30+ Creepy Screenshots That’ll Be Burned Into Our Brains Forever


It seems that everybody in the world has become a photographer, thanks to having a camera in their pocket every day. Because of this, there are many more photos floating around the internet, and some of them are creepier than they should be. Don’t believe us? Check out this compiled list of some of the creepiest photos you’ll ever see. Warning: they’ll forever be etched into your brain. Keep scrolling if you dare…

Moving In

Nature can be a fascinating and horrifying thing, all in the same breath. Walking past this statue made from a hornet’s nest is a prime example. From a distance, this would scare us to death!

Even up close, to be truthful, it’s kind of scary. The mixture of the two things definitely creates a creepy screenshot that we won’t soon forget. What do you think!?

Here’s Looking at You

It’s really nice when someone at work takes the time to celebrate your birthday in this way. After all, who doesn’t like a good pie to celebrate making their way around the sun one more year? But if this was the pie, we might be willing to forego a celebration!

We’re not sure if this guy intended for this to look that creepy or not. But if they did, they succeeded! If they didn’t, maybe some force in the universe is just trying to tell them something.

Wanna Take a Dip?

When you’re looking at buying a house, finding one that is reasonably priced and has an indoor pool could be the find of the century. That is unless it’s this house and that pool! This looks like something out of one of those paranormal activity movies!

We definitely wouldn’t get in the pool and are a little confused as to whether there’s actually water in that pool or if that’s just stained. Either way, it’s super creepy!

What’s Up?

In order to sell things better, many clothing companies utilize mannequins. And though this is a great tactic to allow people to see how you can put outfits together, the mannequins themselves can be quite creepy.

This one, in particular, has a little bit of an “I just moved here” look! Who knows, maybe the mannequins come alive at night and roam around the store? The picture definitely makes it seem like that’s what’s been going on.

Pearly Whites

Many of us in the world think that dolls, in and of themselves, are creepy. There’s nothing like laying in a room and looking up and seeing a doll to make you think that they’re moving around.

But if it were this doll, we would definitely not be able to sleep! Who thought it was a good idea to add teeth and a smile to this very disturbing image?!

Abstract Arches

There are some mascots that are just iconic and seared into our minds. One of those is probably Ronald McDonald, and if we saw this Ronald McDonald, that image would be seared in our minds forever, too!

We’re all up for abstract art but taking it into the realm of our childhood memories is unnecessary. Why does this sculpture even exist?! And also, has this even been company approved?

Using the Facilities

Sometimes, when you’re working in someone’s house or working with someone in their home, there comes a need to use the restroom. But if we walked downstairs and saw this, we’d definitely be holding it for the rest of the time.

We assume that this isn’t a usable restroom and that they’re getting ready to renovate. If they’re not, they seriously need to consider that as an option.

Alien or Baby?

Babies are cute and cuddly, and you just want to scoop them up anytime you see them. For most of us, that is. However, if we saw this, we definitely wouldn’t be bending down to baby talk to any child! Why was this even necessary?

If that’s what a baby looks like in an X-ray, we can understand why somebody might think that those little creatures are actually from outer space.

Beloved Toy

Most kids have a favorite stuffed toy or a favorite toy in general. These are toys carried around with them everywhere they go, and no matter how old they get or how worn out, you can never take them away from a child.

If we were this kid’s parents, though, we’d find a way for that toy to disappear mysteriously. How creepy is this strange doll?!

Anonymous Note

When you live in a neighborhood and have a pet, you really need to pay attention to certain things. If your dog is always barking, you need to figure out how to train it not to do so, so that you’re not annoying the rest of your neighbors.

That being said, there’s no need for threats like this. This is not only horrible but creepy too. We’d definitely be eyeballing our neighbors because someone on the block is a little bit of a psychopath.

Drive Carefully

Many people out there just don’t know how to handle anger or disappointment. These people often lash out in unexpected ways. We’d probably be calling the cops right now if we were this guy!

What did he do that he deserved his tires slashed and this very cryptic yet threatening note? It definitely had to be something pretty serious, right? We hope Mark is keeping an eye out over his shoulder!

Visiting Japan?

There are a lot of places in the world that people dream of visiting. Maybe one of the most common travel destinations is Japan. There are so many wonderful things and unique aspects of this culture.

But this is a little creepy and not part of a visit that we’d want to participate in. What is that creepy thing, and just how big is it?! Can someone please tell us?!

Fair Warning

Unless you live in a certain area, you may not understand the thoughts and culture of that area. This includes weird signs that you happen to pass by on back roads that you maybe shouldn’t be driving on.

This sign is very creepy and has us scratching our heads. We think we’d probably be evacuating the island if we heard just one short blast. Eight blasts and we’d already be on the boat and on our way to the mainland.

Reaching Out to You

No matter where they’re located in a city, gas stations are always some of the creepiest places you can find. That’s because there are so many different types of people coming in and out that you’ll wind up seeing some pretty unique things.

However, this may be one of the creepiest things we’ve ever seen! We just hope that they’re going to a costume party and that they don’t think that is a great way to grow their nails out!

Strange Nature

Sometimes, the creepiest things that come across our paths are those that nature has put in the world. Strange creatures, that we can’t quite explain how they look the way they do, can give us a bit of a funny feeling.

This hammerhead worm is absolutely crazy-looking. In fact, if we didn’t know it was something that belonged to our world, we’d think that it was a creepy alien from another planet looking to take us all over.

So Cheesy

As time goes on, there are many things that change from fashion trends to what we think is appropriate for children’s literature. Sometimes, kids’ books have some pretty interesting characters and artwork.

But none, however, is as creepy as this one. We’re not sure what the story is about, but this cheese block has olives for eyes and a bacon mouth that doesn’t seem very kid-friendly!

Head’s Up

We’re sure almost everyone out there has seen the animated classic Pixar movie Toy Story. But few of us thought that any of those toys that were in Sid’s room were actually real.

We were very wrong, and the truth is that this crab with the doll’s head is way creepier than we could have ever imagined. Also, can someone help that crab out so that it doesn’t have a problem seeing where it’s going!


Sometimes, the best way to clear your mind and relax a little is to go for a long leisurely walk after work. This often means that you’re taking a nighttime stroll, and when you’re in the dark, you can see some pretty creepy things.

But this woman standing on a roof by herself is creepy and looks like something out of a horror film. We probably would have taken the picture, turned around, and walked straight home, if we were this person!


Most of us understand that, sometimes, what we see on the outside doesn’t always match what’s on the inside. That can go for people as well as socks, apparently. These socks look so cute when they’re right side out!

Turn them inside out, and suddenly you have a demon on your foot! We guess this could be a good piece of symbology for some people.

Open! Open! Open!

Can you imagine turning on your kitchen light and seeing this at the back door?! After pulling ourselves back up off the floor from a small heart attack, our immediate reaction would be to take out our phones.

This poor kangaroo looks like he’s being chased by something, and though we probably wouldn’t let him in, we would definitely wonder what was going on outside.

I See You!

Many people feel that dolls are some of the creepiest things that have ever been invented! But how much more would they think they were creepy if they were actually able to see inside the head of that doll.

Well, here it is, and we were right. It’s way creepier than we even expected it to be! After seeing this, we would definitely not want to keep this in our house.

Up Close and Creepy

When it comes to photography, it’s all about the angles and viewpoints of the person taking the photo. One slight misjudgment of distance, and you can wind up with some pretty interesting pieces.

Or you can end up with some pretty creepy images! These polaroids would be something out of our nightmares if we didn’t know what they were. We hope that this person did this by accident, and this just wasn’t them trying to scare some of their friends.

Come on Down

Basements are just naturally designed to be creepy! At least that’s what we think, and we’re sure many of you out there feel the same way. But who thought that a basement entrance next to the bathroom was a good idea?

This is begging for accidents and some pretty weird situations, especially if someone has to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

Follow Me

It’s one thing to have creepy spaces in your house and come across things that just don’t make sense. That’s scary enough, but when you go outside and see bare footprints in the frost, it’s time to consider hiring someone to check out a ghost problem.

We’re not sure how these footsteps got there, but it immediately gives us Amityville Horror feels. So you know what that means? It’s creepy, and it’s time to stay with the closest relatives.


Many people have hours of enjoyment on Facebook and Instagram playing with the camera filters on their images. There are filters for everything, and apparently, they don’t just work on human faces.

That being said, if you have enough time to use filters on your cat face and this is what you get, you deserve all the creeps you can handle. This is just disturbing!

Resurrection Meeting

Kids have wonderful imaginations. Sometimes, when they’ve gone through traumatic situations, they use that imagination to work through feelings and emotions. However, that can lead to some pretty creepy findings.

It’s sad that this child was doing this because they lost their mother. But also, it’s super creepy because they even came up with the concept of resurrecting their loved one.

Let Me In

We’re sure there’s a logical explanation for these creepy handprints outside this door. But without that back story, we’re sure that this person’s mind started going through all kinds of really creepy and horrifying stories behind this find.

It definitely looks like somebody was begging to be let in, which bears the question: what’s outside that they thought they needed to get into that building so quickly? This is creepy and terrifying, all in the same breath!

Those Eyes

Many people choose to have pets so that they don’t feel alone or have an addition to their family that shows them unconditional love. These pets are often doted on and think they’re just the most beautiful things in the world.

But this dog, though we’re sure its owner loves it, has some very creepy eyes. It’s almost as if someone has put human eyes on this furry four-legged friend, which is quite disturbing.

Say Cheese!

There are images that can be beautiful and creepy at the same time. Sometimes, when you’re taking nature pictures, you don’t intend for things to end up being creepy – they just have a way of doing it.

This crane, though we’re sure was beautiful up close when walking into this thicket, just seems to be almost like a ghostly shape. With the right context, this could be an amazing picture, but right now, we’re just a little creeped out by it.

Planning Something?

Cats have a pretty independent spirit, that’s why there’s such a debate when it comes to whether someone’s a cat person or not. They have their own mindset, and they always look like they’re up to something.

But none look quite as devious as this feline does. We’re not sure what he’s plotting, but we might be a little creeped out and worried if we were the person on the couch.

Leaving Their Mark

Sometimes, people do some crazy things for fun. It appears that these friends were out having a good time playing in the mud like they were children, and something strange came out of the process.

These guys know what this was, but we wonder how many people came across this hole and were a little frightened that something was trying to claw its way out of the center of the world?

Look Into My Eyes

Tons of kids love to play with dolls. That’s why there are so many options of dolls with different stories behind them. But we’d really like to know the story behind this very creepy doll. What’s up with those eyes?!

Looking into this doll’s eyes, we feel like we’re being hypnotized, which is just a little creepy. If we were this kid’s parents, this doll would go missing fast!


There are tons of locations that people like to travel to that are not necessarily the safest for them to do so. In those cases, a lot of state parks will leave very informative signage to help protect their visitors.

Most of the time, though, it’s happy and cheerful, not so dark and creepy. Though it seems like there are many good points, maybe the people venturing into this unknown should take heed.

Behind the Door

It’s a big step when you can finally get your own home. Frequently, things may go overlooked when you’re choosing the home, and you find some pretty unique things as you begin to settle in.

This is giving us haunted house, serial killer vibes, though. This is so creepy, yet we still want to open that door and see what’s behind it! Would you open this door?

Heads Up

Things happen when you’re constructing a home that can be left behind forever. If something happens to fall into a brick or the cement, it gets left there for others to find and get creeped out by later.

Not sure how this doll’s head wound up in this brick, but what we are stuck on is that the person that found it had to have been super creeped out.


As kids, we’re sure many of us dreamt of finding a secret passage to a magical world. After all, there are tons of movies about that, and as we grew up, we soon realized that this is just never going to happen.

Or is it? This person found one hidden behind some shelves, but it’s not nearly as magical looking as one would expect. In fact, it’s quite creepy, and we’re not sure the magical world on the other side is going to be all rainbows and unicorns!

Pizza Delivery

Having a home security system can help families and individuals feel safer in the four walls they call home. But sometimes, the cameras on them don’t always have the highest quality, leading to some pretty disturbing moments.

If we were this person and looked out of our doorbell detector and saw this, we might get ourselves a cross and some holy water. Because, clearly, whoever is delivering that pizza is not from this realm!


When you’re a parent, you want to make sure that your child is safe and sound at all times. That’s why a lot of people utilize nanny cams and baby monitors to make sure they can check in on their little ones whenever they feel like it.

That being said, they can be super creepy as well. Imagine hearing someone whispering your name and then looking into the monitor to see this. No, thank you!

The Fog

Many places deal with fog in the early morning, which can cause some pretty interesting situations to occur. Often, the fog is so thick, you can barely see what’s right in front of your face, let alone take a picture!

But this guy just happened to snap an interesting picture and one that could herald some pretty creepy stories if you really wanted to tell them. It definitely looks like something out of a Guillermo del Toro movie.

Dead Man’s Fingers

Nature doesn’t know what makes us get creeped out! It just does what it does and creates its own little flora and fauna according to the needs of that particular species. That’s how you get this really creepy fungus!

These mushrooms grow up from the ground and are commonly known as “dead man fingers.” We can definitely see how they got their name and how someone stumbling across them could get a little creeped out.

No, Thank You!

Sometimes, as a human, there’s rationalization when you look at what nature brings into the world. Maybe some of the most creepy-looking things come from the fungus world, just like this right here!

Most people call this fungus “devil’s fingers.” It definitely looks like a devil is coming out of the ground. If we stumbled upon this, we would find ourselves taking a creepy picture before leaving rather quickly.

Under the Table

Many people take to social media to find used furniture for their homes. It’s a great way to be very budget-minded, and you often find some pretty unique and creative things. But sometimes, those unique and creative touches that you’re looking to add to your decor also come with a creep factor.

We hope that someone was just trying to be funny with this. But to be safe, maybe you should check where those coordinates are!

No Face

There’s a reason why abandoned amusement parks attract people who enjoy the creepy and macabre. Quite simply, it’s because when things like this are left behind, they become pretty creepy looking as they deteriorate.

We’re sure when this bear was fully formed, it was quite cute (although probably still a little disturbing). However, time was not kind to it, and now it looks like something that could be in a bad B horror film.

Clownin’ Around

Clowns! What can we say? There are many people that are just absolutely frightened by these circus dwellers. Though we may not understand, we can definitely empathize with this situation because looking up and seeing this would be frightening.

Why anybody would have this staring out of their window, or be the person wearing the mask staring out the window, is beyond us. But it definitely makes for one creepy image!

Follow Me! We Don’t Think So!

Everybody has their own particular aesthetic when it comes to their style. Some people like a more classic, conservative look, and others just like creepy and frightening! We’re going to assume this guy is the latter!

Why someone would have their car decorated like this is a question only their therapist can answer. But one thing is for sure, if we were on this road, we would definitely not follow that creepy car anywhere, even if it was going in the direction we were going.

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Raza Chaudary


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