Hilarious Speculative Conversations between Objects

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Have you ever wondered what the objects that we use on a daily basis think of us? Teo Zirinis, a designer and illustrator based in Greece, has been drawing his ideas about the secret thoughts of food, cartoons, books and everyday objects since he can remember. His work always tries to look at the happy, funny side of things. Check out his funny illustrations:

Any Plans for Retirement?

Being a toilet paper is one of the worst possible jobs. First, they get pulled on, afterwards they’re ripped apart, then they have to deal with the smell and at last be washed away. Yes. Retirement would look like a huge blessing.

Thought Bubble

People who keep their thoughts to themselves can relate. Lots of thinking, not much talking…

The Famous Balloon

The balloon that was featured in It became a sensation in the balloons society. Just be careful when you use a pen when you ask for a signature.

Aren’t We All?

Every piece might look different than the others, but they’re all equally important. Together, the individual pieces create a complete picture that each one can’t comprehend. Sounds familiar?

Evolution Gone Wrong

Even though Darwin’s theory claims that only the fittest survive, sometimes mistakes can occur. Just ask any chicken.

Ultimate Villain

No matter what you do – he can’t be killed, he doesn’t age, does not consume any food or energy and it’s end will mean the end of humanity as well – how come this isn’t a famous horror movie already?

Kung Flu Fighting

They are here for us, trained for centuries, ready to defeat even the toughest disease. The Flu fighters – teamed up to terminate all illness.

Work Hard Play Hard

No doubt it’s hard working as a tennis ball. Whether you’re being hit by a tennis racket, chewed by a dog, or sitting at the bottom of a treadmill, you will feel a lot better knowing it’s over.

Depending Who You Ask

You know these special bonds you make hating a third person together? As anything else in life, It’s all a matter of perspective.

Camping Gone Wrong

Poor marshmallow trying to warn his friends. From their perspective, we sure are the bad guys.

Thanks UFO’s

Cattle gases take major part in creating the ozone hole, aliens kidnapping them might help the environment!

Try Not To Get Burned

Wasabi for sushi is as scary as lava is for humans. The jump pole chopstick really adds to the feeling of panic.

Carbs Free Lifestyle

Hot dogs fashion: choose between Baguette, Brioche, whole grain or white bun. Don’t forget to wear your mustard for a trendy touch.

A Popsicle Anatomy

After years of research, nowadays every young popsicle can learn what its skeleton looks like.

Home is Where The Ground Is

Two all-American succulents, buying a house, starting a family…


Flashbacks to all the avocados that didn’t make it through attempts to help them sprout, and became part of the avocados cemetery.


So the peel is actually the attire of the fruit?

You’re Screwed

We hear you little cork, we wished we could fly too…

A Grate Friendship

The cheese will sacrifice itself for the sake of friendship. We can relate.

Taco Tuesday

Tradition is tradition, for the Tacos it’s even worse than Monday.

Unphotogenic Nessie

Don’t worry Nessie, we’ll photoshop your pictures. You’ll look great!


So this is what happens when a movie is being illegally downloaded.

Ze Pressure is Real

Some say they work better under pressure.


If we looked so cool while brainstorming we probably would be as happy as her.

To Do List: 1. Catch to do list

Keep running, he’s gonna catch you eventually.

Precious Chips

Maybe he’s bluffing. Maybe all he has are raisins.

Drama Queen

Nothing builds more tension than a dramatic pause.

Old Fashioned

Knowing that everything changes and the world keeps evolving doesn’t make it easier for the older generation.

Chim and Chessica

We’ve all been there. We feel you Jim.

Odd Fellow

This calculator is the literal example of what we all feel sometimes.


He’s got to follow his inner truth.

Brain Freezer

It always hits you in the head… Shouldn’t have eaten those frozen peas.

Nice and Warm

Just what you need on a chilly night – get warm both inside and out.

Milk Levels Rising

Don’t believe these flake news! It has nothing about the cereal killer.

Wizards Beeard

Not sure two pints are enough to make gandalf drunk.

Monster Issues

That time of the month again.

Bad Hair Day

One of those days you better not ask me why I’m looking irritated.

Yes You Can

It’s the perfect line for the next time you give someone a plant as a present!

High and Dry

Ghosting is never the solution.

Comfort Food

Doctors for the broken heart.

Candy Walker

Gingerbread man getting old.

Weekend Mood

This is how I think my books feel about me. Don’t you wanna curl right next to it?


It’s the only way to make the gifts keep coming.

Pillow Fort

For the nights you want to stay in.


When someone comes from abroad thinking they’re better than you.

Music Ghosts

They have developed a sixth string.

Treat Yourself

The best face mask in the world.

Pepperoni Juggler

Sometimes modesty is the best policy. Don’t upset your pizza friends.

Drama Lover

The Popcorn loves drama so much that he’s eating himself. Can’t blame him.

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