25+ Ex-Workers Spill Former Employers’ Outrageous Secrets


There’s no one who knows better what goes on in companies than the hard-working people employed there. And it seems that these people weren’t shy about revealing some of the most kept secrets by the companies they worked for.

Whether it’s selling food past its expiration date, tricking customers into thinking they’re donating to charity, or spying on them in the dressing room – here are some of the most terrible things these employees had to say.

Not signed

Some sports stores sell their customers signed memorabilia, for that extra value. And there’s truly nothing more exciting than getting your hands on something signed, if you’re a sports fan.

Unfortunately, this “memorabilia” was actually forged by this store’s owner, tricking people into buying regular items for much more than they’re worth – and their employee called them out on Reddit for it. We can only hope this store owner faced some legal action for what they did.

Can’t believe it’s not butter!

We really can’t believe it’s not butter! But seriously, this cinema complex pulled a pretty clever trick on their customers. They use a margarine-based replacement for butter from a brand called “Real”, so that when they’re asked if they use real butter, they could, without skipping a beat, answer that they do!

That’s pretty deceiving, if you ask us, but luckily, there are always employees that are willing to disclose this information to the unsuspecting customers!

Creepy security

Trying out clothes in a store is usually a fun experience, but we’ve also been pretty wary about hidden cameras being there. Apparently, this does happen in some places – like the place this employee works for. This person says that, in several major chains, there are actually holes placed for female security guard to watch for thefts.

But it seems they don’t actually have any female security guards at hand, so the women trying on clothes were being watched without their knowledge. That’s just creepy, if you ask us.

High quality products

When a company says their products are of the highest quality possible, maybe it’s best not to take their word for it. Take this company, for example. It sells glass products for expensive rates, claiming their product is worth it for being of high quality.

But according to this employee, the products are actually the cheapest you could find that ship from China, which means the company is definitely lying to its high-paying customers.

Don’t blame it on the weather

Flights get cancelled all the time, and if you’ve ever had a flight cancelled due to bad weather, you know how annoying that is. Sometimes you can’t even tell there’s bad weather outside! Well, it seems that we’re not always told the truth about the reason flights are cancelled – and it’s usually not the weather.

Sometimes the pilots decide not to show up, the plane needs some unexpected maintenance, or plenty of other reasons. One thing’s for sure, “bad weather” is just a code for “reasons we would rather not share with you.”

That’s not mayo!

Some people are pretty religious about their condiments, especially when it comes to mayonnaise. We can already hear Monica Geller screaming “That’s not mayonnaise!” when she hears about this – this sandwich shop actually used light mayo instead of real mayo on people’s sandwiches, and not because it’s healthier.

Just because it saved them a few cents. On the bright side, at least they didn’t replace light mayo with real mayo – which would be much worse.

Dirty lingerie

This store employee was thoroughly shocked when they discovered they not only have to refund used underwear – but they also put them back straight on the shelf without washing them at all! Most stores don’t allow returning undergarments without the sanitary sticker on them, but the very least they could do is wash them before putting them on the rack.

According to this employee, the whole staff was disgusted by it – especially when they found some stuff we won’t mention here, but you can only imagine.

A mouse problem

Some restaurants have dimmed lighting, and it’s for various reasons. It does create a fancy restaurant vibe, and adds to the romantic settings. Sometimes they do it to trick your inner clock and make you think you’re hungrier than you actually are.

But according to this worker, the restaurant they worked in dimmed the lights mostly do hide something terrible going on – a mice problem. We think we’ll be going to well-lit places from now on, thank you very much.

They know everything

Many companies use call centers to give their customers service, and sometimes they lend them to 3rd parties. It’s something that happens globally and is pretty well known. The trouble starts when these 3rd parties apparently get all of our confidential information and can use it however they like.

We’re pretty sure this is illegal, and we hope whoever did this would be brought to justice and never be put in a position responsible for other people’s information again.

Sizzling fajitas

Ah, there’s nothing better than getting a pile of hot fajitas with some grilled veggies and eating until you can no longer breathe. It’s a delight!

But apparently, the fajitas in this certain restaurant (and probably the rest of them, too) only sizzle because they poured some oil and water on a hot surface to make it look sizzling hot. What they really do, in fact, is microwave the fajitas – which suddenly sounds much less appealing than before. Thanks for ruining it for us, guys.

Dangerous bolts

This worker actually reported something pretty serious, and we hope they turned to the correct authorities and made an official complaint about it. They were asked by their employee to paint over rusted metal before getting inspected, so they don’t see how rusty everything is.

The problem, however, was that some screws were already pretty damaged due to the rust, and this caused a danger for the ride’s integrity – a ride that families ride every single day.

What stuffed clams are really made of

Okay, we can’t pretend we didn’t already know this in the back of our brains. Stuffed clams are great, but did you really think there was much more than bread crumbs in it?

This employee revealed what we were already thinking – stuffed clams have very little clams and a whole lot of other, cheap stuff, so they could charge more than plain ol’ clams, but give us less for our money. Hey, at least they taste good.

Cheaper glasses

It’s a bummer needing glasses to see, but it’s even more annoying that it costs so much to purchase glasses in stores. Well, according to this person, it seems that we’re being sold glasses for much, much more than they actually cost the store.

We know they need to make money, but there’s no reason for marking up the lenses so much! Maybe we’ll take this person’s advice and purchase our lenses online, where they cost much less.

Garlic ‘butter’ goodness

It probably wouldn’t go over as well if this place called what they put on their pizzas “garlic margarine”, but it’s definitely not butter.

This employee is sometimes kind enough to let their customers in on that secret if they’re vegan and think they can’t enjoy that “garlicy goodness” without compromising their beliefs. While we understand saying garlic butter sounds much better, it’s pretty much deceiving the customers who think they’re eating something made of, well, butter.

Don’t trust the valet

We’ve always felt a little skittish about handing our car to a complete stranger, just so they can park it for us. While it’s super convenient sometimes, apparently we weren’t worrying for nothing.

According to this valet, they’ve witnessed plenty of their co-workers stealing things from cars and getting away with it without being fired. Additionally, their employer uses a special spray to cover up any scratches caused by their staff. That’s not very nice, is it?

Hot dog scam

Have you ever bought one of those hot dogs place put on the spinning rack? They seem so yummy when they’re up there, sometimes we can’t help but indulge ourselves in a treat that isn’t so healthy, but sure is delicious.

However, this former employee says the cinema they worked for would recycle said hot dogs, sometimes for days at a time, which means they were definitely serving up hot dogs that have pretty much gone bad. Yikes.

Underground Scheme

Bosses have the final say in a lot of companies. And even if something sounds like a good deal for an employee, it’s usually more likely that it’s benefitting the boss much more than it’ll ever benefit an employee.

This boss used his employee in an attempt to cover up his money laundering scheme. Luckily, when the cops came to question the unknowing worker, they figured out that he had no involvement and it was all the boss’s fault.

Guilty Conscience

It’s a well known fact of life that bosses get a bad reputation. Often, a so-called ‘horrible boss’ doesn’t care what their employees think, whereas others try to get their employees to like them. This boss seemed to have his entire company by his side.

He continued, explaining, “Whether you believe in heaven or not, there’s no chance I’ll be there. I’ve been underpaying you all for years, so all of this was to absolve a little guilt before it’s too late.”

Irish Goodbye

A woman came in and began to try on clothes, not caring that the employees were trying to leave. She still refused to leave, even when the manager threatened to call security on her.

Then, silently, the manager went to the wall and turned off all the lights. When the woman popped her head out and yelled “Hello?”, the manager said nothing and told his employee to do the same. They could hear the woman get nervous and when she turned around, he jumped out and scared her, making her run out of the store screaming. That’s one way to get a customer to leave.

Movie theater treats

We can’t get over the price of a movie ticket these days! As if going to a movie wasn’t already expensive enough, things start getting really price when you add on the popcorn, drinks, and sweet treats.

Apparently, movie theaters have a “per cap” for each person who attends. And when people don’t buy concessions, it’s considered a loss and a report needs to be filled out. Can you believe it?

Paying the disabled less

This one is really quite infuriating – this person discovered their boss, who hires mentally disabled people, is paying them much less than the other employees.

Apparently, it doesn’t matter to them that they do much harder work, such as heavy lifting, and that it’s wrong (rather, illegal) to create such a difference in pay. When this person found out, they confronted their manager about it and soon after, rightfully left their workplace. We just hope they reported it, too!

A cookie with a smile

It’s nice when restaurants try to do something nice for the community and give back. So it’s understandable why people would happily buy something for a few extra dollars in order to feel like they’re giving back as well and doing something good – it’s definitely worth it.

That is, if said restaurant isn’t actually pocketing the profits themselves instead of giving them to charity as they should. This person’s manager did so in their branch, against company policy, and we sure hope they got sacked for it.

Golf carts 4 lyfe

We can’t decide if this person is nice, for trying to give us all a helpful, money saving trick – or if they’re actually just hurting their employer. Either way, they decided to disclosed a well-kept secret they would probably prefer if the general public didn’t know.

It turns out if you have one key for a golf cart, you can have access to any golf cart you’ll ever need. That being said, we don’t condone taking something that doesn’t belong to a person, so we hope people didn’t actually use this tip.

Sign up, but don’t attend

You would think that a gym would want to gain as many memberships as they can, right? It’s only logical that having many members would make the place full of life and give them plenty of profits. However, some gyms apparently don’t want a lot of members.

They want the gym to look empty enough so people will want to go, so they put machines “out of order” frequently. On the other hand, they make cancelling memberships impossible, so they make all their profits from poor people who don’t really want to go to the gym anymore.

Never having froyo again

Okay, we can’t really see ourselves getting frozen yogurt ever again after reading this, so proceed with caution. This worker says they work at a frozen yogurt place, and instead of replacing toppings that have gone bad, they’re made to make it look presentable and serve it anyway.

And if any bugs get stuck to the toppings? No problem! Just fish them up and serve the customers what they want. Honestly, we can hardly think of anything more disgusting than that.

Free coffees all around

This secret is actually not a bad thing, but a service that this particular company would probably prefer to keep on the down low. Apparently, they tell their employees that if anyone complains about anything at all, instead of arguing with them they should just prepare them a new drink.

If everyone knew this, everyone would complain and get free drinks whenever they wanted, so their employer would probably not want this advertised – but their worker put it out there anyway.

Artists gets cheated

One backstage employee at a concert venue had plenty to say about how their employers run their operation. Apparently, they tend to report making much less money than they actually do, and by so giving the artists much less than they should get for their performance.

It seems that the best way to support artists is to buy their music online or at a store, which would give them much more profit than their concerts do.

That sangria is not homemade

This might not be a huge shocker, but it’s still uncool of restaurants to sell ready made products as if it’s their own carefully created recipes.

Nothing wrong with wine in a box, but just admit it people. Of course, if they did – they probably wouldn’t get away with selling it for $6 a glass. Sangria is delicious though, so knowing this won’t stop us from taking our chances and ordering this overpriced drink again!

An awesome ‘sale’

We love sales, and you’ll probably see us jumping at the chance to get some high-end fashion at a low cost whenever we get the chance. But this employee is telling a harsh truth about these sales we love so much – more often than not, they’re actually not sales at all.

The stores make the items much pricier than they previously were, and then mark them down to make it look like there’s 40% off, when in fact we are paying more for the item than we would on a regular day. That’s pretty disappointing, to be honest!

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