40+ of the Best Posts on the Internet Ever


The internet can be depressing—the place where we go to catch up on the latest doom and gloom. However, if you know where to look, it’s also the source of some amazing entertainment.

From painfully relatable confessions and funny anecdotes to spot-on observations about the world around us, these are some of the best posts on the internet EVER. So, take a break from doom-scrolling and check out these hilarious posts. We promise you won’t regret it.

Reach for the Cars

The U.S. is a very big place and we can see why Americans might want to fly rather than spend hours in the car. Sure, some people might judge them for their air miles, but this Twitter user makes a very good point.

Midwesterners are known for their driving stamina and think nothing of a road trip from Kansas City to Denver. We definitely wouldn’t have the strength so props to those tough Midwestern motorists.

Ho Ho No

Christmas movies have their own unique logic that requires us to suspend our disbelief and just come along for the ride and embrace the Christmas magic.

We’d never thought about the fact that the adults in holiday movies don’t seem to do Christmas shopping and yet their Christmas trees are always surrounded by perfectly wrapped gifts. It’s best not to think about it too hard.

Geek Gaffe

In our post-pandemic world, Zoom calls are still a common reality. They’re very convenient, but they do mean you have to be more careful when walking in someone working from home.

This girl made a pretty big gaffe when she walked in on her dad’s call with a nerdy investor. Let’s hope he saw the funny side, otherwise, their company might have lost out big time.

Sand Witch

Imagine walking on the beach with your significant other on a romantic holiday—it’s the perfect time for a proposal. You spot this in the sand and your eyes fill with tears. It’s finally happening. And then your partner has to awkwardly explain that this is not their doing. Holiday=ruined.

This woman has a truly wicked smile and now we know why. Let’s hope she hung around to watch her prank play out.


We all know the disappointment when we tear open a bag of chips and it’s only a third of the way full. This person hit the jackpot with this full-to-the-brim bag of Lay’s and took to Twitter to show his gratitude.

However, as the responder has pointed out, we’re not so sure that the company will be happy to see such a generously filled bag. Let’s hope they can’t identify the worker responsible from the serial number or that person’s in trouble.

One Fell Scoop

Parents usually want kids to do as they say, not do as they do, but in reality, this is very hard to enforce. Sometimes it’s necessary to hide your behaviors if you don’t want your kids to copy them.

Bob here has got the parenting thing down. He knows that if his kids see him eating an ice cream sandwich then they will all want one too so he does what needs to be done. That must have been one epic brain freeze.

Right as Rain

It’s true that most of us love a good boogie and singing session in the shower, especially with a shampoo bottle for a microphone, but when the sky opens when we’re out and about, we run for cover.

However, the response to this tweet has it spot on. In the shower, we’ve made the choice to get wet. Outside, we haven’t agreed to it, and that’s the key difference.

Girl Boss

To be honest, we didn’t know that kids still did lemonade stands and we’re glad to hear that there are children still partaking in this very cute, old-fashioned, and screen-free activity.

However, the girl has clearly got more business sense than we ever did. She knows what she wants and she’s not afraid to claim it. We predict this girl will be a millionaire by the time she’s 25 if she keeps up this kind of side hustle.

Career Goals

While it’s great to be ambitious and pursue the career of your dreams, many of us are just working to fund our existence.

We’re not worried about reaching the top or making a name for ourselves, we’re just looking for a way to buy groceries and pay the rent without selling our souls or working every hour that God sends. Is that too much to ask?

Berry Disappointing

When this guy offered his neighbor free access to the berries growing in his yard, he had an ulterior motive. He figured that a sweet old lady must love baking and that a pie would be imminent.

Hilariously, his so-called generosity backfired, and the neighbor helped herself. We are definitely going to channel “tiny wrinkled berry-stealing bear” when we’re old. #Goals.

Across the Pond

America is a vast country. As this Twitter user has noted, you can travel for hours and still find yourself in a relatively similar landscape and culture.

On the other hand, the long history of the UK means that it’s so full of regional quirks, it can be hard to keep up. Be sure to keep your bread roll phrase book on hand on any UK road trip as otherwise, you might struggle to order a sandwich.

Gourd Vibes Only

Every Halloween, social media is flooded with the most intricate and creative pumpkin carving photos. People love to show off their artistic skills and make a spooky display that’s going to impress the neighbors.

However, even professional animation artists understand that sometimes simple is best. This pumpkin is the cutest thing we’ve ever seen and we 100% support it winning 1st prize.

Flight Behavior

When we do a long-haul flight, it takes us at least a week of prep to make sure we have everything we need to stay comfy and entertained during the hours of cramped sitting and gross plane food.

However, this post proves that some people have very simple needs. We wonder what state this man was in when he reached Europe because forget all the other stuff, flying in jeans sounds like a true nightmare.

Meet the Makers

Meeting a girlfriend’s parents is a big deal. You want to make a good impression, show them you’re a good partner, and make sure they realize how much you appreciate their daughter.

This guy has captured the essence of what he wants to convey in one sentence. His amazing girlfriend has been created by two artists and he just wants to let them know that he’s their number one fan.

Reddit Hack

The internet is full of programming experts who are happy to share their technical skills, but only in very specific situations. This Twitter user has cracked the code to get help on Reddit whenever she needs it.

Tapping into people’s need to prove others wrong is a very smart move. We’d love to read some of her obscenely incorrect answers.

Test the Water

If you’re anything like us then there are half-drank glasses of water all around your home. We love to stay hydrated, but we’ve also got better things to do than fill up the same glass over and over again.

This Twitter user has asked an important question. There’s something about water sitting out that makes it very unappetizing. We’d say you can drink your nightstand water from the night before when you wake up but anything more than that is gross.

In a Pickle

Everyone knows that in the airport, the TSA agents are like the final boss before you make it to the next level, which is, of course, getting onto your plane. They have an important job to do but it often feels like they’re being difficult just for the sake of ruining your airport experience.

These TSA agents must have had enough troublesome sandwiches in their time to know not to trust an ordinary-looking pickle or two. Thank goodness they stopped the potential danger before it got too dangerous, hey?

Going Nuclear

People love to place blame on others. While the OP might want to blame atheists for the nuclear testing at Enewetak Atoll, we’re not so sure that they can be held responsible for this Pacific Ocean controversy.

If we can all stop pointing the finger at others and just work on making things better for future generations, then the world would be a happier place. We don’t know about you but we know a lot of nice atheists with no interest in causing a nuclear apocalypse.

Alarming Behavior

We get the feeling of waking up in the middle of the night and being delighted to see we’ve still got hours of sleep awaiting us. But setting an alarm to deliberately wake up in the middle of the night? Now that’s pretty out there.

We’re also not sure whether this guy is a genius or a psycho. Either way, we’re sure we wouldn’t want to share a room with him.

Washed Up

We all know the feeling when we assume that others do something we do, but when we ask if anyone else does it, we’re met with an awkward silence. This girl innocently shared a truly absurd habit and she paid the price.

KitKat was so appalled to think of her washing their deliciously crunchy chocolate wafer bars that they blocked her. We don’t blame them.

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