Creative Kitchen Design Mistakes To Avoid In The Coming Years


When renovating your kitchen, it’s tempting to make design choices that may not stand the test of time. Falling for overly trendy or tacky designs is a common pitfall. These trends are fleeting and can leave you with an outdated kitchen. To ensure your kitchen stays modern, functional, and stylish, read on for things to avoid in your design choices!

Brass Cabinet Handles

Brass handles may not give your kitchen the chic or industrial look you’re aiming for. They often appear outdated, and their color can make them stand out more than desired. Over time, brass handles tend to wear and show tarnish, especially in frequently touched areas. Opting for something like stainless steel can provide a more timeless and low-maintenance choice for your kitchen.

A Microwave Above Your Oven

Placing a microwave above your stove might not be the best idea. It’s regularly exposed to heat, steam, and grease while you’re cooking underneath. This leads to more cleaning, and the constant exposure to heat can wear out parts of the microwave over time. It’s a trend that might not be practical in the long run.

Time To Ditch The Chevron

Patterns and colors have a psychological impact, and chevron patterns are often associated with warning signs. To avoid any unintended associations, consider opting for more timeless and classic choices like solid colors. Solid colors are less likely to go out of style, and you won’t have to worry about replacing them in the future, unless you simply want to refresh your kitchen with a new coat of paint.

Faux Fruit

The trend of using fake fruits and other faux foods has lost its appeal. While fake fruits won’t spoil, it’s time to ditch this outdated trend. Consider opting for real fruits and vegetables on your counter. They may spoil faster, but they’re genuine, and having them around might even encourage you to incorporate more fresh produce into your diet.

Don’t Save Your Empty Bottles

Displaying empty beer and liquor bottles as a decoration may unintentionally convey a message about your drinking habits. If you want to avoid giving this impression without directly saying you have a drinking problem, it’s a good idea to rethink using empty bottles as decor. As adults, there are more sophisticated and meaningful ways to decorate your space that don’t involve collecting dust-covered bottles on a shelf.

Toss The Plastic

Using plastic plates may remind us of childhood, but there’s a reason adults typically use proper plates. If you don’t have kids, consider upgrading to a basic set of white dishes. They’re not overly expensive, and you’ll contribute less to the plastic pollution problem affecting the planet. Opting for durable, reusable plates is both practical and environmentally friendly.

TV Really Isn’t For A Home Kitchen

Your kitchen serves as a space for meal preparation, family interactions, and conversations. It’s not a bar or a living room, so consider keeping the television out of it. TVs in the kitchen can be distracting or even overwhelming. Most people prefer not to have news or reality shows in the background while trying to enjoy meaningful conversations. Keeping the kitchen focused on its primary functions can create a more pleasant and functional space.

Old Food Containers

Your kitchen is a place for meal preparation, family interactions, and meaningful conversations, not a bar or living room. Consider keeping the television out of it. Having a TV in the kitchen can be distracting or overwhelming, especially when you’re trying to enjoy a conversation or meal. Background noise from news or reality TV may interfere with the cozy and functional atmosphere of the kitchen. Keep the focus on the essential activities that make the kitchen a central hub for family and social interactions.

Paper Plates Aren’t For Everyday Use

While paper plates are suitable for picnics or casual gatherings, they might not be the best choice for everyday dinners, especially in a home setting. Relying on paper plates regularly can give off the impression that you don’t enjoy doing dishes or might not be taking responsibility for cleaning up after yourself. Using proper dinnerware, even if it means a bit more dishwashing, can contribute to a more mature and responsible atmosphere in your home.

Leave Window Valances In The Past

While not all window valances look tacky or outdated, finding modern and stylish ones can be challenging. It might be a good idea to avoid them altogether. Besides aesthetics, practicality is a concern. Valances made of fabric can require frequent washing and pose a fire hazard in places like the kitchen where cooking involves heat. Opting for more contemporary window treatments that are both stylish and easy to maintain could be a better choice.

Tumbled Marble Isn’t A Great Look

Tumbled marble or intentionally weathered marble can work well in bathrooms, but they may not be the best choice for kitchens. In kitchen settings, they might give off an appearance of being dirty or damaged, which is intentional for this style. Tiles, in particular, can be challenging to clean thoroughly without risking damage to the grout. Opting for something classic like solid-colored materials in the kitchen can provide a cleaner and more timeless look.

Lace Anything

Tumbled marble or intentionally weathered marble can work well in bathrooms, but they may not be the best choice for kitchens. In kitchen settings, they might give off an appearance of being dirty or damaged, which is intentional for this style. Tiles, in particular, can be challenging to clean thoroughly without risking damage to the grout. Opting for something classic like solid-colored materials in the kitchen can provide a cleaner and more timeless look.

Don’t Sand Your Cabinets

Distressed cabinets were trendy five to ten years ago, but now they may seem like a style that has overstayed its welcome. Beyond aesthetics, it’s important to consider how patterns can influence mood. Distressed cabinets, for some, can evoke a sense of stress or anxiety. While it might work tastefully for a single piece of furniture in another part of your home, it might not be the best choice for kitchen cabinets where you spend a significant amount of time. Opting for a more timeless and calming design for kitchen cabinets could be a better fit.

Kitchen Desks

Multi-functional kitchens, including incorporating a desk, might be viewed by some as a way for contractors to cut costs and for real estate agents to upsell a home. Having a desk in the kitchen, where it’s typically busy and noisy, may not be the most practical or comfortable workspace. If you find that a kitchen desk doesn’t suit your needs, consider utilizing that space for something more useful and relevant to your daily activities. Efficient and purposeful use of kitchen space is key to creating a functional and enjoyable environment.

Old Wooden Cabinets

While not a severe offense, it’s worth noting that if your kitchen hasn’t been updated in a decade and the wood cabinets remain unpainted, it might give off a dated appearance. Wood styles tend to cycle in and out of fashion every decade, so the type of wood and stain used for your cabinets may benefit from a fresh coat of paint to bring a more modern and updated look to the space.

Wine-Themed Decorations

Decor that revolves around a wine theme, often called vino-themed decor, can sometimes give off an impression of relating to cheap wine. Similar to collecting empty bottles, this style might inadvertently convey the image of someone with a drinking habit. If you prefer not to broadcast your habits, especially if they involve unwinding with a glass of wine every evening, it might be wise to reconsider this type of decor in your kitchen. Opting for more neutral and timeless decor choices can provide a more sophisticated and less revealing aesthetic.

All White Appliances

While all white appliances might seem appealing in theory, they can be challenging to keep clean and might give off a dated appearance reminiscent of the 1990s. In addition, they often have a tendency to look inexpensive. The main downside is the difficulty in maintaining their pristine appearance, as every spill or speck of dirt tends to show prominently, and stains can become increasingly challenging to remove over time. Considering alternative appliance colors or finishes might be a more practical choice for a modern and easier-to-maintain kitchen aesthetic.

More Than One Pattern

When choosing a style for your kitchen remodel, it’s often advisable to avoid using patterns as they can quickly become outdated or tacky. Moreover, using more than one pattern in your kitchen is generally not recommended. Multiple patterns can make your kitchen appear confusing and cluttered, detracting from a cohesive and stylish overall design. Opting for a more streamlined and unified approach to patterns can contribute to a more timeless and visually appealing kitchen aesthetic.

Don’t Overdo The Chandeliers

Unless you live in a massive mansion, having at most one chandelier in your kitchen is likely sufficient. Even in larger homes, one larger chandelier can add plenty of glamour without overdoing it. Keeping the use of chandeliers to a minimum is advisable, especially in smaller kitchens, as they already bring a significant amount of elegance to the space. Striking the right balance ensures that the chandelier complements the kitchen without overwhelming it.

Hanging Pots

Hanging pots and pans can create a cluttered look in your kitchen, especially if you’re not a professional cook with a professional-grade kitchen. If your culinary skills don’t match the level of a pro, displaying your cookware this way might come across as pretentious in terms of design. Storing pots and pans in a cabinet is often a more practical and aesthetically pleasing choice for many home kitchens. It keeps the space tidy and avoids unnecessary visual clutter.

Lose The Weird Chairs

Mixing and matching dining room chairs can be a good idea if they are of a similar style and comfort level. However, if the chairs are too quirky or uncomfortable, they may end up serving more as decoration pieces than functional seating. Guests likely won’t enjoy having dinner while sitting in uncomfortable chairs. The situation becomes even more challenging if the chairs are vastly different, leading everyone to sit at different eye levels, which can disrupt the overall harmony of the dining space. Opting for a cohesive and comfortable set of dining chairs is often a more practical choice.

Match Your Paint

Using nine different paint colors in your kitchen can create a cluttered and tacky look. Just like with patterns, a mishmash of colors can be overwhelming and may not stand the test of time in terms of style. Additionally, the psychological impact of colors can affect the way people feel, and a chaotic color scheme may induce anxiety rather than create a welcoming atmosphere. Opting for a more cohesive and restrained color palette can contribute to a timeless and comfortable kitchen design.

Descriptive Signs

Room signs, while they might look cute in home decor magazines, may not serve a practical purpose in a home setting. In spaces like kitchens, where the function is evident, room signs can be unnecessary and may make people wonder why they’re being told they’re in a kitchen when it’s clear from the surroundings. While they might evoke an industrial or farmhouse vibe, it’s essential to consider whether these design elements genuinely suit your home’s overall style and functionality. In many cases, simplicity without unnecessary signage can contribute to a more clean and modern aesthetic.

Tuscan Style Kitchens

Tuscan-style kitchens, modeled after those in Tuscany, have become common in many McMansions over the last decade. While they might evoke a certain charm, it’s essential to consider whether this style suits your actual location and preferences. If you’re not in Tuscany, opting for a design that aligns more closely with your local context and personal taste may be a better choice. Faux Tuscan styles, much like the McMansions they’re often associated with, can be perceived as tacky, and choosing a more authentic and timeless design might enhance the overall appeal of your kitchen.

Half-Done Backsplashes

Tuscan-style kitchens, modeled after those in Tuscany, have become common in many McMansions over the last decade. While they might evoke a certain charm, it’s essential to consider whether this style suits your actual location and preferences. If you’re not in Tuscany, opting for a design that aligns more closely with your local context and personal taste may be a better choice. Faux Tuscan styles, much like the McMansions they’re often associated with, can be perceived as tacky, and choosing a more authentic and timeless design might enhance the overall appeal of your kitchen.

Industrial Kitchens

Industrial kitchens can have a modern look, but they might also come off as a bit pretentious. Unless you regularly entertain large groups or have the need for extensive kitchen equipment, oversized appliances, and an abundance of stainless steel may be unnecessary. Additionally, industrial-style chairs, often chosen for their aesthetic appeal, can be uncomfortable, which goes against the principle of prioritizing function over form in a kitchen. Considering the practical needs of your household and opting for a design that balances style with comfort and functionality may result in a more suitable and enjoyable kitchen space.

Too Many Ferns

While a plant or two in the kitchen can add a nice touch, be cautious not to overdo it. Too many plants can give off the impression of clutter and may overwhelm the space, resembling a collection rather than intentional decor. Avoid an excess of ferns, and consider keeping most plants in the garden or on the porch, where they can thrive and contribute to outdoor aesthetics. There are various other decorative options that can achieve the same livening effect without making your kitchen feel overcrowded.

Sliding Doors

Sliding doors, often referred to as barn doors, are inspired by those found on farms. They differ from pocket doors as they slide along the outside of the wall instead of into it. While they might add a rustic touch, these doors can look out of place in homes that aren’t situated on a farm. It’s similar to the principle of Tuscan-style kitchens—choose design elements that align with the context of your home. Opting for features that complement the overall style and architecture of your living space ensures a more cohesive and visually pleasing aesthetic.

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