Corpse Thief: Shocking Confession Reveals Macabre Crime Spree

Shocking Confession Reveals Macabre Crime Spree

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A person who used to work at a place where they handle deceased individuals in Arkansas has admitted to taking parts of the bodies and trying to sell them.

The US government lawyer in eastern Arkansas said on Thursday that Candace Chapman Scott, who is 37 and from Little Rock, Arkansas, admitted to moving stolen body parts to other states and planning to deceive people using the mail. Scott worked at a place called Arkansas Central Mortuary Service from October 2021 to July 15, 2022. Her job was to move, cremate, and prepare bodies for burial.

While working there, Scott took body parts and unborn baby remains and sold them or sent them to other states to sell, according to the prosecutors in charge of this unusual case.

Scott did these deals with a man named Jeremy Pauley, who is 41 and from Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. They met through a Facebook group about unusual things.

Last September, the lawyer’s office in Pennsylvania said Pauley admitted to working with others to steal body parts from Harvard Medical School and an Arkansas mortuary.

Scott was accused in April and faced charges for deceiving people through the internet and sending stolen property across state lines. But she agreed to admit guilt, so some charges were dropped.

Sending stolen things to another state can lead to up to 10 years in jail, a fine of up to $250,000, and supervised release. Deceiving others using the mail can lead to up to 20 years in jail, a fine of up to $250,000, and supervised release.

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