12 Raw Stories Of Unique Appearances By Sujata Setia’s Project

Unveiling 12 extraordinary visual tales from Sujata Setia's project. Witness unique appearances captured through her lens!

  1. 6 From Scars to Runway

    I have spinal muscular atrophy (SMA Type 2) since 18 months old. It's a muscle weakening condition. I rely on a ventilator full-time since 15. It doesn't bring me down. I have goals! Being on a ventilator 24/7 didn't stop me from modeling and educating about disabilities. We just need a bit more support. Let's not shy away from the word 'disabled'. I use humor on Instagram and TikTok to educate about disabilities, though sometimes I face negative comments, even threats. I stay strong and confident, sharing my journey to inspire body positivity. Disabled people live fulfilling lives, so don't label us as 'inspirations' – we're just living happily.

  2. 7 Cheryl's Celebration of Self

    Classmates called me '101 Dalmatians,' 'Cookie Dough,' 'Spotty Face.' I grew up hating myself, feeling out of place. It strained relationships. Then, my kids changed everything. I asked, 'What kind of role model am I if I can't embrace who I am?' From then on, I chose to be ME! Hi, I'm Cheryl. Born with congenital Melanocytic nevus (CMN), these are my scars. I love and embrace myself, wearing my scars with confidence and joy. I am a CELEBRATION!

  3. 8 Hattie's Journey

    "Hi, I'm Hattie. I was born with a congenital cataract and glaucoma, leading to surgeries and a noticeable eye difference. Recently, it started causing pain, so I'm getting a prosthetic. I also have psoriasis, which can attract attention. I'm open to questions, using it as a chance to educate. I've gained confidence, valuing myself beyond appearance. I envision a world where uniqueness is embraced."

  4. 9 Strength Through NF2: Erika's Journey

    Hi, I'm Erika, and I have NF2, a rare genetic disorder causing tumors in my brain and spine. It's taken a lot from me, including my vision, hearing, and facial function, along with intangible losses like connections and opportunities. Grieving these losses is crucial, much like mourning a loved one. It's a tough journey, but it grants me inner strength. Through surgeries, radiation, and trials, I find glimmers of hope. Adapting to a world I wasn't quite prepared for, I continue to celebrate life, advocate for myself and others, and face challenges with a support system that has stood by me, finding new ways to connect and see the strength and beauty within me, even when I struggle to do so myself.

  5. 10 Catrin and Raiche's Journey

    Catrin and Raiche, both burn survivors, share powerful stories of resilience. Catrin, overcoming a devastating accident, now works as a physiotherapist after graduating from King's College London. Raiche, a Black-British survivor, navigates her unique journey, redefining beauty and normalizing facial differences. Their shared narratives through scars remind us of our common humanity.

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