36+ Hilarious Jokes That Went Over People’s Heads


There are tons of jokes and puns in the world of comedy, but few are as effective as the clever one-liner. These snappy jokes deliver a punchline that knocks people right out in the perfect, concise way.

However, sometimes, these sail right over people’s heads, leaving them utterly befuddled. When humor is just subtle enough, it causes a reaction that’s even funnier than the puns themselves. Check out these hilarious misunderstood one-liners that’ll have you cringeing in second-hand embarrassment.

Giddy Up

Cowboys have been romanticized from the outlaws of the Wild West to hunky men sitting tall upon big horses who can do no wrong.

Yet we can’t help but think that if you really broke down what these guys are called, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, now does it? Thank you, kind commenter—without you, we might’ve never known what this creature actually was.

It’s a Sign

Horoscopes can be incredibly useful in explaining the reason behind actions and characteristics you just can’t understand or control.

We’re all for having your niche interests and beliefs, as long as they’re not used as an excuse for the terrible actions of individuals. This person’s correction of the star signs makes us think they’ve done something along these lines. They’re definitely a Gemini.

Globe Trotter

The world is a sphere—this we can all agree upon. But we’re not constantly running around like we’re balancing on the top of a ball.

We need to be much more concerned about the fact that people are trying to justify the world being flat using a video game than we need to focus on what size the globe is in said game. Who knew the dino game could cause such controversy?

His Last Words

If you had only four words to convey your deepest secrets and desires, what would you write on the wall of a cave on planet Mars? Would you try and be slick, like this commenter?

We’ll be honest, we’re more shocked that they think there would be a human skeleton found on Mars in the year 2020. Either way, this has us feeling a sense of existential dread we had no desire for today.

Accidentally on Purpose

There’s nothing quite as disappointing as coming up with a great post or meme idea and realizing too late that you misspelled something. Take great care to read over your post before sharing it with the public, or the grammar police will hunt you down.

What these grammar sticklers didn’t realize was that the spelling mistake was a part of the meme itself. Too bad they value spelling over humor.

Oh Deer

It’s always a good idea to start looking for Halloween costumes, and that includes for your furry friends. This year, turn your sweet pooch into a deer with some white paint for an easy costume that’s sure to impress the neighborhood.

This is one of those moments where the obvious doesn’t need to be pointed out—and yet, this person couldn’t help themselves. Wow, we wonder what gave it away.

Flew Right By

A dad joke is only as good as its audience. In order to get that eye-roll or chuckle you so desperately crave, you must make sure the person to whom you’re telling the joke can understand what you’re saying.

While we’re sure this girl is just as smart as she says she is, unfortunately, this silly pun literally did go over her head. What a wasted joke.

Crack a Window

Confined spaces have a way of feeling smaller than they actually are. When it gets hard to breathe, opening a window can help bring some much-needed fresh air to the space.

We owe a big thanks to this person who pointed out so nicely that there are, of course, some limitations—such as being in a submarine. If you’re going to open a window under the water, just make sure you have everyone else’s consent first.

True Colors

It always amazes us that people see color differently from one another. We can’t help but feel bad for those people who live their lives without being able to see the gorgeous colors of their surroundings.

However, we feel even worse for people who don’t know how to take a joke. This person might not know their orange from their blue, but at least they have a sense of humor.

A Proposal

When you meet on a dating app, you have to start off strong with a line that’ll make them remember you forever. This girl really went for it with a pickup line that puts others to shame.

Too bad this dude was hyper-fixated on the fact that he looked like someone else rather than understanding she was trying to flirt. Sorry, honey, but this is definitely not your first husband. Time to reuse that line on someone who will actually get it.

Press Undo

Driving can be dangerous, but there’s no need to fear. If you ever get into a car crash, all you have to do is press the provided “undo” button and everything will be restored to how it once was.

However, don’t quote us on that. If you press the button after a crash and the only change is the circulation of air in your car, you should’ve listened to this party pooper instead of the liar trying to make a joke.

How Embarrassing

There are quite a few jokes that all seem to start the same way. Whether it’s a group of lawyers or religious leaders, they all walk into a bar for the sake of a hilarious punch line.

Maybe before you correct the brilliant Stephen King on his spelling, you should take the time to actually read and comprehend the joke instead. This is really embarrassing for them as a “person”.

Simply Radiating

Ah, the bustling metropolis of New York, renowned for its towering skyscrapers. The Big Apple boasts one of the most iconic cityscapes, sure to stir nostalgic memories for those who’ve wandered its streets.

Clearly, this isn’t a picture of New York, but it does happen to be an awfully impressive setup of radiators in a way that looks like buildings. Come on, use your imagination! After all, art imitates life, doesn’t it?

Feel Bread-er

Language is so interesting. While in one language, the word “pain” might evoke memories of sadness or suffering, that same word might make people smile at the thought of freshly baked loaves of bread in another language.

Well, this picture of a sad loaf is the perfect combination of both meanings. Hey, at least this person understood the picture, even if they didn’t understand the context.

Right Round

Have you ever had an inkling that something bad was right around the corner, but you couldn’t quite place your finger on what it was? Well, this person has the fortune of knowing exactly what was coming for them.

As they say, what goes around comes back around, especially in the cases of boomerangs. Too bad they would have no idea what a boomerang was if it hit them right in the head.

Connect to Bluetooth

These days, our technology is so advanced that you can make a Bluetooth version of just about anything. A blender, the lights, or anything else connected to electricity can be turned on from anywhere with the right technology.

Too bad that wouldn’t work with a hose, for obvious reasons. Hey, at least this person is showing interest and following up, even if they don’t get what’s wrong with a hose not connected to a water source.

Looking Like Trash

While walking by this old trashcan, one might do a double take when they realize just how similar it looks to the beloved Star Wars character, R2-D2. Though we get the resemblance, the guy making this joke should know by now just how protective the fandom is over their favorite movies.

Just as expected, someone came to the rescue of R2-D2’s reputation, regardless of how humorous this guy was trying to be.

Taylor-ed Joke

This individual has truly mastered the art of maintaining engaging conversations, a feat that can be quite demanding, especially when dating apps often revolve around the same questions.

We have full confidence they would be able to deliver on any of the options, but a simple name pun was all they needed to show off their clever skills. It’s a shame that Taylor didn’t catch onto the humor.

Chip on Your Shoulder

Each person follows their own unique fitness routine. While some individuals consume protein shakes at the gym, others may carry a personal can of Pringles as a snack option.

With a little imagination, you could put just about anything cylindrical in the holder on gym machines. Too bad this person has absolutely no creativity.

Time to Binge

We’ve all encountered the frustration of a website crashing due to an overwhelming number of users. In the midst of a pandemic, this anger increased significantly.

We can’t begin to imagine how people coped with a pandemic a century ago—we’re not even sure how we did it ourselves, and we had Netflix. Who knew that the virus took your immune system strength and your sense of humor?

It’s the Pits

Every time we open up an avocado, we’re overwhelmed by the beautiful green flesh inside. This particular one is especially beautiful—or maybe especially unsettling.

We’ve never heard of a pit referred to as a fruit’s “bones”, but it strikes us as a rather fitting description. Too bad this guy can’t seem to warp his head around this choice of words.

The Real Peel

Some people have talent beyond our wildest imagination. Some artists can turn a simple piece of paper into a three-dimensional delight, while others can turn people completely on their heads in just one second.

We’re going to go ahead and say that this person is far more talented when it comes to messing with people than they are with a pen or pencil in hand. Just look at the way this commenter responded!

Spreading Positivity

With a vast array of elements available, chemistry offers the perfect subject of endless puns. You’re guaranteed to make someone laugh, even if others don’t get it.

Even if they completely missed the pun, at least this person believes the best in people. If you’re going to be blissfully unaware in the face of a joke, you might as well be a source of positivity on the internet.

Hard of Earing

Though Vincent van Gogh’s paintings are infamous, the fact that he cut off his own ear might be even more well-known. With only one ear on his head, we wonder if he was only able to hear half of what was said to him.

While we appreciate the pun, we almost appreciate the comment more. Van Gogh’s hearing impairment isn’t due to his missing ear—it’s because he’s no longer alive!

Short and Sweet

When celebrating life’s greatest achievements, it’s important to tell our loved ones just how amazing they are. With balloons, cakes, and a big “Congratulations”, anyone is bound to feel special on their big day.

If you don’t know how to spell that big word, don’t worry. “Congrats” keeps it short and sweet, so you don’t have to trip over the endless letters—especially in the face of spelling know-it-alls.

Console Your Friends

Gamers are a different breed of people. Not only are there specific games and consoles that have people’s hearts, but these people tend to make gaming their entire personality.

If you’re about to make a joke about the gaming console, even if it’s harmless and silly, be prepared to be faced with someone who refuses to take any nonsense about what they love in life.

Perfect Fit

Sometimes, you have to make the best out of a bad situation. Instead of freaking out about a hole in the wall made from the impact of your door handle, simply accept that it was on purpose.

Some might call this lazy, while others might call this chaotic, but honestly, we think this is pretty clever. So what if the handle made a hole? Now, it has a place to fit into forever. How beautiful.

Do it Yourself

If you’re in the mood to feel like a contractor or a handyman, IKEA is the perfect place for you to go. It has all the things you might need to feel like you can accomplish anything.

Sending the manager a cake he has to make himself? Now that’s just clever. Come on dude—we gave you all the materials you needed for a great IKEA pun, and you completely misread the instructions.

Music to Our Ears

If you’ve ever played the piano, or looked at sheets of music, or have even just been alive on this earth, you’ve definitely heard of Beethoven. His works are some of the most renowned, and people are here to protect his legacy.

If you really want to get the people of the internet upset, just pretend you don’t know who a really famous person is, and see how they react.

Brand New Remix

In a world full of all-stars, why not embrace who you truly are inside and wear your status as a horse girl with pride? Especially now, when someone wrote an entire parody of the song “All Star” just to honor you.

At least this person got the joke—even if they didn’t understand that literally everyone heard the tune of the famous Smash Mouth song.

Map it Out

It’s a well-known stereotype that Americans are not very good at geography when it comes to anywhere outside of the United States. We’re not going to lie, but this challenge almost had us stumped.

Luckily, a trusted American pointed out that whales are in the ocean. Too bad this person woke up on the wrong side of the bed and had no tolerance for incompetence or jokes.

Blending In

One can really tell people’s favorite pastimes by their choice of attire, and camouflage is the perfect example. If you want to tease someone wearing camouflage, just pretend you can’t spot them, even if they’re standing directly in front of you.

After all, wouldn’t that make them proud of their camouflage skills? This joke would’ve been perfect, if only someone didn’t ruin it with the obvious.

I’m Making Waffles

Have you ever been just tired enough that nothing is making sense in your brain? Sometimes, we can’t even remember Donkey’s name in Shrek, no matter how hard we try.

But we forgot that Shrek created a cultural movement. Fans aren’t messing about when it comes to the details of this incredibly important movie—even in the face of a joke.

My Condolences

You have to be careful what you read on the Internet. People are far too quick to make up facts without doing their research.

However, as long as it’s clear that what they’re saying is utter nonsense, then there’s not too much to worry about. Luckily, we have the fact-checkers of the web, ready to debunk any statement, no matter how purposefully wrong it was.

See You Next Year

The ultimate dad humor is waiting until midnight on the first of January and making as many comments as you possibly can about everything you did “last year”.

This person understood the assignment and couldn’t help but joke about how long it’s been since they last posted. Unfortunately, the other people on this Discord thread were all too willing to ignore the joke and hit him with the hard truth. How sad.

Marketing 101

When you’re looking for creative ways to sell more of your product, you have to think outside of the box. That’s why endless marketing courses exist—to get people to think about the product and their audience.

We’re all in agreement that the sun has existed forever, but all we’re saying is that if it wasn’t in the sky every day, people wouldn’t have to keep buying sunglasses.

Check Yourself

There are few things as satisfying as a pun based on spelling and grammar. You know, the ones that make people get defensive before they finally realize just how right you actually were.

Here’s a perfect example of someone who simply can’t accept the claim that nothing starts and ends with these letters. If only they knew this fact was really about the word “nothing”.

Up in the Sky

If we were to project some of society’s ideals and beliefs onto the animal world, you might assume that mice believe bats are their version of angels. It’s an interesting thought and one that this person is really not happy about.

This statement really wasn’t meant with any harm or malicious intent, but it rubbed this person the wrong way. Perhaps they could take a lesson in peace and harmony from the rats.

I Stand Corrected

Whether it’s in our jobs or in our emails, autocorrect has saved us many times from misspelling something important. Yet, we’ll admit there are times when it changes the words we want to say into ones that are completely different.

If that’s ever happened to you, you know this guy’s struggle. Luckily, if autocorrect didn’t exist, we’d have people like this commenter ready to swoop in and save the day.

Got Us Beat

We’re always excited to celebrate our birthdays and big events, especially when the people in our lives know just what to get us. Even when you do know what you’ll be getting, unwrapping a gift you’ve been waiting forever for is so satisfying.

Clearly, this is a drum set. You know it, we know it, even the guy who wrote this knows it. Do we really need to crush his sarcasm with the obvious?

Dr. Frankenstein

One of the most commonly forgotten details in literature is that Frankenstein is not the name of the monster created, but the doctor himself.

Maybe before we freak out on the Internet, we should take the time to fully understand what we’re reading. After all, this is one of the best Frankenstein puns we’ve seen in a while—and this guy tried to ruin it.

Sea the Vision

We all see the world differently. For example, people with colorblindness must have a very different interpretation of the chain seafood restaurant we all know and love.

Clearly, colorblindness doesn’t make you inarticulate—that’s part of the joke. At least it’s nice to know people are ready to come to the rescue of the color-blind community, no matter the circumstances.

Open the Door

The oldest jokes in the book are either knock-knock jokes or about chickens crossing the road. This clever person decided to combine the two into an exchange whose punchline lay within this person’s reaction.

Hey, at least this guy really wanted to hear the entirety of the pun, even if it turned out they themselves were made into a joke too.

Aging Backwards

As we age, we long for the days when our skin looked young and radiant. With anti-aging creams, we can experience the look we used to have a few years ago.

With a claim of making you age backward 10 years, make sure to keep these creams away from young children, unless you want your kids to vanish entirely. This guy better check who he’s calling dumb.

Getting Grounded

Oh, a classic misconception—that Isaac Newton was the inventor of gravity. After all, if he never gave us the laws, it wouldn’t actually exist, right?

Gravity is that one thing that’s always been around, grounding us even when we don’t realize it. Maybe this person needs to get their head out of the sky and use gravity to come back to earth and find a sense of humor.

Color Us Impressed

People often have trouble when it comes to dealing with those who don’t fit into society’s definitions of normal. If you’re part of a minority, you’ve probably heard the same questions and statements over and over again.

Being color blind can’t be fun, especially when most of your interactions involve a quiz about colors you can’t tell apart or a correction of the colors you mixed up to prove a point.

Pull Your Own Weight

Parents can’t help but share with the world their favorite stories of their kids. After all, children are hilarious, and the world could always use some positivity coming from proud parents.

Wanting to get in on the fun, this guy shared a totally believable, completely impressive story about his kid who wasn’t even born yet. Imagine how many fun stories he’ll be able to tell when his son is actually born.

Take Your Vitamins

Make sure you’re taking all of your vitamins daily to maintain good health and proper nutrition. If you’re suffering from feeling lonely and sad, vitamins can help with that too.

Go up to your loved ones—or someone you want to make your loved one—and tell them you need a bit of “Vitamin U”. Just be sure they’re able to understand a pickup line and won’t correct you on what’s actually a vitamin or not.

Lettuce Be

Julius Caesar died at the hands of the Roman senators, but his legacy lives on. While he may not have expected to be iconized as the dressing of a salad, that is usually where our minds go these days when we hear “Caesar”.

Hey, any kind of legacy would be great—even if it is alongside lettuce, croutons, and parmesan. Come on, there are worse things to be associated with.

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