Funny Grammar and Spelling Mistakes Caught By the Grammar Police


Like it or not, but there are people out there who have taken it upon themselves to lurk through the internet to catch people’s typos. From the guy who is complaining that no one has “manors” these days, to the person who found themselves uninvited to a Giants game because they felt like being a know-it-all, here are some funny grammar and spelling mistakes caught by the Grammar Police.

Nice to meet you, board

It is super nice of this girl to go ahead and introduce herself on Facebook. If she had not done so, all of her friends may have assumed that she was simply Rachel, but it turns out that she also identifies as “board.”

It is also great that she made this post, since one of her friends responded that they actually identified as “chalk,” so it would be great if they could get together sometime.

If It Ain’t Baroque

Ah, don’t you just hate it when you go into the office kitchen and something isn’t working properly? What’s even worst is notifying your colleagues so they’ll know what going on.

So this person right here just scribbled something as fact as they can, not noticing a very silly spelling mistake. But the response of the co-worker who noticed it is totally worth it.

A+ for effort

Some people just do not get the hint, no matter how many times you try to help them out. You may have thought that there were only so many times that this guy could get mixed up between “your” and “you’re,” but after being corrected a total of four times, they still could not get it right.

Perhaps this person should try a different approach, and give this individual an extensive lesson on the difference between “your” and “you’re.”

Park Where You Are

Ah, the age old question: why are we here? what’s the purpose of it all? Where can I pay my parking fee? Where did I even leave my car in the first place?

This made us wonder, do cars have existential crisis? Anyway, we love this spelling mistake and we wish it’ll just stay thee forever, leave people with something to think about before leaving.

There certainly is something missing

This person was just trying to express that they felt like something was missing in their “hart,” and they most definitely were not wrong. Just like this other person responded, it was pretty obvious what they were missing, and that is the letter “e.” As in, it is spelt “heart,” not “hart.”

There is always the possibility that they felt like something was missing with Hart, like the comedian Kevin Hart, but we doubt it.

Great advice

They do say to practice what you preach, so we sure hope this guy paid up for being grammar policed by this individual. After all, if you can’t handle checking over what you have typed, then you can’t expect someone not to point out the obvious mistakes with your grammar.

For someone who feels the need to express some wisdom on their Facebook page, we would have expected a lot more from their abilities to write grammatically correct.

Wood for Thought

Can you imagine getting this prescription medication and checking the instructions only to see this? I mean, yes, common sense says the pill should be takes with food.

However, what if you’re actually supposed to take it with wood? What is that all about? Really, the FDA has really taken things far lately…

Dayum, Daniel

When we see a Facebook comments thread like this one over here, we cannot help but laugh. Just look at this poor girl, who simply is unable to get it together when it comes to writing without any grammatical errors.

They have made at least one mistake per sentence, which is honestly a great percentage. But, they clearly can’t handle the heat. Well, in her defense, she was apparently having a really rough day and this guy was not helping.

Absolute savagery

This girl is absolutely right – there is most certainly no letter “I” in the word “happiness,” when you spell it like that. Jake, however, decided to let this person know that if only they would spell the word correctly, then this statement would be completely untrue.

She probably would like to stick to her original statement. As we all know, it always way more satisfying to be correct than to be corrected, especially on the internet.

Hating on Hippocrates

Whatever Hippocrates did to this guy, we are sure it does not warrant public shaming like this. After all, the guy is considered to have shaped the medical world and was one of the most outstanding physicians the world has ever seen.

He did so much for the world, and this is the kind of gratitude that he gets in return. We wonder if this guy has anything against Plato as well, or perhaps Aristotle, whilst he is busy knocking the greatest figures in history.

No grammar police invited

Sometimes, it just does not pay to be a grammar police. If this guy would have held back, they would have scored on box seats at the Giants game. We are sure that they are no kicking themselves for correcting the person that was handing out these tickets.

We don’t think it is really worth missing out on these tickets, all for the satisfaction of correcting someone’s grammatical errors. You can do that any day, but sitting in the box seats at a Giants game is a rare treat.

Daddy issues

When we talk about “Daddy issues,” it is clear that this guy over here is one of the people that struggle with this.

It is possible that he just really wants to be a father, but apparently all he claims to want is his Dad to pick up the phone and give him a call. The last comment in this thread about his Dad not caring about him is the icing on the cake of this entire interaction.

Reach for the Sky

What can we even say? Were they trying to say that construction is going on? Or maybe something is being, well, erected? We don’t know for sure, but we sure are feeling very uncomfortable right now.

Lets not let our minds go to these places though. These people are trying to clear the area as it is now dangerous. Let’s just leave it up to that.


Seeing a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes on Facebook can get pretty frustrating, so we totally see why Charitee over here would feel like she wants to delete all of these people off her account.

Well, her plan did kind of backfire seeing as she herself is incapable of spelling correctly and following grammar rules. We feel like she should perhaps do some deep introspection and consider why she is so bothered by people spelling incorrectly. It sounds like she has some work on herself to do.

Man bacon… delicious

We are all about crispy, fried bacon, but we have never tasted “man bacon” before. This guy over here claims that “man bacon” is just so delicious, it has the ability to make even the grossest foods taste good, like hospital salads.

We kind of feel bad for people like him, who just want to express their passion towards food, but forget to add a simple comma which would make this entire sentence have totally different meaning.

Delightful scents

We sure hope that this person made a serious typo and really meant to write “cologne,” and not “colon.” After all, we can’t imagine smelling like the large intestine or bowel would be any fun.

Whilst we do certainly appreciate the digestive system, it is not a lingering scent we would want to have in our hair. Nor would it be fun to have this smell “everywhere,” like this person says is happening to them.

He’s Nuts!

Now, we know that some places spell it “donut” and other go for the more elaborate “Doughnut” but in anyway we twist and turn it does dognut ever appear.

We can be too mad, it’s a hard word to spell, but we honestly don’t want to know what these mini donuts are filled with.

Commas change lives

It is hard to tell whether this person over here wants to get pregnant and have a baby, or if they just want to sleep with this person. This is certainly one of those situations that using a comma would change the meaning of everything.

If only people realized how much can change just by using simple punctuation, they would perhaps use their commas a little more often than they do. It really does change everything.


How amazing is that feeling of getting a tattoo all over your hand, taking a phrase close to your heart and inking it, making sure it sticks with you forever.

And No Regrets is a great tattoo to have. As long as you don’t misspell it, of course! What were they thinking? We don’t know who’s to blame here—the artist or the canvas—but it sure is one for the books.

Mind your manors

Oh man, it is so annoying that most of us live in simple, rental apartments and not those beautiful manors that you only see in TV and movies these days. C’mon, regular houses are just so boring compared to these extravagant mansions.

The elaborate detail, the exquisitely manicured gardens and the monstrous sizes of these homes make our living situations these days look so simple and unimpressive. It would be so much cooler if people lived in manors.

Pubic Enemy

You know that feeling, spending your day outside, going in and out of establishments when all of a sudden you really have to clear yourself and try any place that will let you in? How annoying is it when all buildings around have no restroom to offer? Sometimes you just gotta go!

But this establishment will not have passers by come in just for this one purpose. It kinda feels like karma got in their way and … well, let’s just say we think there’s a different type of crowd this might be attracting.

Jesus has what to say on this

It can’t be only us who reads sentences that are written in capital letters as though the person typing is screaming. Well, it clearly is not only us who feels this way.

Anyways, you know that it is pretty bad when Jesus comes along to give his input on the way you are writing you Facebook posts. And let’s not even get started on the last comment in the thread – Kevin really topped it off with a great one.

Ironic posts

It is true that Facebook now has incorporated a spellcheck feature into their website, but it would be way cooler if a lot more people started to use it, like this person pointed out.

However, it would be the coolest if she herself would practice what she is preaching and started to spellcheck her own sentences. Then, perhaps she wouldn’t spell the word “illiterate” as “illiturate.” Whilst it is not the biggest mistake we have seen, it is pretty ironic.

Too cool for school

This sentence started off okay, with this girl even making sure to put an apostrophe in the word “I’m,” but it all went downhill from there. In a statement which only had 9 words in it, she managed to misspell a total of 3.

That is a whopping 1/3 of this girl’s Facebook post that is totally incorrect. Britani is right – perhaps she should go back to elementary school before she considers applying to college.

Read the dictionary

If we were this girl’s Dad, we would certainly be giving her quite the talking to after she posted this on her Facebook. Not only is it one of the rudest things we have ever read, it is also filled with an abnormal amount of spelling and grammar errors.

Well, at least her Dad has somewhat of a sense of humor about his rude daughter, and responded that she should go to his office and read the dictionary. He is not wrong.

No one can get it right

Man, it is rough that the US just can’t seem to leave the female anatomy alone. Well, we do think that she was actually referring to Libya over here. Unfortunately for Jenny, though, who tried to be the grammar police and help her friend out, she also could not spell the country correctly.

We understand that it may be difficult to spell the word “Libya,” but if you are going to correct someone, at least do it right.

Secret ingredients

Making a vegetable soup from freshly picked vegetables grown in your own garden does sound like such a deliciously healthy meal. However, this person apparently mixed into her soup one secret ingredient to add some flavor – her parents.

Well, that is what she made it sound like she did. If we didn’t know any better, we may have had to report her. But, we figured that she probably meant that she also added veggies from her parents’ garden.

A future doctor

This person seems to be really intimidated by the concept of cutting and pasting a bunch of images and pasting them together to create a collage. Unless, of course, they meant to write that “college” is stressing them out, not collages.

We love how this random person pops in to comment that they had a lot of fun making collages in college. What does stress us out is the fact that this person plans on being a doctor. Now that is worrying.

Mtng 4 drnx

We kind of feel like this guy totally deserved this response. After all, the person who sent the follow-up message is completely correct when they said that we don’t have Nokia phones anymore – typing like this is simply unacceptable.

Especially these days, when your phone does most of the typing for you, it would be pretty difficult to even write with so many vowels missing. Just a few more milliseconds spent typing won’t hurt anyone.

Getting a little nit-picky

Sometimes people get a little too pretentious when it comes to sentence structures and correctly using nouns, adjectives and adverbs.

We kind of think that when this person received this sweet good night text message, it would have been a lot nicer if they just responded with a more pleasant answer, rather than getting all specific and nit-picky about adjectives and adverbs. Sometimes, it is great to offer your assistance with the English language. This is not one of those times.

This is just confusing

We have so many questions with this thread over here, we do not even know where to begin. Perhaps we are just too simple minded for such a deep conversation that we can barely understand a word of what is going on with this post and all the comments.

Well, it is either that or this person has a lot of work to do on their abilities to type using proper English, starting with whatever “lag dose” means.

Who educated you?

We do not know what this woman defines as being classy and well-educated, but perhaps she needs to think of alternative words to use with which to describe herself.

Last time we checked, a part of being well-educated would be to spell correctly and follow the standard rules of grammar, which she totally botches in one simple sentence. We are actually laughing at how a bunch of people took it upon themselves to point all of this out.

Devotion to grammar

Of all the ways to spend you last day on Earth, we can’t imagine that correcting someone’s grammar would be the most thrilling thing to do. That is, unless you get immense satisfaction from fixing someone else’s mistakes.

In that case, that is so kind and thoughtful of you, to consider others before worrying about yourself. If it were our last day alive, we would probably spend it with family and friends. But, hey, everyone has those little pleasures.

Here’s some cold water for that burn

Poor Libby. She can’t even ask for help writing her essay on her Facebook without being completely annihilated in the comments section of her post.

We do not even disagree with this guy – it probably would be best if she handed in a blank piece of paper instead of attempting to write an essay with these English skills. It is a rough world out there for those who can’t spell correctly or are unfamiliar with simple rules of grammar.

Fashion advice

We are genuinely confused by a lot of things that are going on over here in this sentence. Like, does this person genuinely believe that black people should not be worn as clothing, because that is the oddest thing to say.

We feel like there is a comma missing, but there is always the possibility that this was written like this on purpose. There are some really strange people out there, and she may just be another one.

A comma changes everything

The irony over here is just so hilarious, we can’t help but laugh. Either this person has a serious anger issue and just wants to punctuate people, or they are unable to heed their own advice and use punctuation correctly.

If only that had put a comma after the word “punctuate,” this statement that they made would have been accepted quite differently by people on their Facebook. Perhaps they would even be admired for standing up for grammar.

Weird thing to love

There are many things that a man can love about his woman, like her eyes, her lips, her voice, her personality – the list goes on. What we do not really understand, though, is why this guy loves his girl’s period.

That is just straight up strange and gross. We hope that he figures out soon how to use punctuation, before he gets known around the town as the guy who is obsessed with women menstruating.

Firstly, learn how to spell the word

If you want to grow a beard, we feel like a good start would not be to stop shaving. Rather, it would probably be best to begin with learning how to spell the word “beard.”

This guy should be banned from the Beard Growing Club, in our opinion, seeing as he is clearly struggling with the simple task of spelling the word. If he chooses to grow out his facial hair, it would be quite embarrassing if he continues to spell the word as “beird.”

Sounds about right

We had no idea that a body could be smart, but yet here is some guy that has done his evaluation, and has come to a conclusion.

Well, we assume that he has come to a conclusion, but he has spelt it as “canclution,” so we have done a bit of guesswork over here. We wonder if he perhaps came to this conclusion when he was looking in the mirror at his very own reflection.

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