an unrequited crush there. We especially regret the times we were rude to our fellow students.

Hopefully, by the time you’re an adult, you should be able to recognize your wrongdoings. Bullying others isn’t something to be proud of—and no one else is laughing.

The Opposite of Charity

Instead of a tip jar, some businesses opt to donate customers’ extra change to a charity of their choosing. It’s a sweet way to raise awareness and donate to others in need.

However, someone seems to seriously misunderstand the meaning of charity. They must be really desperate if they’re taking quarters away from children’s cancer research. We hate that this sign is necessary at all.

Seek Therapy

If you and your partner are having issues in your relationship, couples therapy is a great place to go to air out some issues you just can’t seem to get through yourself.

Instead of taking the time to actually go to a licensed counselor, this person would much rather hire someone to stand in during the session, to avoid having to address any real problems. Suddenly, it’s incredibly clear why their partner suggested counseling in the first place.

Piece of Cake

Art is meant to evoke emotion and experiences. The famous Mona Lisa seems to have done just that. People come from far and wide to see Leonardo da Vinci’s famous piece, but none have ever been so angered by it to disguise themselves, bring cake into the museum, and throw it on the painting itself.

What a display of emotion. Thank goodness the glass saved the painting from being ruined forever.

Pee-ved Off

After being friends with someone for years, there comes a time when harmless pranks here and there are just part of the fun. This is not the case in this situation.

Not only do these people not know each other well enough to be pulling pranks on each other, but this is one of those pranks that wouldn’t be funny ever. No apology is going to excuse the fact that they let them drink a cup full of pee without saying anything.

Grave Mistake

With no way to talk to your dead relatives once they’ve passed, placing a beautiful bouquet of flowers is sometimes the only way to honor your relationship with them.

We can’t imagine the devastation one might feel to go back and see that someone has stolen the flowers off of their mother’s grave. That’s one way to tip your karmic balance in the wrong way.

Crash and Burn

For many people, their homes are their safe havens, but life has a way of being cruel. When this person’s house went up in flames, the only thing they could do was watch their whole world burn up with it.

Isn’t watching all of their possessions get destroyed traumatic enough? What kind of person feels the need to take it further and mock this horrible situation?

On a Break

If you want your employees to be hard-working, loyal, and excited to come to work, you have to provide them with a positive working environment. Adequate sick days and vacation days are a great place to start.

With only 60 hours of vacation time for an entire year, and such restrictive benefits, we’re surprised anyone has agreed to work for this company at all.

Driven Up a Wall

Art is subjective. But there’s no denying that this mural, which was a tribute to Studio Ghibli’s animation work that was painted by multiple local artists, looked a lot better before the addition of graffiti.

There are tons of empty buildings and walls to spray paint, so why ruin this one? We just can’t understand who would vandalize a gorgeous mural like this.

Cold to the Bone

Everyone has different rules when it comes to their pets. While some people want their pups in the bed or car next to them, others don’t want their dogs on anything they could potentially ruin.

Still, even if this person didn’t want his dogs to ride alongside them, couldn’t they at least have left them at home, instead of leaving them out to shiver in the freezing cold bed of their truck?

Good as New

Costco is a wonderland for adults. You can find just about anything you need, in big quantities for cheap prices. The best part is, that if you don’t like something, you can always return it.

While their policy is quite inclusive, it still doesn’t seem fair that a person who obviously bought their plants months ago and refused to take care of them can bring them to the store to get a discount.

Driving Me Crazy

After dedicating your life to raising your children, you can only hope they turn out grateful and respectful. This mom seems to be kicking herself when her kids don’t want to do the shopping, but we’re on the kids’ side. These children aren’t ungrateful—they’re just being reasonable.

If you want your kids to do the shopping, teach them to drive. We don’t know anyone who’d willingly walk 10 miles both ways to go to a store.

Just Being Neighborly

Usually, when you live in an apartment building, a barking dog next door is your biggest issue. This building experienced the unique situation of having the dog owner be the cause of the problem.

Instead of finding a trashcan near him to dispose of his dog’s waste, he went out of his way to throw the poo bags in front of a particular building. Either he has it out for the residents of this apartment or he’s simply inconsiderate.

What a Mess

If you’re a family with young kids, the odds of a spill here and there are high. No one expects families to maintain complete cleanliness at a restaurant, but some amount of etiquette would be nice.

Two moms and their kids met at Cracker Barrel, threw food all over the place, and left. Now this guy is left to clean up the horrible mess they made. This is so upsetting.

Fresh Out of Manners

After a long day of work, it’s nice to come home and already have all the ingredients you need to make a nice meal with your significant other. Hello Fresh is a great way to take off some of the stress of cooking, and this couple loved using their meal prep.

So was this person, who had apparently seen this couple receive so many orders, that they wanted to see what it was all about. Too bad that meant stealing it from their neighbors.

Air Drop

The feature of Air Drop on iPhones allows anyone to send any pictures they want to random phones without any consequences. While people usually use this for silly pictures, there are times when this becomes dangerous.

Given the history of the U.S., someone must’ve been on a power trip when they airdropped this photo to a passenger right when their plane was boarding. That’s one way to delay a flight.

That’s Mental

Though mental health is still a newer topic being discussed in our society, much of the discussion focuses on women. We’ve still got a long way to go before men’s mental health is widely accepted as valid.

Even when people try to hold space for the feelings of men, people are right there with comments denying these emotions even exist. Commenters like these are the exact people who need love sent to them.

What’s for Lunch?

Many restaurants these days are doing their best to stay up-to-date with technology and use less paper. We love the effort to be more environmentally friendly, but not everyone has a smartphone to scan those QR menus.

If this guy just needed help reading the menus, that’d be okay. Instead, he preferred to make a fool out of his waiters and have them do extra work just for his entertainment. We’d hate to be his server.

Nice Try

Mental health is a serious issue. If you’re feeling lonely and helpless, please find someone you trust to confide in. Nothing is ever so horrible that you can’t handle it.

Definitely, definitely do not listen to people who say things like this. We promise there are better people than this in the world—find them, cherish them, and let them block out the noise of people like this.

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