20 Hilarious Texts You Won’t Believe Are Real!

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20 Hilarious Texts You Won't Believe Are Real!

In today’s digital age, texting has become an essential part of our communication. It allows us to connect with friends, family, and even acquaintances with just a few taps on our smartphones. While texting is meant to be a convenient and efficient way to communicate, it can sometimes lead to hilarious and unexpected moments. In this article, we will take a look at 20 hilarious texts that you won’t believe are real. From funny conversations between friends to awkward exchanges with parents and exes, these texts will leave you laughing and questioning the sanity of the senders.

Funny Texts Between Friends, Parents, Crush…

1. Working Remotely

These days, it’s quite remarkable to realize the vast amount of information our phones contain. We often overlook this fact. Gone are the times when we could casually deceive others about our whereabouts or activities because technology has advanced to the point where it can expose our lies. Take, for instance, this individual: they were pretending to be diligently working from home, but their Snapchat location revealed that they were actually out at sea. It’s quite amusing, isn’t it?

2. Designated Driver

We all value that one friend during a night out who takes on the responsible role of being the designated driver to ensure everyone’s safety after a night of excessive drinking. These individuals often possess an extraordinary level of patience, especially when dealing with their intoxicated friends babbling nonsense or, in this particular case, completely erasing their memories of the evening. We can only imagine the laughter they shared the following day, recalling the amusing antics and antics of their friends who were blissfully unaware of what had transpired.

3. Sweet Dreams

Oh my goodness, there’s so much going awry in this situation that it’s hard to comprehend! We have this unfortunate individual attempting to strike up a conversation with someone they’re interested in, but it seems that their poor spelling is destined to sabotage any chances of a genuine connection. When he casually asks her how her “nite” is going, she has absolutely no clue what he means. And when he tries to clarify by explaining that he meant “night,” she mistakenly interprets it as a bid for saying goodnight! What a chaotic and confusing mess this has turned out to be.

4. Locked Up

In this scenario, we witness a well-meaning boyfriend who may have taken online instructions a tad too seriously. It’s not uncommon for guys to occasionally post alluring photos on Instagram, accompanied by witty captions jokingly implying that they are too irresistible for any woman to handle. However, when these jokes are interpreted literally, they can indeed come off as rather strange and even creepy. We can only hope that he promptly explained the context to his girlfriend afterward to avoid any misunderstanding or discomfort. Clear communication is key, after all.

5. Level Unlocked

You have to hand it to this person, they clearly will stop at nothing to get a good laugh. They are literally in jail awaiting bail, and they couldn’t help but make up a funny joke to play on their mom while letting them go. Most people asking their mom to bail them out would probably take a more serious tone, but this person just couldn’t help themselves! Sometimes it really is just all about the comedy.

6. Mom’s the Word

One of the ongoing and endlessly entertaining aspects of our world is witnessing young people attempting to educate older individuals about the intricacies of the internet. It’s not just about teaching them how to connect or send an email; it’s about introducing them to the internet’s subculture, including the understanding of memes and peculiar forms of expression. In this particular case, we have a mom who remains completely oblivious to the meaning of “AF” or the existence of videos featuring gorillas engaging in humorous activities like throwing poop. Let’s face it, even many of us struggle to explain these phenomena comprehensively. It’s a reminder of the vast and often bewildering nature of internet culture that leaves us all somewhat amused and perplexed.

7. Barter Economy

One of the remarkable aspects of buying and selling items on the internet is the opportunity to connect with diverse individuals and stumble upon extraordinary and eccentric things that we never anticipated encountering. However, it’s important to acknowledge that this very feature can also lead to less-than-ideal situations. Take, for instance, this particular case where someone attempted to offer a baby alligator as payment instead of traditional currency. Clearly, alligators are not recognized as legal tender. It serves as a reminder that while the internet can be a treasure trove of fascinating discoveries, it also brings about its fair share of peculiar and sometimes impractical propositions.

8. Proud Mom

Few things in this world are as heartwarming and endearing as witnessing mothers attempting to navigate and make sense of Google. Many older individuals genuinely strive to comprehend the intricacies of the internet, but they might never fully grasp it in the same way as those who grew up with computers. This particular instance is a classic mom moment because not only does she struggle to understand “the Google,” but she also believes that her own child is somehow responsible for its operations. It’s a charming reminder of the generation gap and the unique perspectives different generations bring to technology.

9. Alter Ego

Let’s clarify one point. When someone asks for another person’s “street name,” it’s not necessarily a request for the actual name of their street. In certain contexts, a street name can refer to a pseudonym or a nickname, akin to a stage name, often used among friends or associates. What adds a comedic twist to this situation is when an individual, who might have a rather ordinary given name like Mark Smith, ends up possessing a hilariously unexpected street name for no apparent reason. It’s these unexpected contradictions that can bring laughter and amusement to everyday encounters.

10. Proud Stalker

It’s true that many people indulge in a bit of Facebook stalking every now and then, but it’s not something we typically openly admit. Let’s face it, there’s an inherent sense of creepiness associated with it. Everyone enjoys a good scroll through someone’s profile, but we recognize that openly acknowledging it can be seen as invasive or unsettling. It’s a humorous paradox that even though many of us engage in this behavior, we tend to keep it to ourselves to avoid any discomfort or raised eyebrows.

11. Are You Alone?

In today’s digital age, texting has become a popular means for couples to maintain a romantic connection, even when they are separated by distance. Conversations can become quite passionate, particularly when intimate photos are involved. In this particular scenario, it’s evident that the couple is preparing for a steamy virtual encounter. However, one of them is keen to ensure that they have complete privacy without any unexpected interruptions. It’s important to prioritize safety and remember to use antivirus protection while engaging in any online activities. Take care, everyone, and enjoy your private moments responsibly.

12. What are Friends For

At first glance, this text exchange may appear exaggeratedly sweet. After all, if someone couldn’t afford to take their girlfriend out on a date, would they really feel comfortable asking their friend for money? That’s why this guy’s response is rather amusing. If he can’t afford to treat his own girlfriend, but his friend can, then he jokingly suggests that he’ll simply take the friend’s girlfriend instead. It’s a lighthearted way of acknowledging the situation and injecting humor into it. Ultimately, it highlights the importance of maintaining a playful and humorous dynamic in relationships, even when faced with financial constraints.

13. Instant Regret

Oh dear, this particular situation starts off as hilarious but takes a turn for the worse upon further consideration. While the initial amusement is understandable, it quickly fades away when we remember that tattoos are permanent and will be with you for a lifetime. In this case, imagining a mom’s reaction to an unconventional or humorous tattoo choice dampens the laughter. We can only hope that the tattoo is temporary or somehow removable in a few weeks, as that would provide some relief from the potential long-term consequences. It serves as a reminder to think twice before making permanent decisions, especially when it comes to body art.

14. The Look of Love

It’s widely acknowledged that adorable kittens have a remarkable ability to soften even the sternest and least affectionate individuals, coaxing them to embrace their nurturing side. However, it remains quite extraordinary to witness a landlord, who is often known for being unyielding, swiftly succumbing to the charms of a cute kitten and even bending their own lease rules. Such is the undeniable power of an incredibly endearing kitten. It serves as a testament to the irresistible charm and captivating influence these tiny creatures possess, even melting the hearts of those who typically appear unaffected by such things.

15. Mom Burn

When individuals target their own mothers as the subject of their mean-spirited jokes, they often overlook their own position in the world. While some moms may come across as gentle or perhaps a bit silly, it’s crucial to recognize that you shouldn’t casually mock or make fun of someone who played an instrumental role in bringing you into existence. Mothers, after all, are responsible for the incredible act of creating and nurturing their children. It’s important to show appreciation and respect for the profound impact they have had on our lives, rather than engaging in thoughtless jests that undermine their significance.

16. Not Safe for Work

We can all relate to that uneasy feeling when we receive a call to go into our boss’s office. It can bring back memories of being summoned to the principal’s office during our school days, which often signaled trouble. However, it’s essential to remember that being called into the office doesn’t always imply termination. In this particular situation, it appears to be quite the opposite, although the behavior exhibited may not be suitable for a professional workplace setting. It highlights the complexity of office dynamics and the occasional presence of unorthodox situations that challenge conventional norms.

17. Straight Forward

There are instances when it’s best to be straightforward and communicate openly with someone about the situation at hand. It appears that the individuals involved in this scenario might have shared a romantic connection in the past, but it was not characterized by a healthy or respectful dynamic. In such cases, being upfront and transparent about their past experiences can help create clarity and foster more constructive conversations. By acknowledging the shortcomings of their previous interactions, there is an opportunity to move forward with greater understanding and potentially establish healthier boundaries.

18. Major Burn

Oh dear! We can’t help but sympathize with this guy. Admittedly, when we read his super cheesy pickup line, we found it rather endearing. It’s not the typical “I’m amazing, you should date me” approach, but rather a straightforward expression of genuine interest. The simplicity and sweetness of his message are quite charming. However, it seems that the recipient didn’t share the same sentiment and responded with a harsh but surprisingly amusing reply. It’s one of those moments where the difference in perspectives leads to an unexpected and humorous outcome.


Texting has revolutionized the way we communicate, opening up new avenues for humor, miscommunication, and unexpected laughter. The 33 hilarious texts we’ve explored in this article demonstrate the wit, absurdity, and human nature behind the digital conversations we share. So the next time you receive a text that makes you chuckle or scratch your head in disbelief, remember that you’re not alone. Embrace the hilarity and enjoy the comedic moments that come with this modern form of communication.


1. Are these text conversations real?

Yes, all the text conversations shared in this article are real. They have been sourced from various platforms and social media.

2. Can I share these text conversations with my friends?

Absolutely! Feel free to share these funny text conversations with your friends and spread the laughter.

3. Have these texts been edited for clarity or content?

Some minor edits have been made to ensure clarity and readability, but the essence and humor of the original conversations remain intact.

4. Can I submit my own funny text conversation for future articles?

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5. Do you have more articles on humorous topics?

Yes, we have a wide range of articles covering various humorous topics. Visit our website to explore more entertaining content.

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Aftab Ahmad

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