These Employees Quit Their Jobs in the Funniest Way Possible


Part of adult life is working at different places, which means at one point or another, you’re going to need to part ways and move on to the next venture in life. And while some jobs might be the perfect fit for us, sometimes, unfortunately, there are others that are far less than ideal. Whether you’re leaving a job that’s been like a family to you, or you’re saying goodbye to a job that never deserved you, these ex-employees have come up with some of the most creative, hysterical, and heart-warming ways to give in their letter of resignation.

From baking desserts, to giving custom-made bottles of whiskey, to writing “I’m quitting today” on price-tags, have you ever given your notice like these hilariously priceless employees?

A Cute Way to Break the News

You know how sometimes people use distractions to deter you from comprehending how bad a situation might be? Whether it’s sweet words to sugarcoat some bad news, or just talking with a smile on your face, there’s plenty of ways to use this tactic.

But it looks like this employee decided to get a little creative and use an endearing picture of a dinosaur to distract from the sad news of putting in their two weeks. We can’t deny, the dino is pretty darn cute!

You Know It’s Real When Someone Publicly Quits

Most places of business require their employees to hand in a letter of resignation if/when they want to quit. And while a written form of documentation might be necessary, it looks like this Wendy’s employee decided to be a little bit creative, and use a deliciously different approach, other than the regular paper and pen.

They took the term literally and wrote it out “I quit”, with actual letters on the billboard sign. What can we say? You know it’s real when someone publicly quits…

Make-Shift Mic Drop Moments

If you thought that the dinosaur drawing resignation notice was adorable, then you’re gonna love this one!

While we all love having those “mic-drop” moments, it’s very rare that we actually get to do it with an actual microphone in hand. Right? Plus, it’s poor equipment management to drop an actual microphone, anyway.

But it looks like employee Elizabeth Young was kind enough to take the time to draw this beautiful make-shift mic-drop moment, as well as, include how much she appreciated working at her place of business.

A Respectful End of Your Employment

It’s always hard to say goodbye and let go of a loved one, especially if you’ve known them for years.

And while at first it looks like this flyer is of the passing of Five Guys’ ex-employee, David Sell, it’s actually just an ending to his employment there – “Resign in Peace”, instead of “Rest in Peace”. As sad as it is, it’s also incredibly hilarious!

The good news is, that even though he’s leaving as an employee, he can always come back as a friend to visit!

Quitting & Crashing Parties

Just like how David Sell has the opportunity to go back and visit his Five Guys family after he’s no longer an employee there, it looks like this person feels the same!

We’re not sure exactly when they put in their notice, but we’re going to assume that it’s sometime closer to the holiday season.

If not, then we can only assume that they’re just super excited to crash a holiday work-party because the company throws a big, fun one!

Reading Between the Lines

Remember how earlier we mentioned there are many different ways to break some bad news, while using distractions to soften the blow? We’re not quite sure how soft this blow was to their boss, but it’s definitely a clever and creative way to resign! In fact, one might say that this tactic is even priceless.

But in all honesty, there’s no need to read between the lines here – figuratively, at least. It’s clear that this employee is quitting due to the poor relationship and management from his boss. Yikes!

A Poetic Notice

Whether you’re excited to be ending this period of your life and continuing onto something better, or if you’re just not feeling the place anymore and needing something different, turning in your letter of resignation can be filled with all sorts of emotions.

And it’s so sweet how this employee, named Alex, decided to share some of his emotions with a heartful card and poem.

What’s funny though is that he was able to find a greeting card to express himself in a perfectly poetic way, but then didn’t even bother to hand write anything more than 2-week’s notice.

When You’re Trying to Make a Point

One would think that if this employee was asked to change the sign, then why did they waste all this time and energy writing a message about quitting, instead of writing the message they were originally asked to do?

Well, that would defeat the entire purpose of making a point about how upset they are with the boss. Right?

It might be a little redundant, but expressing yourself can come in all sorts of forms, shapes, and sizes. And while this tactic might seem a little in your face, we can’t deny how clever it is!

Dark Humor to Lighten the Mood

There’s nothing like a little bit of positive, dark humor to lighten up the mood. Right? We love that Bella’s take on resigning her position at Gringo’s is flipped so optimistically.

Who knows? Maybe she was working to save up for school, and finally reached the amount needed! So now instead of working as part of the Gringo’s staff, she can go ahead and get her degree! We just hope her happy “quitter” mentality isn’t going to get in the way of her college career.

It’s All in the Little Details

Sometimes, there’s literally no words to explain. No, but actually, we have no words to explain the fact that this letter of resignation has only the words “I quit.”

However, while the basically blank page is filled with tons of negative space, it’s clear that there was still a lot of thought and attention to detail put into it. For example, they made an effort to make sure that it was titled and numbered. That’s got to count for something, right?

A Sentimental Resignation That Takes the (Cup)Cake

Wow! We’ve got to say that this person definitely put a lot of effort and thought into their “letter” of resignation. Who would’ve thought to bake a whole batch of cupcakes when writing their letter of resignation? While some people have chosen to go the funny route when quitting and resigning, it’s so touching and heart-warming to see that some people choose the more sentimental route! What can we say? Sometimes it’s the cheesy and sappy stuff that takes the cake.

Sweet Talking & Social Networking

It looks like using desserts is quite a charming way to give your resignation notice. There’s no doubt that it takes sweet-talking to a whole new level!

But we’ve got to give total props and extra points to this employee! Not only did they provide their written notice in a highly respectful manner, but they also snuck in a little bit of promo for their next ventures in the cake business.

Talk about great use of free advertising and networking!

Does it Count if It’s Spelled Wrong?

If you misspell something in your letter of resignation, then does it actually count? We’re not exactly sure which job this employee is trying to quit from, but even though it’s a letter of “resignation”, the verb is to “to resign” – meaning that it should say “I resign” and not “I resignate.” Whoops!

Just as a pro-tip, this is a great example for why typing up your letter of resignation is more useful than hand-writing it – the benefit of autocorrect and/or spell check.

That’s Life, Eh?

It always super disappointing when your work ethic is super high and you try your best at work, but your superiors still seem to underappreciate and mistreat you.

While some people take the more brutal, in-your-face approach to tell their managers off, this employee did it in a more passive-aggressive way. At least, for the most part.

We can only assume the last part is something a little less passive and more assertive. But as he said, that’s life, eh?

Forget Facebook

Getting a job isn’t easy and many people have internships to build up their resume and get real-world experience while in college to prepare for them. But apparently, this person who applied for a job at Facebook didn’t have enough experience as internships didn’t count.

They had a pretty epic comeback that they went to college part-time and worked full-time to pay for the “internships”. We feel your pain!

Avoiding Face-to-Face Confrontation with an Automatic Reply Message

A fear of face-to-face confrontation isn’t something new, and it’s a fear that many people experience and have.

From talking over the phone to sending text messages and e-mails, with the advancement of technology and online communication, there are so many ways we can avoid those tough conversations in person.

But changing your “away from the office” e-mail reply message to saying “I am currently out of the office and don’t plan on returning” is definitely the ultimate way to digitally avoid confrontation!

You Musk Be Joking

This person was turned away at an interview for a social media company all because they didn’t regard his internship and proper work experience. Little did they know that they were losing out on the employee of a lifetime.

The recruiter ate her words upon realizing that the person they’d rejected all those years ago was the nephew of Elon Musk and the internship he was referring to was done alongside his famous uncle.

Love Where You Work(ed)

It looks like this is more of a goodbye and sendoff letter, rather than a letter of resignation. But again, it’s so sweet and endearing to see that some people truly connected with their positions and peers on a deep level. Especially if you’re a full-time worker, one third of your life is basically spent and dedicated to your job. There’s no doubt that “Love where you work” are some wise words to live by! So, feeling like family with your coworkers, and enjoying the work that you do is super crucial!

Fantasy vs. Reality

This employee was clearly fired up about how unhappy he was at work, but he still took out his anger in quite a creative and hilarious way. For those of you who aren’t well-verses with the gaming world, “the realm of outland”, “burning legion”, and “Uther” (the light bringer), are all references to the computer fantasy game, World of Warcraft a.k.a. WoW.

While this employee might prefer to live in a fantasy gaming world, at least they gave an honest, down-to-earth, and legitimate answer about why they wanted to quit.

When You’re More Responsible Than the Boss

Oh my! If anything, it looks like this hard-working employee, Joe, should’ve been promoted to manager, and the boss should’ve been fired.

We revealed earlier how it’s always super disappointing when you put in your best effort at work, but your superiors still seem to mistreat. But what’s even worse is when you’re a subordinate, and you are more responsible than your superior. Yikes!

How frustrating is that? Oh well, at least Joe knows his value and understands that he deserves better!

A Twisted Turn of Logic

This is by far one of the most interesting letters of resignations that we’ve ever come across! It’s full of down-to-earth wisdom, pure-hearted compassion, a nice twist of logic, and a zesty spice of humor.

It sorts of sounds like the employee is given an ultimatum. Either they give this employee a raise, or accept their resignation. And if they don’t approve and accept the resignation, then everyone will pretty much end up being unhappy and then develop a nasty habit of stress-eating. Yikes!

A Custom-Made Design

For those of you who are whiskey lovers, then at a first glance you might think this is just a normal bottle of Jack Daniel’s. But if you look a little closer, then you’ll see it’s so much more than that!

We absolutely love everything about this resignation letter – or should we say, resignation gift. From the thoughtful idea of presenting the boss with a parting gift, to the intricate details and accurate design of the bottle’s label, this is by far one of the coolest ways to go about your resignation!

Getting Rid of That Rotten Feeling

Well, there’s nothing like some hard-core honesty, right? There’s no doubt that it’s a huge disappointment to feel like your job, employer, and perhaps, even co-workers, mistreat you. It’s a rotten feeling, and sometimes, it’s quite hard to get out of.

So, we’re happy to see that this person has made the courageous decision to stand up for themselves, and have given themselves a chance to move on to bigger, better, and brighter things!

After all, the only person who’s going to place proper value on yourself, is ultimately you.

Repurposing a Greeting Card

The whole purpose for those perfectly-worded Hallmark greeting cards, is to provide the option of having a pre-made lovely, thoughtful letter. Which is great for those who need that extra help to express how they feel.

And honestly, there’s a card for almost anything you can think of… and if there isn’t, that’s what those blank cards are for. Right?

But what this clever employee did, was just repurpose a card for losing a furry friend, to their resignation/goodbye letter. We hope they keep in touch even after they finish working there!

17 Special Syllables

While some people use the beautiful poems from pre-made greeting cards, it looks like (former) CEO of Sun, Jonathan Schwartz, decided to say his goodbye through the classic poetry style of Haiku.

For those of you who aren’t well-verse in the poetry world, don’t worry we’re here to help. Haikus are a short-form of poetry, containing three different lines with a total of 17 syllables. The first line has five syllables, the second must contain seven syllables, and the third also must contain five.

Fi-nan-cial-Cri-sis (5)

Stalled-Too-Ma-ny-Cus-tom-ers (7)

C-E-O-no-more (5)

Signing Off in Shakespearean

We’re going to be completely honest. We can only hope that their employer did a better job of understanding what this person was trying to say, because we have no idea.

The only important thing that we noted was that their final day working will be on May 24, 2015, and that this decision to quit is one of the most life-changing decisions they have ever faced. Which is actually the only thing that really matters, right?

We do appreciate the effort to be creative, though!

Even Machines Can Resign and Retire

Just like the lovable little robot Wall-E, when we start to think about our robots and machines as something beyond just the mechanics, it’s actually quite precious. The part where it mentions that it’s sad for failing just absolutely broke our hearts. Especially since we’re sure this LaserJet 4050 printer has put in everything that it could into its day-to-day work for the past 14 years, and probably even worked overtime, too!

But to balance out the emotions, something that seems more endearing than the letter itself, is the fact that this hard-working printer actually has a buddy – LaserJet 3390. How sweet!

The Trolls of the Internet Have Spoken

It’s quite an interesting and daring approach for this Reddit user to challenge the citizens and trolls of the internet to write their resignation letter. And it looks like they enjoyed “TacoTweets” answer the most.

But the real question is, did they actually use this letter of resignation to hand into HR, or were they just curious about what people would come up with?

Regardless, this letter is quite a dark, twisty, and interesting pick! It sort of seems like a mash-up between the Shakespearean letter and the World of Warcraft letter from before.

Pats on the Back for Pat

We have to hand it to Pat the office supply servant for this incredibly formal letter of resignation! While we’ve seen a myriad of different ways to turn in your official notice, this one definitely deserves some pats on the back! Why? Because what makes this so funny is the fact that this is basically what a letter of resignation should look like – maybe with a little less formal talk.

They hit on all the key elements that one should address like the reasoning for leaving, the appreciation for the job, the amount of time worked, and the date of their last day of employment. Bravo Pat, bravo!

Gone, But Never Forgotten

Just because you’ve decided it’s your time to resign from your place of work, doesn’t mean that you should be forgotten. And this dedicated employee wanted to make sure that his ex-colleagues would remember him forever and always. So, what did he do to make sure that he would always remain in their cherished memories? He hid a bunch of different photos of himself all over the office.

If his dedication and patience to printing out and placing his picture in all sorts of hiding places is any indication of his work ethic, then there’s no doubt that his employees are both impressed and entertained!

A Topsy-Turvy Goodbye

At a quick glance, you might not notice anything wrong with this picture. But if you do a double-take and take a closer look, then you’ll notice that there’s something not quite right about what’s going on over here in the delicious cereal aisle. Talk about a topsy-turvy way to say goodbye!

Turning all of the stocked cereals in the whole grains aisle to face upside down might not be a harmful act, but you can’t deny that it definitely makes a statement!

Publicly Sharing Your Sorrows

We’ve seen some pretty hilarious examples of employees who decided to utilize the opportunity of publicly quitting via a billboard sign. But it looks like this time around, it was the employer that decided to let go of their employee, leaving him with no choice but to share his sorrows and saddened emotions on the highway message board.

It always sucks to be let go, even more than having one of the highways closed down. Sorry buddy, here’s to hoping you find another job soon!

A Sweet Way to Part Ways with a Buddy

So far, we’ve seen that baking a cake might be one of the more favored ways of quitting. It’s cute. It’s creative. It’s the perfect way to sugar-coat your way through the agony and awkward tensions of resigning — whether it’s for good reasons or not.

But what’s funny and unique here, is that a couple of workers not only decided to quit at the same time, but also handed in their cakes of resignation together. It’s sort of sweet, if you think about it. Right?

When You Quit as a Crew

It’s never an easy thing to handle when you lose an employee, but can you imagine losing an entire team or staff at one time? At least for the staff they’re able to stick together and support each other through these tough times. Especially since it seems like the management of this store really did a number on them all. Poor things!

At least it looks like they believe in the business, seeing as they sent their loyal and lovable customers over to the Lewis Center. It’s too bad that they couldn’t all transfer over to another location, either. But hopefully the owners will realize that they need to shake things up with the managers, too!

The Sweetened Sorrows of Saying Goodbye to Scott

Poetry is one of the most emotional and sentimental ways to express yourself.

At first this poetic letter of resignation might seem a bit harsh and saddening, as the employee takes you through a journey of his pain and experience at work. But as you continue to read on, a little bit of warmth and love starts to arise, with every single new written line.

There’s something special about a great manager-staff relationship, and we’re glad to know that Scott was just a great boss!

When Your Letter of Resignation Highlights Your Hidden Skills

We’re not really sure where this person was working, but based off of this letter of resignation, it looks like they have all sorts of neat skills!

Their text and image placement is absolutely flawless. There’s a great flow and balance of colors and negative space.

We’re not sure where they’re headed next, but we would definitely recommend that they get into something like graphic design.

A Request to the Devil

Whether it’s a romantic relationship or work relationship, there’s nothing more frustrating than leaving without getting some closure and expressing yourself. Right?

Unfortunately, not everyone’s work experience is going to be pleasant at every single job. We’re just glad to know that Spencer was able to realize that the work environment was toxic and not worth being in anymore.

And we also hope that May really takes a second to sit back and reflect on how she treats her employees, and decides to change some of her ways – as per Spencer’s just request.

An Adorably Nerdy Note for All to See

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the quote “So long, and thanks for all the fish”, it comes from the comedy sci-fi novel “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”.

It’s pretty much a classic sci-fi fanatic and movie buff one-liner, for throwing in the towel and saying goodbye in a goofy way. Which is quite a cute, fitting, and adorably nerdy way for this employee to say goodbye to their fellow co-workers at the cinema theatre. Don’t you think?

You Can’t Get Fired for Quitting

As we’ve talked about before, even though being direct and honest might be a little harsh, it’s good to be open and honest with your employers about why you’re quitting. And sometimes, your experience just wasn’t a good one. So why lie about something that you can’t get in trouble for? They can’t fire you for quitting. Right?

Plus, this worker added one of those cute little sugar-coating “distractions” to soften the blow a bit. How can you be upset when there’s a smiley face staring right back at you?

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