40+ Relatable Posts That Made Us Laugh Out Loud


If you’re ever feeling out of step with the world, spend some time online. Chances are, there’ll be someone, somewhere, who you can relate to and that’s a comforting thought.

From everyday mishaps to thoughts you’ve never dared to speak aloud, the internet is a treasure trove of relatable and hilarious posts. These gems will remind you that you’re not alone.

Crossword Queen

Doing crossword puzzles can either be a relaxing way to do a little low-stakes brain gym or they can be an incredibly frustrating revelation of how little you remember from high school.

We all know that indescribable joy you get when you know an obscure word. We 100% relate to this Twitter user’s feeling of triumph for being able to help her mom. The word for the tip of a shoelace is “aglet” by the way—who knew?

Teachable Moment

Some cities are just more hardcore than others. If you’re from a cute, small city, chances are, things are going to be a whole lot different if you move to a major city like LA.

Making friends at parties is hard enough, let alone if you don’t know the slang of your new community. This miscommunication is pretty unfortunate and we can understand why the “sub” girl was horrified to be asked about working with kids in that context.

Adopt an Introvert

Introverts are people who prefer to be alone with their own thoughts and feelings, then spending time in big groups. These quiet, reserved, and thoughtful people can find it tricky to make friends.

If you’re an introvert, you’ll know that most introverts are lucky enough to meet a friendly extrovert who takes them under their wing and brings them to social events when they feel up to it. What a heartwarming tale of “opposites attract”.

Just Keep Watching

In today’s chaotic world, we’re all just searching for a bit of comfort and familiarity, even in the shows we watch. Yes, maybe we’re missing out on cutting-edge new dramas, but at least we feel safe knowing exactly what’s going to happen at the end of every episode.

It’s no surprise that our favorite category on Netflix is “Watch it Again”. Now excuse us while we go rewatch the whole of Friends for the third time this year.

Makes You Sphinx

There are lots of college degrees out there that aren’t so relevant in the real world. Arts and humanities students will know that most employers aren’t very interested in your knowledge of Shakespeare or Matisse.

There’s always the option of staying in academia and kidding other students into thinking their degrees are worthwhile. Learning about the pyramids in a pyramid scheme—all we can say is good luck to all the budding Egyptologists out there!

Hairy Situation

There are lots of things we have to adjust to as we get older. As well as having more responsibilities and fewer excuses to eat cereal for dinner, our bodies also start to change. We have aches and pains in places we never had before, our skin starts to wrinkle and our hair starts to thin.

Unfortunately, the hair follicles in another, less visible area tend to go into overdrive for no apparent reason. Thanks a lot, biology.

Happy Childhood

If you were a thoughtful and solemn child who wasn’t great at doing “kid things”, people might have called you an “old soul”.

This Twitter user had translated what they really meant when they said that and honestly, it’s devastating. Let’s look out for all the 12-year-old “old souls” who actually just need therapy. We see you, we got you (we were you).

Mind Games

When it comes to dating, there are lots of games that guys will play to keep girls on their toes. Or at least, it seems like there is.

What if, rather than waiting a prescribed amount of time between each reply to make you think he’s not super interested, he’s actually just checking his phone in between rounds of Mario Cart? Really makes you think, doesn’t it?

Just to Compare

When watching the Olympics, it can be easy to forget your own complete lack of athletic talent and get a little catty when assessing the athletes—“Err, that diver made a pretty big splash, they should definitely take points off for that.”

We agree that it would definitely be helpful to have a regular person participate in each sport, just so we can appreciate the incredible talents of Olympic athletes. They’d better just make sure to have an ambulance nearby.

Hearing Voices

Personally, we thought everyone lived with an internal voice reminding them of embarrassing things they did 12 years ago, thinking about what to eat next and doubting whether their friends actually like them because one of them ended a text with a period.

But this Twitter user has shared an alarming fact that apparently, it’s less than 50% of us. We wonder what it’s like in the heads of those (presumably sociopathic) people who are unbothered by an incessant internal monologue. Must be nice.

Relatively Speaking

The way we were raised often has an impact on how we live our lives as adults. Kids who were brought up with strict parents might have trouble letting go and feeling free.

This Twitter user is clearly holding on to some childhood trauma if they feel like they can only have fun on certain days. Someone was obviously kept inside doing their homework while all the other kids played out in the street.

Life Before Google

For anyone born before the year 2000, it’s crazy to think that the kids of today are growing up with technology at their fingertips from day one. Back when we were kids, there was no Wikipedia and we had to rely on older and hopefully wiser family members to give us the answers.

If they were wrong, we had no way of telling. Let’s take a moment to think of all the Aunt Marges out there—we hope they’re not feeling obsolete.

Deal Us In

Black Friday marketing tempts us with deals on all kinds of items we don’t really need—flat screens, speakers, laptops and other expensive technological items are all the usual suspects.

However, we are in agreement with this Twitter user. Make Black Friday about the things we actually need, and you better believe we’ll be camping outside Trader Joe’s as soon we’ve finished eating our pumpkin pie.

Sad But True

In medical dramas like House or Grey’s Anatomy, it’s very common to see doctors playing detective and not stopping ’til they’ve figured out what’s wrong with a patient.

But unfortunately, the reality is that patients are often gaslit by medical practitioners who are unwilling to believe their unusual symptoms are real. Always advocate for yourself, or at least find a doctor who looks like Patrick Dempsey.

Gone Phishing

Although the older generation has just about mastered their smartphones, they haven’t quite caught up with modern-day texting etiquette. They are forever sending messages that resemble emails from your boss.

This dad probably thought he was just being polite when he wrote this ridiculously suspicious-sounding request for his son’s Netflix log-in. Hey, if he’s ever looking for a career as an illegal scammer, he’s got a ready-made portfolio.

Making Better Choices

As we get older, we tend to make better decisions when it comes to dating. While we’ve all gone through our fair share of jerks who’ll cheat when you’re in the next room, things don’t always have to be that way.

This guy clearly knows that the kitchen is the best place to be at parties, and for good reason. We hear wedding bells.

Don’t Sweat It

Being snuggled up like a burrito in a blanket is one of the greatest joys in life. So excuse us if we don’t want to give up that joy, even when it’s 100 degrees outside.

If we could just have a blanket that keeps us cool and comfortable while offering all the security of a weighted blanket, that would be ideal. Until then, we’ll just be over here sweating our way through the summer.

No Words

In this age of constant development and progress, most things are replaced before we’ve even gotten used to them. This is not so with everyone’s (least) favorite word-processing software.

Despite being totally user-unfriendly and frustrating, Microsoft Word is still the go-to. To be honest, knowing that something so flawed continues to abide, in spite of everything—well, we take comfort in that.

Ferrero Rich-er

When guests brought around a box of Ferrero Rocher back when we were kids, it felt like Christmas had come early. The gold wrappings, the special little paper nests, the hidden hazelnut—these were the classiest of candies.

To be honest, at $12.99 a box, we still think these are the height of luxury. This Twitter user must be doing well for herself if she no longer thinks Ferrero Rocher are crazy expensive.

Not Just Ghosts on Dating Apps

Boys and girls often have very different approaches to life, especially when it comes to social media. Girls are usually an open book, sharing fun photos of their friends, their dinners, and yes, the odd selfie. Boys, on the other hand, seem to think they’ve entered a witness protection program, refusing to share even about the most important milestones in their lives.

We’re left wondering if boys even own smartphones or just communicate via smoke signals. Come on, guys, break the code of silence and share some hilarious cat videos already.

Careful What You Wish For

Kids always wanna grow up faster—they can’t wait for bedtime whenever they want, no homework, and independence. But as we now know, adulthood isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. When you’re young, no one tells you about taxes, crow’s feet, and having to pay for your own food.

We love that Blink-182 replied to this thread. Yes, they did try to warn us with “What’s My Age Again?” but we didn’t listen and now we’re paying the price.

Sock it to Me

There are some things that you just assume everyone does in the same order. And when you find out some people do things differently, it can be a little alarming.

We have to admit, we agree with Twitter user Bri Schwapp that “sock shoe sock shoe” is an abomination and shouldn’t be allowed. We can’t explain why but it’s just wrong.

Easy Choice

The person posing this question was obviously trying to make some profound point about how friends are more important than money and money can’t buy happiness, blah blah blah…

However, we have a hard enough time keeping in touch with six friends, let alone 30 million, even if they are “loyal”. Give us the money and we’ll take our small, select friendship group on holiday and get the best of both worlds.

Aging Gracefully

Back in the day, minor injuries were caused by falling off the monkey bars or crashing our bikes. Nowadays, these kinds of accidents would land us in hospital with a fracture at the very least.

As we get older, our bodies start punishing us for the way we looked after them (or didn’t) in our youth and now the smallest thing can mean the difference between a regular day at work and spending the day at work with a hot wattle bottle strapped to our neck.

Go With the Flow

Marketing for women’s sanitary products is just something else. Who on their period is planning on doing sports in a pristine white outfit? We can see why men would get a little confused when visiting the feminine hygiene aisle for the ladies in their lives.

To be fair to this guy, he’s just asking which product to buy. We hope she replied with more of a “secret agent vibe”.

Secret Life of Teachers

When we were young, teachers seemed like put-together grown-ups whose sole purpose in life was to teach students, organize field trips, and hang out in the teacher’s lounge.

But we’re getting a whole different perspective now that we see people of our generation working in education. Maybe our teachers had a secret life we never knew about. They were clearly better at us at hiding the after-effects of their nights on the town.

Ruff Day

We all know the bond between men and their dogs is beyond comprehension. But greeting your dog so tenderly when your wife is right there is taking things to the next level.

We hope this guy doesn’t reserve all his affection for the dog because his wife might not wait around for her own forehead kisses much longer. He should probably brush his teeth in between though.

Homebody vs. Outdoorsy

There are two types of people in this world: the kind who want to be up and out and doing things and view a day at home as a day wasted, and the kind who couldn’t be happier staying in their own little sanctuary.

They say it takes all sorts to make a world and we’re happy we can all co-exist, indoors and outdoors.

Life Lessons

We learn a lot from employment—what motivates us, what we’re interested in, how to connect with others, and more.

However, this Twitter thread reminded us of a sad truth about the workplace we’d rather wasn’t the case. If you get all your work done quickly and efficiently, the only thing you’re going to be rewarded with is more work. Not great motivation really, is it?

Penny for Your Thoughts

When this Twitter user posed this question to her followers, she was just trying to find out where people’s priorities lie when it comes to money and their enemies.

We’re sure she wasn’t expecting this hilarious, but devastating response. If we could get $150,000 for our self-loathing, we definitely wouldn’t turn our noses up at it.

Winter Isn’t Coming

When Game of Thrones was still airing, there was an unbelievable amount of hype surrounding it. Everyone knew about the Red Wedding even if they’d never paid a visit to Westeros.

We appreciate that this guy has so much respect for people who managed to avoid Game of Thrones. We could say the same for people who haven’t seen Barbie yet.

Getting Busy

Our grandparents’ generation has a lot of opinions about life today. With more progressive ideas about relationships, and a more open approach to certain facts of life, older people might think we are all obsessed with getting busy.

However, if the number of kids grandparents have is anything to go by, looks like they were having a lot of fun as well. Guess they didn’t have Netflix back then so there wasn’t much else to do.

Flush it Real Good

There are some things in life that we go through over and over again and we still don’t know the right way to behave in the situation.

This Twitter user has hit the nail on the head with this one. We’ve been alive longer than 20 years and if someone interrupts us mid-flow, we just squeak incoherently and hope we remembered to lock the door.

Math Problems

The kids of today face a lot of pressures we didn’t have to deal with such as rampant social media culture, climate chaos, and intense pressure to succeed.

But they might not know that in some ways, they have it easier. They probably do their math homework on an app on their iPads. They’ll never know the nightmare of their parents teaching them the wrong way to do long division and then having to unlearn it to learn the teacher-approved way.


Two days is never enough time to run errands, do laundry, tidy the house, see friends and loved ones, AND relax enough to feel ready for the week ahead.

We feel like they should add time for “staying in bed like we’ve got some Victorian wasting disease” to the official petition for a four-day workweek. We’d sign it, so long as our consumption-ravaged weak wrists could manage to dip the pen in the ink well.

Bunch of Squares

There are lots of things we learn at school that don’t seem to have relevance to our later life. When did you last use trigonometry, for example?

Square dancing in elementary school is another that comes to mind. Were they trying to couple us up as 10-year-old kids? Was it just to take a break from actual teaching? We’ll never know. Do-si-dos out the door.

Not Under My Roof

As we get older, we learn to cut toxic people out of our lives for the sake of our own self-preservation. This includes people who always think we’re being defensive, even when we’re not.

But unfortunately, it’s not always possible to escape the people treating us badly, especially if they’re our parents. A few more years, buddy, just a few more years.

No Cluckin’ Way

Being rejected sucks. In relationships, in job applications, in friendships—we all know the feeling of being rejected and it’s very hard to not just end up feeling bad about ourselves.

However, being rejected using humor just rubs salt in the wounds. The HR department at KFC really needs to rethink how they respond to unsuccessful applicants because these yolks just aren’t funny.

Checks and Balances

There is plenty of advice out there about how to become successful, get rich, and optimize every aspect of your life. Yes, we’d all love a 10-figure salary but for most of us, that will never happen no matter how hard we try.

We love this hilarious interpretation of this unrealistic piece of advice. Well, it’s definitely a phone number, isn’t it?

Lockdown Love

We’re pretty sure that most people don’t remember the days of the pandemic so fondly, but this Twitter user makes a good point.

When we couldn’t leave the house, we did get up to some pretty wholesome activities that gave us a taste of what life could be like. But we’ll take being able to see friends and hug our grandparents over baking bread any day of the week.

No Fur

There really is no justice in the world. Women spend countless dollars and hours trying to convince their hair to act in the way that they want.

Men, on the other hand, can wash their hair with dish soap and it will still look lovely. The only compensation is that most men start to lose their hair pretty early on, while women can keep fighting with their lustrous locks for years.

Raise a Toast

Sometimes it’s important to show our gratitude for the simplest things in life, and toast is a great example. If you really think about it, why would anyone have decided to grill bread when it was already cooked in the first place?

We’re so grateful they did because they inadvertently created the best snack, breakfast, lunch, or dinner without even trying. Let’s all raise a toast to this hero.

That’s the Tooth

Going to the dentist is never that much fun. The waiting, the drilling, the antiseptic smell, the numb face afterward, it’s not exactly an enjoyable experience.

Plus, when the appointment is over, you have to face booking your next appointment and realize how little you have your life together. Honestly, we don’t know what we’re doing tomorrow, let alone four months from now.

Don’t Clip Their Wings

It’s a stereotype that women are tidy and men are messy. While it’s not always true, moments like this definitely make us think more about this difference.

This is the definition of organized chaos—even though the woman sees a mess, the man knows exactly where to find even the tiniest of objects. The system is obviously working for him so no complaints here.

Baby Daddy

Even when people are the same age, they have very different visions of what they want their life to look like. Some people want to be settled down while others prefer to enjoy their youth a little longer.

We’re just glad that the first guy is so happy with his four kids, and we can also understand where the other guy is coming from (although we hope he didn’t use those exact words when he replied).

That Sounds Sketchy

It’s true that they don’t teach much art history in school these days, so we can kind of understand how this Twitter user made this assumption.

However, given that Picasso is one of the most famous artists of all time and his art is extremely avant-garde, we would hope most people would know he’s a little more modern. Maybe she got him confused with Michaelangelo.

The Sisterhood

It’s a sad truth that women have to be incredibly vigilant when it comes to dating. We all know that meeting a man you’ve never met before can go horribly wrong so women have to enlist their friends to make sure they get home safe.

This post points out that these kinds of safety precautions are such a given that women won’t think twice before wishing their friend a great night with their potential murderer. Unfortunately, this is the world we live in.

Telling it Straight

Kids often offer up hard truths, whether they mean to or not. They aren’t old enough to know which questions are appropriate, and what’s most refreshing is that they also have no prejudice.

This nephew doesn’t even blink when his uncle reveals his preferences, but he still demands to know why he doesn’t have a partner. Time for Uncle Mike to take a long, hard look at his life.

Those Were the Days

Missing a day of school was a big deal. Even if you were sick, it felt so special to be at home when all your friends and classmates were still in the classroom. You’d think of them in the lunch hall whilst you ate tomato soup and toast from the couch.

We’re going to try and channel this energy next time we have a sick day from work.

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