Pennsylvania Man’s Courage Saves Lives in Fire in Minersville

Pennsylvania Man's Courage Saves Lives in Fire in Minersville

A man named Oscar Rivera from Minersville, Pennsylvania is being called a hero for saving two people from a burning house on Sunday.

The fire broke out around lunchtime and quickly spread to several homes. Witness Janeen Huth saw the smoke and filmed Rivera pulling an elderly man out of an attic window on the roof. Another woman was also seen on the roof of a nearby house.

Oscar Rivera from Minersville, Pennsylvania

Rivera heard the commotion and saw the fire from his backyard. He rushed to the scene and with the help of a neighbor, climbed onto the roof of the burning building. He then climbed even higher to reach the attic window where a woman was trying to pull a man out.

The smoke was intense, but Rivera managed to grab the man’s hands and pull him to safety on the ledge. Burning debris fell on the man’s back during the rescue.

Rivera is being praised for his bravery. He was the first person on the scene and was able to save two lives. Firefighters also risked their health to help bring everyone down safely. The cause of the fire is still unknown.

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