Before filing for divorce, Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott were in a better place and ready to move on, says a source

Before filing for divorce, Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott were in a better place.dailyjugarr

Before Tori Spelling decided to call it quits, she and Dean McDermott were getting used to a new way of doing things. After news broke that the Beverly Hills, 90210 star was filing for divorce from her hubby of 18 years. A pal who knows them both spilled the beans to PEOPLE magazine, saying that things had gotten better for them after they hit rock bottom.

The insider spilled that Tori was all about protecting their protective of the couple’s children — Beau, 7, Finn, 11, Hattie, 12, and Stella, 15, and Liam, 17 — as their marriage hit a rough patch and Dean struggled with staying sober.

She was like a fierce mama bear making sure her kids were okay and gave Dean an ultimatum. Get help or no more time with the kids the source explained. “He did get help last year and has been doing better since then. They’re both ready to move forward and make sure the kids are in a good place.

Earlier this year, McDermott gave props to Spelling and his new squeeze, Lily Calo, for having his back as he worked on staying sober. He spilled to Page Six, “I’m clean and sober now… I hit a point where I just had to admit I needed help. He also said he went to rehab to get better and fix his life.

Spelling and McDermott Announce Divorce After 18 Years

Spelling filed for divorce from McDermott last Friday after being married for 18 years. They couldn’t work things out and listed June 17, 2023, as the date they officially split.

On the day Spelling said they split up. McDermott posted on Instagram, saying they were parting ways after 18 years and five awesome kids. But later, he took down the post. He wrote, “It’s hard to say. But after 18 years together and five amazing kids, @torispelling and I are splitting up to start our own paths.”

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