40+ Heartwarming Posts That Make Us Smile


In a world that sometimes feels like a rollercoaster of ups and downs, we all could use a little sunshine now and then. We’ve scoured the internet for the most heartwarming posts that prove that even in the toughest of times, there’s always a silver lining.

From random acts of kindness to unexpected moments of joy, these posts are full of positivity. You won’t be able to stop smiling!

ATM Activist

Even in this cashless world, there are times when you still need paper money. When you do, it’s so frustrating to find that the ATM wants to charge you fees to withdraw your own money.

Fortunately, some thoughtful person has taken the time to direct people to the nearest places with free cash withdrawals. Yes, we know it’s technically graffiti, but let’s be real, who wouldn’t be grateful for this tip-off?

Daddy Daycare

Not being able to find childcare is frustrating and stressful. However, for parents who have enough resources to take time off work, it can also be a great opportunity to spend some quality time with their kids.

This girl clearly appreciated some one-on-one time with her dad, and we’re sure that heartwarming statement meant he ran faster than he ever had before. Shout out to all the amazing dads out there.

One in a Million

So many kids love unicorns and dream of seeing one in “real life” and now they can. This little pup survived an injury at birth and instead of being worse off for having only one ear, it transformed into an adorable mythical being.

We love this selection of photos, showing this fluffy unicorn from all her best angles. What a good girl.

Now That’s a Christmas Tree

For most of us, the winter season means ice skating in the park, hot chocolate with marshmallows, and staying in for cozy movie nights. Unfortunately, for many people who don’t have a home or enough warm clothes, the cold weather is a nightmare.

This neighborhood “warmth tree” is such an amazing idea and reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas. We recommend this lovely initiative to any cold-weather communities during this winter season.

Better Together

Sadly, seniors who lose their spouses have to live out the rest of their lives alone. It’s a deeply sad situation and there’s so much loneliness in the older generation.

Fortunately for this couple, they have been able to combat the isolation through friendship. We hope we have best friends like that to take care of us when we’re old.

Party Time

It’s a sad truth that we all know how cruel kids can be. If you don’t fit in then school can feel like a battleground. However, even in the midst of bullying, it’s heartwarming to know that some kids have hearts of gold and don’t follow the crowd.

We hope these boys had a great time at the birthday party and that other kids start being kinder to all their classmates.

Team TV

In life, we often find ourselves in situations where we have to compete with others, especially when it comes to our careers. However, this TV wall mount technician has realized that we are always stronger together.

Let’s all take some inspiration from this heartwarming story and always try to lift each other up rather than tearing each other down. It’s a win for everyone.

`From Goo to Gorgeous

If you’re having one of those days when you’re wrapped in a comforter burrito and feeling like you’re a failure, don’t worry.

As we can learn from this tweet about the butterfly life cycle, becoming the version of yourself you aspire to be is never easy. If you’re feeling like a pile of goo, just know this is part of the hard work you have to do to emerge from your cocoon as a beautiful butterfly.

TatToo Cute

Kids always ask the most difficult, creative, and usually the cutest questions, and it’s up to us to help them learn about the world around them. It’s totally understandable why a kid would think that tattoos have to be applied each morning.

It’s also so cute that they assume that adults still have moms around to help them get ready each day. Let’s hope this kid keeps asking questions and brightening up people’s days.

Turtle-y Awesome

There are some people who are heroes even if they don’t wear capes. We hate to think that turtles are being sold at markets, but we’re so glad they have their very own turtle superhero.

This guy is making sure that these beautiful creatures are spared from the cooking pot and sent back to live wild and free in the ocean. All we can say is thank you, Sir.

Pre-Teen Hero

Imagine being an 11-year-old kid going about your day when you notice someone in trouble. Most preteens would go get an adult to help, but not Davyon Johnson. This young hero saved TWO lives in ONE day.

His extraordinary courage and presence of mind have not only made him a local hero, but also reminded us that heroism knows no age boundaries.

Oh, Deer

Everybody loves decorating for the holiday season. People can get super creative with their outdoor decorations but this one absolutely takes the cake.

It seems as though this person put their Christmas decorations up during the daytime, without realizing that when night time came around, shadows on her house would create quite the unfortunate scene.

Birthday Boy

We all want to enjoy our birthdays, even when we’re getting on a bit. This dog may not be the party animal he once was, but he can still enjoy some good pats and cuddles with passers-by.

We love that his owner has provided everything people need to give him a good old butt rub as they go past to make sure he has the best birthday ever.

Raining Cats and Dogs

Everyone knows that most cats hate water and will avoid it at all costs. Luckily for indoor cats, they don’t really have to deal with getting caught in the rain. But street cats don’t have it so easy.

This thoughtful person has made sure that these street cats have somewhere to shelter during the rain, resulting in this hilarious photo. This solution is just purrfect.


It’s always fun to spice things up and return to those early-days flirtations when sparks were flying. However, you have to be careful about where you choose to do it.

Women don’t typically like being hit on in the gym and this woman was quick to make sure that her fellow female gym user wasn’t feeling uncomfortable. We love to see sisters sticking together.

Uber Proud

Seeing parents be proud of their children is always heartwarming, but this is next-level melt-worthy. This dad is so proud of his daughter at law school that he likes to tell complete strangers in his cab about her achievements.

We love that this Twitter user decided to get the word out there and we really hope that Steven’s daughter spotted the post.

Dog’s Day

We all dream of seeing the world through the eyes of our furry friends and it sounds like this camera allows us to do just that.

Imagine having such a simple, happy existence that your heart races at the sight of a cute little duck floating on the ocean. We need an exhibition of this good boy’s photography now please.

Ballet Boy

Even though we have made great progress when it comes to gender equality, there are still a lot of boundaries that need to be broken down. It’s easy to understand why a young boy might be worried about taking up ballet.

However, it’s so heartwarming to hear that his parents made sure he knew that he could pursue whatever hobby he wanted. It sounds like he’s a natural talent.

Angel in Disguise

Having to accompany a parent to a hospital is tough at any age, let alone when you’re just 14. We can’t even imagine what it would be like to be stuck at the hospital during a crisis and not be able to call your mom.

Luckily help was at hand in the form of an angel with pockets full of loose change. We’re sure the lady who gave the quarters doesn’t even remember this small act of generosity but the poster sure does.

Another Day, Another Dollar

It’s the little things that brighten up our day, and finding money in your pocket that you didn’t realize you had always brings a smile to your face.

Therefore it’s so heartwarming to hear that this guy’s sister makes sure he has a dollar to discover in his pocket every time he’s feeling down. That’s some beautiful sibling love and support right there.

Holiday Helper

The holidays are a time when we all want to be together, eat good food, and spend time with our families. Unfortunately, those who work in essential services can’t always choose when to take time off.

Instead of being sad that his son couldn’t be with him on Christmas, this dad decided to be proactive and join his son on the wards. Now that’s a Christmas miracle.

The Doctor Will See You Now

There is nothing like a proud parent. Even as we get older, our parents are still there cheering us on from the sidelines and taking joy in all of our achievements.

This dad was so proud that his son became a doctor that he sat in the waiting room just to hear his son’s name called out. Excuse us while we wipe the tears away because this is heartbreakingly cute.

WiFi Wonder

In this day and age, living without a WiFi connection is very difficult, and a reality for so many low-income families. The internet can make all the difference when it comes to education, autonomy, and more.

This person knew that his neighbors wouldn’t accept his WiFi password so he came up with this ingenious idea to make sure his neighbors had access. Look out for your community because a small act of kindness can go a long way.

Christmas Gifts

If you’re having a ruff day, we promise this will cheer you up. Any dog owner will know that dogs can get very attached to their toys and are heartbroken if they lose one while out on a walk.

Fortunately, this person and their dog have made it their mission to collect all those lost balls and return them to their owners. “Merry Woofmas” indeed!

Dog’s Dinner

Not all restaurants are dog-friendly. It’s understandable, but it makes it a little difficult for those of us with furry friends to find a place that is willing to welcome our WHOLE families.

But this cafe has gone above and beyond, not only welcoming dogs but also offering them their very own menu (at reduced prices, of course). We’ll have the scrambled eggs with a side of diced turkey, please.

This Takes the Cake

Tragically, some new parents are faced with the idea that their precious babies won’t make it through the first few days of life. As heartbreaking as this is, they still want to celebrate the birth of their child.

We’re so relieved to hear that this “Welcome Baby Cake” was enjoyed by some proud parents and we hope the girl is well and thriving.

Kodak Moment

Guide dogs are some of the most amazing animals around. It blows our minds that these clever creatures can learn the skills to become such invaluable companions to visually impaired people.

This guide dog school portrait is ridiculously cute. He looks so proud and we love the tie. Seems to us that dogs should always come in on school photo day.

Three in a Bed

Parenting is undeniably one of the hardest jobs. Having responsibility for another little human is a lot to deal with, and the endless worrying about the safety and well-being of your children is exhausting.

But these parents must have melted when they saw their son’s drawing. His vision of “safe” is being snuggled in bed between them—they’re obviously smashing the parenting thing.

Potato Paragon

Peeling potatoes is one of the most dull tasks in the kitchen and we can understand why moms who do the lion’s share of the cooking would need a hand.

This mom’s trick works on so many levels—it made this person happy because he got to feel like he was really talented at something and it meant mom didn’t have to spend hours with the peeler. Everybody won. We are definitely going to use this one when we have kids.

Pay it Forward

It’s common knowledge that being a single mother is one of the hardest jobs out there. They take on responsibilities that are usually split between two adults, all on their own. For somebody to choose to be a single mom must mean that their partner was only making their life harder .

This supermom was saving her kids from harms way, and it didn’t go unnoticed. When a kind stranger anonymously helped her out, they had no idea the impact they had on the young family.

Doggo Bros

Any dog owner will tell you that it sometimes seems like their furry friend has near-human intelligence. They can sense when you’re sad, they can ask for exactly what they need and sometimes, they know just how to push your buttons.

We had no idea that they could recognize each other from puppyhood. This dog recognized his long-lost brother in the park and look how happy they are to be reunited. We’re not crying, you’re crying.

Rapt Audience

We all know how much men love impressing their friends and family with their skills on the acoustic guitar. This guy’s family is obviously a little too busy to sit and listen, but we’re happy to see that he has an alternative audience.

These canine cuties are enjoying a serenade and we hope they’re joining in with a chorus of barks. We can’t wait til this newly formed band takes things on the road because we want front-row seats.

Hounds Doing Homework

Lots of kids hate doing homework when they want to be playing with their friends, but this teacher has made it all the more enjoyable with this call for photos.

Most children wouldn’t mind doing some homework with an adorable pup beside them cheering them on. We have to agree with the teacher that this truly is an “under-appreciated photography genre”.

Grandparent Gold

Grandparents are a true inspiration when it comes to the longevity of relationships. Many of them have been together for 30, 40, or even 50 years and know all the secrets when it comes to love.

This grandad’s text just shows how much he still cherishes his wife, and we’re pretty sure she cherishes him too. Sounds like they both found the gold at the end of the rainbow.

On the Nice List

Much like your family, you don’t have much control over who your neighbors are in life. Sometimes, you’re cursed with a nightmare neighbor living next door, but other times you end up making friends for life with the people living in your building.

We love that this elderly woman got into the festive spirit and we’re hoping her fun tradition lived on long after she passed.

Scarf Tree

Staying warm in winter isn’t easy for everyone. For those with low income or on the streets, the cold weather signals a fight for survival. This community has come up with a way to help those in need.

It’s not just about staying warm—it’s a gesture of solidarity and a promise that no one in this community will be left in the cold. This heartwarming act of kindness exemplifies the power of togetherness and the beauty of a community that looks out for each other, one scarf at a time.

Nicest Nurse Award

If you have to go into hospital for a long time, sometimes you have no choice but to give up your beloved pet, at a time when you need their unconditional love more than ever.

However, this post is proof that angels walk among us. It’s easy to see how much this nurse’s amazing act of kindness means to the man. Let’s hope he makes a speedy recovery so he can take his dog home.

Family Man

When kids are left without parents for whatever reason, it can be very difficult to keep siblings together. Even when people’s intentions are good, they don’t always have the resources to adopt multiple children together.

Fortunately, this super dad has made it a priority to keep families together in their most difficult times. When we see the smiling faces of those little princes and princesses, we can definitely see why.

Slow Food

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be hard to allow yourself to take a moment to breathe. We expect everything to be instant and that sometimes includes our food.

However, everyone knows that food tastes better when it’s made with time, care, and love and that’s exactly the policy at Dante’s. We just know that those sandwiches are worth waiting for.

Dinner’s On Us

Many people stumble upon difficult times, and sometimes they struggle to buy food. There are charities that help, but there is often stigma attached to accessing food banks and soup kitchens.

We love that this family-run restaurant is doing what it can to help by offering hot meals to those in need in such a friendly fashion. We want to see this kind of sign everywhere.

Too Purrfect

Kittens don’t discriminate—they can provide comfort to whoever needs it, and that’s why we love them. This kitten provided the perfect way for these neurodivergent people to connect at the vet.

When the mom told the little boy to thank the kitten owner, he thanked his new feline friend instead. Now that’s just so stinking cute, we don’t know what to do with ourselves.

Stop the Bus

We all know what it’s like when we’re on public transport and someone creepy decides to come and sit much too close and start chatting. Even if their intentions aren’t bad, it’s still a very uncomfortable situation.

Luckily for this girl, an older woman spotted her discomfort and knew exactly what to do. Shout out to all the grannies protecting girls on buses, you are doing God’s work.

Best Buds

Whenever you’re feeling sad, anxious, or scared, there’s always a dog video or photo that will brighten your day. There’s a reason these canine cuties are known as man’s best friend.

Apparently, they’re also best friends with each other. Nothing will keep these pooches from having a nice cuddle, not even a high gate. This friendship is just too cute.

Mom Therapy

The best moms are a beacon of unwavering love and support. Their warm hugs, soothing words, and nurturing presence offer comfort like no other. They’re the ultimate cheerleaders, encouraging us through life’s ups and downs.

When this girl needed some words of love and encouragement, her mom sang to her in front of her whole office. Sounds to us like she’s the sunshine.

Christmas Miracle

We’ve all had wrong-number phone calls, but they usually don’t come with any sense of mystery. In this case, it seems that the universe conspired to connect these two during the holidays.

Christmas is a tough time for people who’ve lost loved ones. We’re so sad to hear that this woman lost her daughter around Christmastime time, but we’re glad that the OP accidentally called her number and brought joy to her day.

Words of Wisdom

Many of us wonder what the secret is to a long and happy partnership, and who better to tell us than couples who have been together for decades?

This man shared these adorable photos of him and his wife on their wedding day and 35 years later, along with some words of wisdom for those of us who aspire to that kind of happiness. We’d say that’s some pretty good advice for everyone.

Toast to the New Year

New Year is a lovely holiday when we can feel a sense of renewal, make resolutions, and toast to the year ahead. Normally we make the toast with a glass of bubbly, but we can understand why this three-year-old child got a little confused.

We’re glad this family has a yummy new tradition. We might have to adopt it and start the year with a tasty, crunchy piece of warm buttered toast.

Dino Dynasty

Everyone knows how much kids love dressing up. Going to a wedding? They want to wear a Superman costume. Going to the grocery store? They insist on wearing a tiara.

While most parents enjoy the antics of their cosplaying kids, they don’t necessarily join in. But this family is different. We love that this little dinosaur is being looked after by two big dinosaurs in the park, and we’re sure they’re having the time of their lives.

Puppy Love

Everyone knows that puppies and babies are some of the cutest creatures on the planet. Put them together and you’ve got yourself a cuteness overload.

It took us a second to spot this baby in amongst all those pups, but when we did, our hearts melted. A part of us wonders what they’ve spotted over the fence, but we’re mostly preoccupied with this outrageously adorable sight.

Sun for Serena

Children’s capacity for love is always inspiring, especially when it extends beyond the human world. They don’t discriminate, nurturing everything from pets to siblings to inanimate objects.

This little girl wanted to make sure her plant was getting everything it needed to grow and flourish, so she did what she needed to do. We’re sure Serena was so grateful for all the care and sunlight that she grew bigger and more beautiful every day.

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