Lizzo Stuns Fans With An Announcement Of Quitting The Music Industry

Lizzo Stuns Fans With An Announcement Of Quitting The Music Industry dailyjugarr

Lizzo’s recent comments follow criticism from a lawyer representing three former dancers who sued her last August. The lawyer condemned her appearance at a Radio City fundraiser for President Joe Biden. Fed up with online ridicule over her looks and character, the US popstar, known for hits like “About Damn Time,” whose real name is Melissa Viviane Jefferson, has announced her departure from the music industry. However, she didn’t specify the exact incident that led to her decision in her online statement.

However, these comments from Lizzo come hot on the heels of criticism from a lawyer representing three former dancers who sued her last August. The lawyer slammed her appearance at a Radio City fundraiser for President Joe Biden, citing the “egregious allegations” against her.

“I’m just so fed up with constantly being dragged by everyone in my life and on the internet,” lamented Lizzo, 35, in an Instagram post.

“All I want is to create music, spread joy, and make the world a little brighter. But lately, I’ve been feeling like the world doesn’t want me around.

Lizzo’s Dealing with Blame and Surprising Public Showing

I’m fed up with all the fake stories people spread just to get attention and likes… always being the joke because of how I look.”
People who don’t even know me are tearing down my character and disrespecting my name.

She ended the post saying:, “I didn’t sign up for this crap. I’m out,” along with a peace sign emoji.

Last August. Lizzo and her crew got hit with a lawsuit from some former dancers – Arianna Davis, Crystal Williams, and Noelle Rodriguez. They were accusing her of some heavy stuff, like sexual harassment and making the whole work vibe seriously uncomfortable.

When that news broke, Lizzo was totally thrown. She called the allegations “heartbreaking” and “straight-up unbelievable.” It was like she couldn’t wrap her head around it.

Fast forward to Thursday, and there’s Lizzo, showing up at Radio City Music Hall in New York for a fundraiser for the US president. And guess who’s running the show? Mindy Kaling, of course!

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Raza Chaudary


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