12 Raw Stories Of Unique Appearances By Sujata Setia’s Project

Unveiling 12 extraordinary visual tales from Sujata Setia's project. Witness unique appearances captured through her lens!

  1. 11 Defying the Odds with Joy and Resilience

    During my pregnancy, I was told my child might not survive due to a condition called cystic hygroma. Doctors feared she wouldn't make it past her first day. Yet, on August 9, 2016, Eden defied the odds, born with a lymphatic malformation on her face and neck. Now, five years and nearly 20 surgeries later, she's a joyful and resilient little girl. Despite online trolls, I stand strong as her advocate, determined to break the stigma around visible differences and disabilities. - Chelsea, Mother of Eden Sue.

  2. 12

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