Hilariously Awkward Wedding Photos That Will Make Anyone Seriously Cringe


"People around the world have different ideas for their wedding photos. Some like traditional ones, while others want something unique. We appreciate creativity, but some of these photos might have been better with a second opinion. Get ready for some funny and unusual wedding pictures!"

  1. 1 Didn't Mom Tell You Not To Play With Your Food?

    We've all probably heard of the custom some brides and grooms have of releasing doves on their wedding day. The only thing that sets that concept apart from this picture, is the fact that this bride and groom are "releasing" dead doves, or whatever the poor bird was.

  2. 2 Love For Watermelon

    We're definitely starting strong with this one. This couple thought it would be a great idea to feature some yummy watermelons in some of their wedding pictures, as a way of showing the groom's love for a juicy watermelon.

  3. 3 The Bread Lovers

    We have no idea what's happening in this picture. The bride is obviously showing control, but she might also be interpreting the saying "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" a little bit too literally.

  4. 4 Is It Time To Go Home Yet?

    This bride certainly seems to be "thrilled" about the wonderful wedding party her family threw. We have no idea who the guy playing the instrument is, but we doubt that he is the groom.

  5. 5 Her Love Was Found At The Bottom Of This Bottle

    There is absolutely no doubt in this world that some people really use their creativity to take the most original wedding photos ever. This couple went all the way to create a photoshopped situation of the groom in the form of a genie, while his bride holds the bottle he is coming out of.

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