Biden Agrees to Debate Trump in Presidential Election

Biden Agrees to Debate Trump in Presidential Election

President Joe Biden said on Friday that he will participate in a debate with Donald Trump, his Republican opponent in the November election. In an interview with Howard Stern, Biden said, “I am [willing to debate], somewhere. I don’t know when… I’m happy to debate him.”

This is the clearest statement yet from Biden on the topic. previously, he had not committed to debating Trump, saying it would depend on Trump’s behavior. Trump, on the other hand, has been challenging Biden to a one-on-one debate, saying he’s willing to debate “anytime, anywhere, anyplace.”

Trump’s campaign team has also sent a letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates, asking for more debates and an earlier start to the debate schedule. A dozen leading news organizations have also urged the candidates to commit to debating each other.

Biden’s team has been concerned that Trump might not follow the rules during the debate, and some advisers prefer not to give Trump a platform by debating him. However, Biden has agreed to debate Trump, and the two will face off in a televised presidential debate.

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