24+ Embarrassing times people didn’t get satire at all


Imagine you are in a world where logic comes from context clues, and silliness arises from clever word choices. This is a realm where shame and ridicule are reserved for those who are quick to respond, but their replies are clearly wrong.

This is a dimension that exists only in the depths of the world that thrives on the obvious, and clever people fuel it to remarkable levels. We land and touch ground upon the very atmosphere where wit meets the foolish to form the very essence of sarcasm and satire. It is a state of mind that many enter, few wish to leave, and some never see.

These tales are a sad tale to the reader, and they are then lessons taught in laughter. Here, we introduce to you a showcase and welcome to the brilliant…that is, those who think knew better than the original poster. After all, you can’t have satire without remembering the words of the wise Wayne Douglas Gretzy: “You miss one hundred percent of the jokes you don’t get.”

Silicon Valley outdoes itself again

Being pioneers of technology and innovation (and actually rated #1 by media reports!), the minds at work behind this bluetooth hydro-jet made sure to keep a low price in mind when they designed it.

Having finally achieved bluetooth water, what the forefathers and disciples of optimization executed exceptionally were the aerodynamics of the joke. As such, it was destined to sail beautifully over the heads of those with a less than dull wit. Another brilliant and timeless masterpiece, Silicon Valley, truly.

Y = ya missed the joke

The rules and regulations of both education and science are always changing. They’re pretty much at the mercy of new theorems that advance us in the direction of enlightenment. Some rules apply as policies, especially as new education requirements pass.

The idea that emotion would suddenly be deemed acceptable by either a governing or scientific body is hysterical, and the idea that someone in South Carolina believes it is astounding. Math is pretty hard for both the outraged and the unwitting.

Our new ID pic

There are quite a few ideas from the policymakers. Many can be awful, some can be decent, and every now and then? They can be revolutionary. Having a camera that adds a filter that makes any federal charges of speeding so much cuter.

The very notion of a federal or local body mandating such an order is absolutely out of reality… for most. The sorry passerby caught this red light and decided to take a stand. The dog filter would probably have to be the best one (unless they included the giraffe).

No dear, you’re wrong

The online gaming world has spread its reach incredibly in the last decade or so. More, now than ever, are younger generations gaining access to it through the modern ubiquity of computers and wifi-enabled gaming systems. As such, kids can also just as easily reach into parent’s wallets and purchase that sweet limited-time skin pack.

To the less knowledgeable, some might see the data and actually buy into the statistics of middle-aged adults spending away through their gaming. For the very knowledgeable (like the commenter here), our interpretations were accurate.

It just don’t make no sense

If a couple has babies, it is assumed the babies have at least a half chance of looking strongly like one or the other. For an included twist, what if the father had a twin? Well, then, there’s the joke.

The person clearly states they don’t get it, a good first step. While yes, the added information of the existence of a twin is understood. For the sake of implication in the form of humor, why assume the twin is the father? It’s only implied by the preposterousness of the reveal.

Sue genie omae wa “lol”

A more niche joke for those fans of the epic manga and anime, is a joke about the incredibly sprite and witted protagonist. One does not have to be a genius standmaster to understand the logical premise and buildup of the joke, though.

Embarrassingly, there’s always the one person who doesn’t get it and tries to fix the joke. If you try it out the way it was recommended, it makes no sense, really. Sigh, we should have seen this one coming.

All they did was read the…

We’ve got some root words here. There’s “logy,” the study of something. Then there’s “meteor,” a big rock in space going, like, super fast. Meteorology, then, is the study of meteors. And, in a brilliant tactic, if you don’t report it, it doesn’t happen.

Meteorologists keep us safe from the dangers of hyper-sonic asteroids that could collide with Earth. Sadly, there is not a single iota of understanding here that it was a joke. A mist and mirage of babble, the man missed the mark. Read twice, comment once is the trick here.

Level X Ted

Say, who is Ted and why does he like talking so much? The elusive enigma has inspired and educated many on the subjects of tech, entertainment, and design. But seriously, who is he? One of these users hasn’t seen enough TED talks.

Otherwise, their brain would be so big, it might just get the joke. Probably not, though; most of Theodore’s talks have become large filibustering sessions. The best option would just be to meet Teddy himself and have someone use his telepathy to learn all his wisdom instead.

Now you see him…

The thinly veiled attempt at yet another camo joke went blindly unnoticed, as though to be camouflaged by the idea of genuine curiosity. However, not every story ends with the fool remaining the court jester.

We have ourselves a real redemption tale here. Upon replying to the spoof, the man finally got the joke! Better late than never, but who can really blame him? We don’t doubt that he was probably just super excited about his brand new invisible car.

Unconstitutional face-wipe

The people who make the rules tend to impose on everyone in one way or another. In the world of football, there is a finicky rule about likeness and profits on the NCAA’s behalf. Before we make fault of just explaining the joke, there’s more to it.

The point to highlight here is that someone genuinely believed that the NCAA not only had a means to face erasure, but the motivation to do it. The cherry on top, of course, is always a smelly onion to sell the whole package.

American takes gold medal in joke Olympics

Placing twice is incredibly tough. Most Olympians spend their entire lives perfecting their techniques for the greatest competition. The technique here, though, seems purely intrinsic, as though birth blessed them with a ready wit.

Perfectly merging the link between the original joke and the brute’s blunder of it, all through another joke, this is a farce to be reckoned with. Watch out for more gold in future joke Olympics, friends; we have an instant legend amidst. We’re rating this a clean seven out of eleven.

We read it on the news

This one may be the most hilarious of all the posts regarding this fictional news site. The site is known for many asinine headlines, but this one is just so plainly dumb. The man looks fed up, and it’s all so clear.

Sadly the commenter was just totally exasperated. They were tired of the farcical news coverage and wanted the sensational journalism the Kronkite-like site was so known for. Since when did the site start reporting such nonsensical news reports and not the heavy hitting facts? Harumph.

Satanbucks brand new drink

We have some dark and frightening news to break to you. Starbucks is connected to a cult. Is it a satanist group that is obsessed with black magic and rituals? No, not really. It’s just the cult of Starbucks drinkers.

It is funny to imagine Starbucks rolling out a new Satan-themed marketing program though. We aren’t saying we’d partake in any demonic coffee, but those cups would definitely be mad collectible in a few years. To the person who advised us to be aware of what the enemy is doing: we agree. Be aware that they’re joking.

Good catch

Great minds think alike, it is said. Here, we see the unfolding of two comedians in their prime. One is a senior and the other is just now stepping into their own. It’s interesting how someone could read something, piece together the joke, miss it, then reconstruct the same exact joke.

It is akin to taking apart a sandwich, then saying, “Oh my, do I have an idea!” Then they turn around and make the same exact sandwich. It was a good catch nonetheless, and they should definitely try their hand at comedy.

It’s a reflection of the truth

There’s an awful lot to see in this joke. It’s pretty clever, that is certain. But nay if ye be one to so quickly overlook the real humor: the comedic prowess of the one who knew better. Oh my, how silly the original poster is!

Why would they want to work in a mirror factory? Surely such a foolish sentiment has to have some sort of explanation. We aren’t sure either why a mirror factory is a place OP would see himself working at. We need to reflect on it a bit.

Boundaries: Japanese edition

If a friend says they don’t want to go to Japan, the only natural response is to interrogate them and reform them into becoming good people. After all, who wouldn’t want to go to Japan?

We have here a case of the online hero. They took it too literally and are on the crusade to protect the fictional character from an obviously absurd and totally not staged joke. The poor guy from the article is forever grateful and indebted to the nameless rider of justice.

Kodak Moment

The debate over the Second Amendment is always a contentious one, and this person has weighed in with this hilarious photo. We admit we had to do a double take before clocking this was camera equipment and not a gun.

However, this defender of professional photography has waded in to defend the rights of photographers everywhere. Thanks pal, the future of high quality images depends on you.

Need for Speed

We often think we can get away with going just a bit over the speed limit, until that one time we get caught. In this case, the disappointment at getting in trouble with the law was outweighed by the opportunity to brag about getting a ticket with a funny number.

We hope they can keep the same positive attitude when they find out the cop took their request just a bit too far. Be prepared for a hefty fine.


Basic economics of marketing remind us every decision carries an opportunity cost. Here we have rock-bottom prices at the expense of any semblance of hygiene. Now the whole family can party for hours for, like, twenty bucks.

It is absolutely precious that the comment is left public, almost as an inquiry straight to Chester E. himself. The very crescendo of it all is the minimalist “this real?” comment. For the sake of laughs… yes it totally is real.

Game theory versus an onion

The popular news site (known for its wholly untrue headlines) continues to troll people even today. Where there’s a fool, there’s a “Hey!” What we’ve come across here is just your average commentary on the dismal safety of our beloved sports heroes, brought to light through classic satire.

Can’t get hurt if you don’t play, goes the famous slogan. One ready commenter came to the same realization, but just went about it the wrong way. Huddle up, they need a time out to think this one through.

Mathematician checkmates poor Alex

In mathematical analysis, one learns that patterns are inherent to nature and beyond. Arithmetic, then, is just the organization of such properties. Most learn how to count and perform basic functions.

Humor is the same way, it’s about finding patterns linking ideas, and the included context clues. Most learn and develop comedic functions and understandings throughout their lives. Much like counting, not everyone learns how to perform or comprehend it. The same applies to satire…it’s just like if you never learned to read.

Shakespeare got it all wrong

We may all recall the classic Shakespearean piece on the almost-mythical Roman emperor. Taking poetic license is, of course, a given. Having not lived in the era, we are forced to really estimate and try to figure out as much as we can about his characters.

Some historical texts may exist, but the historic liberties on the particular event almost always come down to speculation. Here we have the historian clashing with the poet in truest fashion. Et tu, Brute?

R u series?!

Here we have a funny origin tale as to the birth of running. Many jokes exist similar to them, but none are quite as clever as this one (as any jogger might agree!). Honestly, we’ve heard it all. This commenter, though, was having none of it.

The so-called professional on anthropology full on walked twice — erm, ran — to swoop in and correct the inaccuracy. If only someone else would double skip to correct the spelling. Sadly, they were far too slow to help out.

Fifty cents equal a good time

People on the internet love posting pictures of corporate and business entities missing the mark so bad that they’re embarrassed. Falling prey to one of the classic blunders of internet trolling is this poor store-owner.

The baffling array of events and experiences in the review must have really flabbergasted the unaware owner. Rides? What rides? Think really hard about this one, and pat yourself twice on the back when you finally understood what happened here. Time to visit a laundromat.


The best pickle-spiced cucumber jam cannot compare to the relishing that is a well-placed irony. Seldom are bamboozles as witty as this beautiful comedic map. To pull the rug from underneath so many people at once is nothing short of genius.

The joke simultaneously went over everyone’s heads… and included everyone in it. This is art. The more elaborate and calculatingly someone in the comments tries to correct it, the more funny and embarrassing it is. After looking over it many times, we seriously believe that this image is brilliant.

Hypothesis: astrophysicist is astronomically dense

The scientific community bases itself upon the triumphs derived from the scientific method. Really, though, it works for almost any aspect: humor, psychology, astrophysics. What we’ve found ourselves in is another classic example of pretension and presumption breeding into a furious meltdown.

The logic of the initial joke was actually really good, but the furious disbelief on behalf of one celestially foolish astrophysicist really proved their weak subject to be satire. We give it this rating: one funny bone (for you anatomy geeks).


It is impossible! How, we wonder in the most intense battle of wits, can you really try to tell me just how Abraham Lincoln could have said this quote?

We’ve made it far enough to classify this as someone who tried to deconstruct the joke, but instead took it literally. Though, they did get a laugh out of it, so was the fool playing the joker? Very likely not, it seems as though it was scoffish laugh at the joker’s failure at deciphering information.

That was very shelfish

Puns are some of the most simple gags we can pull off. It’s usually hit or miss, either causing a brain tickle or leading to serious cringe. Now, because of one bold commenter pictured here, there’s a third classification: hit or miss… or miss completely.

This is the same situation as running into a glass door (despite noticing the handle in place). A solid facepalm is the only way to appropriately address the situation. Really, though, they only have their shelf to blame for the goof up.

Pardon us, we’re joke blind

This clever joke was actually pretty well done. It gave us a visual aid to a verbal pun and led to a solid nose exhale, maybe even a laugh, depending who you are.

Also depending on who you are, there might be a mix up whether the joke was taken literally or not. It is kind of funny to think about the implications though. Do they believe the person genuinely mixed up the colors? They definitely came up with the right answer, so then what’s the hold up?

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