20+ Funny Text Conversations Between Parents and Their Kids

20+ Funny Text Conversations Between Parents and Their Kids

Parent-child relationships are filled with love, support, and at times, a good dose of humor. In today’s digital age, text messaging has become a popular way for parents and their kids to communicate. These conversations often result in hilarious exchanges that highlight the generation gap and the unique dynamics within the family. In this article, we will explore and share over 20 funny text conversations between parents and their kids. Get ready for some laughter and relatable moments!

20+ Funny Text Conversations

 1. Your Great Just Passed Away. LOL


funny Conversations Between mom create a funny hilarious moments

: your great aunt just passed away. LoL
: why is that funny
:Mom lol means laughing out loud!
:Ohmy goodness!! I sent that to everyone I thought it meant lots of love. I have tocall everryone back Oh god

 2. I’m Learning How To Hashtag!


Conversations Between mom create a funny hilarious moments

:I’m learning how to hashtag!
: That’s great, Mom.
: hashtag conversation with son.

3. New Typing-Face-Thing!


Conversations Between mom create a funny hilarious moments

:I made up a new typing-face-thing!
:An emotion. Sure. Let’s see it.
: 8==D
:Nope. No More. we’re done with these.
:What? He’s smiling!

4. I Wasn’t Planning On Texting You.


Conversations Between mom create a funny hilarious moments

:Please don”t Text me for the next hour. I’m going to be on the treadmill.
:I wasn’t planning on texting you.
:What did I just say?

 5. I Don’t Know, Love Your, Talk To You Later.


Conversations Between mom create a funny hilarious moments

: “What does IDK, LY & TTYL mean?”
: I don’t know, love, talk to you later.
: OK, I will ask your sister.

6. Did He Pose For That?


Conversations Between mom create a funny hilarious moments

: Cute Jewish Guy at the dog park. Going to medical school
: Did He Pose for that?
:No it was taken secretly
:Hahahahaha so that’s why you go to the dog park
: Yes to find you a boyfiend

 7. I Am Divorcing Your Father! LOL.


Conversations Between mom create a funny hilarious moments

: I am divorcing your father! LoL.
:Oh god waht Now MoM
: He gave me a stiffy for our anniversary last night. Unreal.
:A stiffy!!! Ew mom I don’t need to hear

8. That’s Why I’m Smiling!


Conversations with Dad

: How do u work this
i message
Program? How’s the
: Dad ur on the toilet….
: That’s why I’m smiling!

9. Yeah, They’re Getting Through.


Conversations Between mom

: I think there’s something wrong with my phone. I don’t think my texts are going through.
: Yeah, they’re getting through.
: How can you be sure?

10. Moonocababa


11. In A Meeting


12. Xoxo Your Imaginary Boyfriend


13. Dad Is Dead. You’re Next. Love, Moth


14. Please Stop Changing The Google Log So Much


15. Lol I Was Worried For A Sec.


16. Don’t Forget To Unload The Dishwasher


17. You Left Your Phone At Home


18. Dad I’ts 1:15 A.M. WTF


19. HowDoYouDoASpace


20. I Got An A In Chem!


21. Dad & I Are Always Know You Were Gay, I Love You No Matter What!


22. Have A Great Day!!


23. I Made You


24. !!! Damn Auto Erect !!!


25. Wow Chill Mom.


26. We Are Going To Disney.


27. Son, Your In A Big Trouble.


28. Happy Thanksgiving Mom 


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