Wilder vs. Joshua: Is a Heavyweight Showdown Finally Happening?

Wilder vs. Joshua

Boxing champ Deontay Wilder is eyeing a future fight with Anthony Joshua! Despite a recent loss, Wilder predicts a big win in June will reignite interest in the heavyweight showdown.

Boxer Deontay Wilder is confident he’ll fight Anthony Joshua someday!

Wilder, an American heavyweight boxer, has a match coming up in June. He recently lost a fight, but says it won’t stop a big fight with Joshua from happening.

Heavyweight Showdown Finally Happening?

Both Wilder and Joshua fought last December, with plans to meet in April. However, Joshua ended up fighting someone else.

Wilder says a big win in June will get everyone excited about him fighting Joshua again. He believes it’s a fight fans want to see, and he’s very sure it will eventually happen again.

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