35+ Entertaining Wrong Number Texts Made Unforgettable With Awesome Responses


Have you ever texted a complete stranger by accident? Maybe you thought you remembered your friend’s number after getting a new phone and sent them a message without realizing you replaced that 4 with a 1? Maybe you met a new person, put them in your contacts, but didn’t notice that you entered in their phone number totally incorrectly? It’s a pretty easy mistake, and it’s happened to a lot of us.

You’ve got the wrong Janet

Normally when you text the wrong number, you’ll send a pretty simple text and you’ll get a pretty simple “who is this?” in return. Sometimes, though, just sometimes, someone will send a series of the most bizarre texts ever written to someone they’ve never met before.

And it’s those moments that the Internet lives for. In this one, this person mentions pie recipes, BBQ sauce, tree branches, Hansel and Gretel, and more. We’re not sure what they were going for with this one, but hopefully they finally got to the real Janet.

The perfect scam

We have a theory on this one. Probably it’s not an honest mistake where someone is actually reaching out for child support. Remember those old emails where a foreign prince would need a small loan for a million dollars from you in exchange for untold riches later on?

Yeah, this has gotta be the modern day equivalent. Saying “your ex” (or in this case “you ex”) rather than a name is a tell-tale sign. Stay vigilant out there, folks. Don’t send child support money to random strangers who text you.

Dr. Hannah reporting for duty

In this one, we see a humble young woman go from someone not employed in the medical field to a top doctor in just a few texts. In all honesty, we can’t imagine that she really got a job off of this, but we love to imagine this being the start of an amazing medical career.

Ah, the places wrong number texts can take us! Really though, if this text teaches us anything, it shows that Google is smarter than doctors. We’re putting all our trust in WebMD going forward. What could go wrong?

They had to ask

We’re not really sure what we would do in this position. They pretty much forced the person they incorrectly texted into asking that question. Like seriously, how could you not be curious!

Also, the text implies that their kitchen is super dirty, but really, that pantry doesn’t look all that bad. If that’s the standard for a messy cabinet, we’re hoping we don’t accidentally text a picture of ours to anyone…. Also, why were they sending a picture of their pantry to someone in the first place?! So many questions, so few answers.

He’s in the house

There’s no better response to a text just saying “Corey?” than this. That’s it, pack it up folks, this is the perfect response. If you’re not familiar with our good old pal Kyle Massey, this is what he looks like.

He played Cory in Cory in the House, a classic Disney Channel show. We’re not sure what he’s up to these days, but we’d say that being used as a text clapback is a bit of a downgrade from his former child stardom.

A fortuitous mistake

This poor person was just trying to plan a meal. There were clearly many factors that were hard to work around (Anisha and Yanni, just get some Facebook accounts!), and then they just had to have the wrong number as they were trying to figure everything out. Fortunately for them, they ran into Qdoba caterers. Problem solved, right!

Yanni and Anisha be darned, just order Qdoba for dinner! It seems they didn’t take these restaurateurs up on their offers, though, which is just sad.

No words needed

What can you possibly reply to someone who just sends a selfie to you? You don’t know their name, you don’t know what they want, you don’t know anything about them. All you know is how they like to pose for selfies. Which, all things considered, is pretty telling about a person.

These guys knew how to respond, though. By the time these ladies got this response, they probably knew definitively that they had the wrong number. We’ve gotta say, though, we’re pretty impressed by how well these guys mimicked the pose.

The newbie

Tinder is an…odd place. You match with people based on knowing basically nothing about them and having seen them from their three best angles. Sometimes it goes great and true love is found, all from simply swiping on someone on an app.

Other times it goes horribly and both people hate each other. Other times, though, one person feels the spark and the other person…not so much. Our guess is that Ashly probably didn’t “accidentally” block this guy. Especially considering it seems like she gave a fake number.

*Batman slapping noises*

Some people don’t go through a lot of effort when they get texted by a stranger. Most people ignore texts like this. Some people try to help the other person out a little bit by telling them they have the wrong number.

Others, though, take it upon themselves to really work on a good response. This one involved googling this Batman meme, dragging it into Paint and editing it. Heck, they even got the perfect comic book font on this one! Kudos to whoever did this. You make these articles worthwhile.

Over before it even started

We’d like to start this one off by clearly stating that we don’t condone breaking up over text. Seriously, it shows a lot more respect to actually meet up face to face and let them know how you’re feeling and why it is you’re moving on.

With that being said, we’d also like to emphasize that we definitely don’t condone text breakups to people you’ve never met. Why end it so soon? You haven’t even gotten to know each other! You could have a beautiful future together for all you know….

Yes. Yes it is.

The best incorrect texts are always the one that start off with complete non-sequiturs. Sure, it’s definitely funny when someone introduces themselves and it devolves into nonsense and drama from there, but we love when someone just sends something that immediately doesn’t make any sense.

Here’s a standard cable. Yes, I see that, and why are you texting it to me? This person’s response was about the most logical you could make in this situation, although we’d argue that that’s far more than a standard cat. That’s a GREAT cat.

That’s not my father!

This person got a random text so good that they just had to share it to Reddit for all the world to see. Not only was the father they got sent not their father, but he also has on a very interesting outfit.

Maybe that’s stylish in his neighborhood? We won’t judge, fashion is weird. Maybe he’s in a Buckingham Palace guard costume? If so, we can’t say it is super high effort. Either way, dad is definitely Internet famous now. Hopefully he’s pretty jazzed about that!

Love through the screen

This one is sweet, and also a little awkward at the end. We love how the guy receiving the wrong text immediately expresses his love back to the person texting him, because we all need a little love these days.

We also love how the guy texting the wrong number acknowledges how funny the situation is. When the second guy tries to make a connection by asking him about Reddit, though, the other one isn’t having it. Maybe they can bond over sports or something?

Brace Yourself

There’s nothing quite like the sinking feeling in your stomach when you realize that you sent a text to the wrong person—especially when you just got back from a date with that person.

This is definitely one way of telling someone that you aren’t interested in pursuing something further with them. Hey, at least Jimmy is taking control of his life and making himself look his best! What an unfortunate text exchange.

Cut the dirty tricks

Here’s another one that just proves that there’s a strong correlation between texting the wrong person and literally just not understanding how phones work. Obviously this person isn’t Rachyl, and they cannot give you Rachyl’s number.

Just think about it for a second, Tajlea! We promise that they aren’t playing any tricks on you. Fake Rachyl would never do something so cruel. Maybe Real Rachyl would, but that’s a different discussion. We would also like to commend Fake Rachyl’s use of a classic meme in this one. It’s really aged like fine wine.

A persistent one, eh?

Different people have different perspectives on what you should do when you’re left on read. Some think a double text is appropriate. If done correctly, it can calmly let the person know you are expecting a response.

Some think that ignoring the issue is best, and that the person you’re trying to contact will get back to you when they can. We can confidently say that no one (seriously, no one) would approve of twelve texts in a row. With eleven of them being gibberish. This person needs to chill. And find whoever they’re looking for.

Detective Mom

We all know that moms and phone tracking apps aren’t always a good mix. For protective moms, the ability to track their kids can sometimes be more worrying than reassuring.

This mom was stressing out when she texted her child and saw their phone was offline. Did she think it had been stolen and the replies were from the thief? We’re just as confused as you are but here’s hoping the police were able to clear things up.

It’s a smile dad

We all know that you’re never fully dressed without a smile, but we have a feeling that this kid wasn’t on about Dan’s smile in the message that she accidentally sent to her father. To begin with, it seems as though her father doesn’t quite understand what’s going on.

And we bet that Ashley thought that she had got away with it. Unfortunately, her world soon came crashing down around her, and we bet she didn’t see Dan’s smile for a while after that.

Merry Christmas, mom!

A lot of the time, fake texts end up in anger and misery. People hurling insults at each other, cursing each other out and saying vulgar things (seriously, you should see the ones we didn’t include), it’s all pretty common in mistaken texts. Other times, they just end in confusion, where no one really knows what’s going on.

Sometimes, though, real connections are made. This text comes from a woman who a child accidentally texted thinking it was their mom. It turns out it had a real impact on her. We’re gonna cry!

Oh no, please stop….

This text is perhaps the most cringey one we’ve yet come across. Not only did this guy obviously get rejected by Shannon (she’s not into you, bro!), but he seems like he’s going out of his way to make it as awkward as possible. Who types in stutters?

And types out their actions? He’s nervous even over text! He needs to get some game. We can only hope that this guy was telling a joke, because seriously, that’s some messed-up text etiquette that he’s got. Textiquette? Yeah, that sounds right.

The bright side of wrong number texts

There’s something so wholesome about making someone happy over the Internet. You’ve never met them, you probably never will meet them, but you still managed to make them smile.

Really, that’s how we should be using the Internet! (Take notes, people in the Youtube comments.) Patrick went out of his way to make a meme for someone who texted him by accident, and the other person loved it. We could all learn a thing or two from Patrick! Sidenote, hopefully this guy found out Grant’s number after all.

You’re missing the point, my guy

At first glance, this one doesn’t seem so bad. This guy got a text from his girlfriend breaking up with him, which must have been horrible. But, thankfully she just had the wrong number and wasn’t breaking up with him after all! Whew, bullet dodged on that one.

Except for the fact that, you know, it might be pertinent to the situation to wonder who she was actually breaking up with. The only #sundaymotivation he’s gonna have when he realizes that his girl was cheating on him is to break up with her over text.

Kimber is completely lost

Okay, we’re convinced that this person doesn’t even really know how phones work. They called the wrong number and then were completely confused when that same number texted them saying they called the wrong number.

Honestly, trying to explain why this person is confused is making us kinda confused, but you get the picture. Also, that text signature! Who uses text signatures? And with the different symbols, too…. This person seriously needs to make an upgrade to their understanding of modern technology. Time to catch up with the kids, Kimber.


We’ve all been in a similar position as this guy. Sitting around, bored, wondering what we would do if someone texted us on accident. It’s the perfect time for a prank, really, and you need to bring your A-game.

No time to think once the opportunity presents itself. This guy wasn’t ready, which normally would be a shame, but in this situation it was definitely a blessing. Imagine messing with someone trying to let someone else know that their friend passed away. That’s some seriously bad karma right there.

Friend or enemy?

We’ve all gotten wrong number texts, but it’s not often that someone messages us that they found our number in their phone and wanted to know if we’re actually a friend. How strange!

Melissa did just that and we’re loving the super polite response she got back from her former friend. Judging from Melissa’s response, there must have been some bad blood.

The text angel

We’re not sure what’s really going on in this one, but it’s so sweet. Does this person actually know the other person they’re texting? Did they just decide to do a good deed and type in a random number?

Either way, they clearly brightened up this person’s day, which is awesome to see. We wish more people would commit random acts of kindness with accidental texts! Sadly, most people just use it to break up with people or show off their pantry. That is decidedly less nice.

They’re not quite ready yet

If you have a photo of yourself posing in the mirror with a Hannah Montana alarm clock, goggles, and a blanket cape, you’re gonna want to use it at any and every possible opportunity.

This probably isn’t even a photo of the person being texted, but it’s such a great response. In case the guy didn’t get the message, they won’t be showing up to Bread Co anytime soon. Those bagels can make themselves, they’ve got a glamorous look that they need to perfect in the mirror.

Nice pose, dude

When this young man posed with his pal in the above photo, he probably didn’t expect to get a pitch-perfect recreation from two random people he’s never met. But, hey, that’s what happens when you text someone with a penchant for mischief.

Here’s what we’re wondering. Did the guy on the bottom just happen to also be at a restaurant with an older man when he got the text, or did he plan it all out? We like to imagine that he orchestrated it all. That’s theater, baby!

We need to save Shelby!

This one is equal parts funny and terrifying. On one hand, it definitely makes us laugh to imagine someone calmly texting their friend whose house they think might be on fire. Like, what if it was?

What will they text back? “yea, p hot over here, ttyl dood”? They probably should’ve just called the fire department to begin with! The scary part is that Shelby might actually be in danger. Hopefully the stranger they texted convinced them to call the authorities for help!

The classic mom passive-aggression

This person was definitely not prepared to get guilted into doing some chores the day they got this accidental message. The last text in this conversation is one that we’re probably all familiar with. Moms seem to have an uncanny ability to make us feel guilty by being passive-aggressive.

And really, they have a point. They really do do everything! This person probably should’ve just sucked it up and taken Val to school. Come on, mom needs some help! It doesn’t matter if you live hundreds of miles away, just do her a solid, you know?

The drama…the mystery…the intrigue

Gosh, where to even begin with this one. There’s so much drama packed into this one accidental text that we can’t even parse through it, really. Like, what could Brittney have done that truly warranted a ban from the cul-de-sac barbeque?

That’s like the suburban equivalent of a life sentence. Is Caitlin alright? Why did she end the message with hugs and kisses?! Ugh, our brains hurt. Also, is it just us, or is it kinda creepy that this person called who we presume to be her daughter her “precious”?

They were just trying to make friends!

Sometimes a mistake is the best place to make a new friend. You happen to bump into someone walking down the road and you jump into a conversation about a shirt they’re wearing, and boom, friends for life.

You’d think that this would work over text, but nah, not really. This person was kind enough to offer housing to this stranger, and they were definitely more creeped out than anything else. We’re just surprised that this person could turn down the sweet temptation of free biscuits.

Pretty sure that isn’t how State Farm works

Switching over to the Jake from State Farm persona is a pretty classic prank. It doesn’t hurt anybody, and it clues them in on you not being who they meant to contact.

This person decided to verify that it was indeed Jake, and they passed the test by correctly identifying what kind of pants he wears (khakis were indeed correct, despite their inherent hideousness). We’re not insurance brokers, but we’re pretty sure that you don’t have relationship coverage. Hopefully this guy does find a more faithful girl in the future, though.

A modern romance

Is there anything that feels more like a modern romance than a spontaneous interaction over text between two strangers? It’s like the digital equivalent of that soldier kissing the woman in Times Square.

Just a theory here, but maybe this is how online dating should be from now on. You text a random number, find a connection, and then mysteriously disappear. Yeah, we like how that sounds. It saves you the stress of actually meeting someone in person, which is never that fun, if we’re being honest.

Solidarity…with memes

Giving someone the wrong number when they ask for yours might seem like a gentle way to reject them, but it really just sets them up for more misery down the road.

Most of the time they’re going to text the random number, realize they got rejected and have to face the ridicule of the person whose number you gave. Luckily for this bachelor, the other guy knew the feeling. They got to bond over the pain of rejection together in the only way that makes sense in the modern world: with memes.

A few key differences

This guy took a photo and realized that the person in it looked identical to one of his friends. Blown away, he decided to send the photo to that friend to get their input.

Unluckily for them, he messed up his friend’s number and wound up sending the photo to someone else. And that someone else definitely didn’t look like the guy in the pic. Just a few key differences, really, but not an easy mistake to make. That was probably quite the wake up call for the first guy….

Straight to the point

Some people have an instinct to play with people when they send an accidental text. Many people would ask who Bart is, say they’ve got the wrong number, start acting like they would plan the party, or any other variety of things.

Others take a completely different route, however, and instead opt to just get straight to the point. No messing around here. This guy just hit them with the quick, “No.” That says all that needs to be said, right? It’s the perfect troll response.

My husband is away

At first glance, this looks like a pretty classic spam message. It offers an enticing proposal of meeting with a married woman whose husband is away, and it even offers a link to what seems to be a pretty suspect website to visit. We’ve all seen spam messages like this before. But then it seems to be kinda real, as they say that they have the wrong number after sending it.

Most spam bots don’t do that. This person had some choice words for this mischievous wife/spam bot, however. They weren’t afraid to make their feelings known.

The dog has the phone!

Who is this? Dog picture. Who is this? Another dog picture. We’re starting to think that this person has the number for the dog, and they’re just responding to every text with a cute photo to let them know they have the wrong number.

Dogs can’t write, so it makes sense they wouldn’t send long, well-thought out responses. That’s gotta be what’s going on here, mystery solved! Also, this person’s animal identification really needs some work. That would be an odd-looking cat if it were one…. No offense, doggy!

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