Biden’s Tax Battle: President Pushes for Fair Share from Wealthy Elite

Biden's Tax Battle: President Pushes for Fair Share from Wealthy Elite

President Joe Biden recently visited his hometown in Pennsylvania and talked about raising taxes for wealthy individuals. He also criticised his opponent, Donald Trump, for not understanding the struggles of working-class Americans. Biden emphasised his own humble background compared to Trump’s wealthy upbringing.

During a visit to Scranton, Biden highlighted his plan to impose a 25 percent minimum tax rate for billionaires, contrasting it with Trump’s policy of keeping the corporate tax rate at 21 percent. He stressed the importance of a fair tax system to invest in vital areas like healthcare, education, and defense.

Biden's Tax Battle

Biden shared that growing up in Scranton taught him the values of hard work and fairness, while he remarked that Trump learned that inheriting wealth is the easiest path to success.

Although Biden didn’t mention Trump’s ongoing legal issues, he took a jab at the declining popularity of Trump’s social media platform.

Aside from political talk, Biden revisited his childhood memories by visiting his old home and driving through a highway named after him. His tour will continue to Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.

Pennsylvania holds significant importance for Biden’s reelection chances, as he narrowly won the state in 2020, flipping it back to the Democratic side after Trump’s victory in 2016. Despite positive economic indicators like strong growth and low unemployment, Biden faces challenges in convincing voters about his economic policies, with a recent poll showing that Trump is preferred over him in handling the economy.

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