40+ Hacks That the Prove Human Imagination Is Limitless


There are various tasks in your everyday routine that can be simplified without necessarily buying expensive gadgets to automate them. Rather, we explore some ingenious ways with items found in your home to tackle common problems, demonstrating how unlimited human imagination can be when it comes to resolving issues.

Put on a Bracelet With Ease

Small closures are frequently incorporated into jewelry to facilitate its opening and closing. This way, the closures are seamlessly integrated into the design and do not diminish its overall appearance.

However, there are disadvantages to this technique. It might be challenging for you to manipulate the small clasp on your bracelet, especially when it’s situated on your wrist. You may use a safety pin to keep the chain in position and extend your reach while fastening the clasp.

Don’t Smash Your Fingers!

Even animated shows have been satirizing this issue for a long time. Is there a certain method to prevent unintentionally hitting your fingers with a hammer?

It is logical to conclude that the most effective approach would be to completely eliminate the use of your fingers in performing this task. However, you may wonder how to grasp the nail without using your fingers. In this instance, a clothespin that is readily available in your vicinity can effectively serve this purpose.

Keeping it All Together

Have you experienced a zipper that kept falling down on your jeans? It’s a significant issue that may even cause you to avoid wearing the affected pair of jeans entirely.

If you have a solution to the problem, then this statement doesn’t apply. The solution is quite simple, requiring only a paperclip and the particular pair of jeans. You can fix the problem by attaching one end of the paperclip to the zipper and the other end over the button of the jeans when zipping them up.

Stay Comfortable With Dry Feet

Although canvas shoes look fashionable, they don’t really offer good durability or protection against the weather. If you wear them during a rainy day, your feet will definitely get wet.

With some beeswax and a hair dryer, you can easily solve this issue. Firstly, apply a layer of beeswax on your shoes and blow dry it. Keep using the hair dryer until the beeswax is entirely absorbed.

Packing Up

Preparing luggage for a vacation, business travel, or relocation can be overwhelming. In the end, you desire to carry along all the essentials, yet you may encounter space constraints.

Additionally, it is important to avoid placing items together that could have a negative impact on each other. For instance, your shoes may soil your clothing. To prevent this, you can place your shoes in a shower cap before packing them in your luggage.

Sweet Summer Treats

There’s nothing more enjoyable on a warm day than indulging in a chilly popsicle. They’re available in a range of flavors and are both refreshing and delicious.

Do you know how to avoid getting your hands messy while enjoying this delicious snack? As popsicles can create a lot of mess if not handled properly, a simple solution is to utilize a cupcake holder to collect all the drippings that may occur while eating. Once you’re done with your treat, you can dispose of the holder easily.

Getting the Last Bit

If you’ve had experience with a grater in the past, then you’re aware of its usefulness. However, you also know that it can be tricky to grate a small amount of food.

In case you have been using your fingers to hold the food while grating, there is a possibility of getting scratched or scraped as you grate the last bit. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, it is recommended to use a fork to hold the food while grating.

Solve Your Stinky Shoes

Every now and then, the shoes of everybody begin to emanate an unpleasant smell. This happens because our feet tend to become sweaty and malodorous during the day, and the shoes tend to absorb those smells.

Although you cannot simply wash your shoes in the shower like you do your feet, there is an alternative solution. One option is to place a few unused tea bags into your shoes. Alternatively, if you need to dry out a pair of shoes, you can replace the tea bags with rice and baking soda.

Using the Space

Is it not possible for you to keep only one baking dish available? What if there’s a requirement for a distinct size or in case you have to bake multiple things?

Regarding the matter of varying sizes, there’s no need to worry and rush to the store in case you do not possess a compact baking dish. According to this individual, employing aluminum foil can serve as an excellent dividing mechanism to keep your casseroles separated in their zones.

Keep Your Cords Tidy

As electronic devices have become almost ubiquitous, a frequently encountered challenge is how to manage surplus cords without getting them twisted and tangled.

One way to avoid tangled cords and potential damage to them is to repurpose empty toilet paper rolls. After wrapping the cords, insert them through the roll to keep them secure in the wrapped position.

DIY Laptop Protector

While working outdoors can provide some much-needed fresh air, it can become challenging if you are concerned about safeguarding your laptop simultaneously.

If your devices get too hot and the sun affects your visibility, there is a solution. You can use a spare cardboard box by cutting one of its sides to create a shaded spot for your laptop while still allowing you to see the screen. This will protect your electronics while also providing better visibility.

Reaching the Wick

When a candle burns too low, it becomes difficult to light because the wick may become too distant to reach easily.

If you have a box of spaghetti at home, it can be a useful solution in a certain situation. You could light one end of a strand of spaghetti to reach the wick at the bottom of a candle’s holder. Once you have finished using it, you can extinguish the pasta and dispose of it.

Protect Your Peanut Butter

As a fan of peanut butter, particularly the natural variety, you may be aware that it frequently separates. This requires mixing before use.

The issue lies in the fact that when the oil settles at the bottom, it becomes difficult to mix the peanut butter. To overcome this issue, invert the peanut butter jar in the cupboard so that the oil rests on top. This makes it effortless to mix the oil by just opening the jar.

Funnel in a Pinch

To add oil to your car, you will require more than just oil and the car. It is essential that you use a funnel to ensure that the oil reaches the correct place.

Even if you don’t have a funnel, there’s still a solution. You can use a screwdriver as an alternative. By pouring the oil down the metal arm of the screwdriver, it will create a narrower flow and run down the length of the screwdriver.

Keep Your Keys Close

It is a common occurrence that almost everyone goes through at some point. When getting ready for a run or gym session, you might realize that you don’t have pockets to keep your keys in.

The situation can become complicated as carrying an extra bag while jogging might not be desirable. To avoid this, you can fasten your house key onto your shoelace by bending down.

Giving a Fridge New Life

Upgrading to a new refrigerator can present a challenge, as you now have to deal with the old one – do you simply dispose of it in the landfill?

If you’re looking to repurpose some parts, we have a suggestion for using the shelves. Given that your garage or shed can always use additional storage, why not take the shelves off the refrigerator door and fix them to the wall to hold any items you need to store?

Kickstart Your Rose Garden

Cultivating a garden full of roses is an excellent method to incorporate a natural element of elegance into your living space. However, it may leave you contemplating the initial phases of the process.

If you have rose cuttings, you might be able to get started with a potato from your kitchen too. All you have to do is take your cuttings and insert the stem into a small, raw potato. This will offer moisture and nutrients.

Make the Most of Your Cart

There are a lot of little things that could be improved about regular grocery shopping. To start, we’ll just focus on one small hack you can use while you shop.

This person found out that if you aren’t using the child’s seat in the front of your cart, it’s still handy and not just for fragile groceries like bread. With the seatbelt, you can also lock your drink into place to prevent spills.

Make Pouring Easier

When your child is feeling a little under the weather, you don’t want any added problems. In fact, simplifying things can go a long way in making sure everyone rests.

You can make measuring out cold medicine easier by only cutting a hole in the seal of liquid medicine rather than removing the whole thing. In doing this, you create a more controlled and slower flow that’s easier to pour and measure accurately.

Fix Your Clogged Drain

It’s a bane of any homeowner’s existence. You walk into the bathroom one morning to take a shower, only to notice the water pooling at your feet instead of draining.

It’s fine, though! All you need to do is clean the drain out from time to time. Try running hot water into the drain and then add a cup of baking soda. Now, very slowly, add a cup of vinegar as well before flushing again with hot water.

No Windows? No Problem?

We all want a little light in our living situation. It’s why big windows and a lot of natural light are a great selling point for real estate.

When this person didn’t have any windows in their basement, they bought a few old windows and put them up. First, they added a frosted effect to the glass and added some LED panels behind them. This way, it offers the illusion of daylight anytime you want it.

Working Together

Reusable zipper bags are incredibly handy. Not only can you wash them and never worry about buying new ones, but they’re also an eco-friendly option too.

On the other hand, they can seem almost impossible to dry if you aren’t sure what to do. We recommend using your drying spring-loaded salad tongs. You can use these to hold open the reusable bag while it dries and you can let your tongs dry in the process.

Disinfect LEGOS in the Dishwasher

LEGOs are well-loved by fans both young and old. When it comes to anything that kids commonly play with, you need to worry about how to keep them clean.

In the case of LEGOS, you can actually clean them in your dishwasher. Start by throwing them in a laundry bag to keep them contained. Then just run the dishwasher as you usually would but stop before you hit the drying cycle. Let the LEGOS dry on a towel instead.

Renewing Your Pasta

One of the best things about a big dinner is enjoying the leftovers the next day. However, not every dish seems to reheat as well as the last one.

For example, pasta out of the microwave is often drier than it is when you first make it. You can avoid this, however, by adding a splash of milk or a bit of cream, you can cure this dryness and restore the sauce to the glory it had when you first made your dish.

Secure Your Buttons

There’s nothing quite as inconvenient as looking down only to find you’ve lost a button on your shirt. Can you make sure it doesn’t happen?

You can cut down on the chances of the threads fraying and wearing out on you, leaving your buttons behind. Just grab a bottle of clear nail polish to seal the threads in place on the button. Make sure to use clear nail polish unless you want to alter the buttons’ appearance.

Keep Them Safe

Traveling with tall plants can present a challenge to any plant lover. After all, you want them to stay safe like any other plant you might purchase.

There’s a solution that can work if you travel in a large enough vehicle. A closed ladder is a great way to create sectioned-off spaces where you can place your plants. You just might want to take a second and secure everything with a few extra ties.

Creating a Thumb Bandage

Cutting or hurting the tip of your finger can be annoying. Even worse, it can be hard to protect it with a bandage that stays put.

You can turn any bandage into a suitable bandage for the end of your finger with a couple of strategic cuts, though. By cutting into the end of each side of the bandage, you can get a little more flexibility and grip out of it when you place it on your thumb.

Lost and Found

If you lose something small on the floor and can’t see it, you might think all hope is lost. It’s the way that many a piece of jewelry, screws, and more have disappeared.

Your vacuum can help you out here. Of course, you don’t want to just suck the item into the vacuum with the dirt. To avoid this, pull a sock or secure a piece of fabric over the end of the vacuum. This way, it’ll pick up the missing item without devouring it.

It Works for Little Kids

It’s only fair to note that this hack won’t work for everyone. However, if you’re trying to please a young child, a trick like this could help.

When you get down to the end of a loaf of bread, someone has to eat the heel of the bread. Given that it’s mostly crust, it isn’t quite popular. If you want to hide the heel of the bread, you can make a sandwich using the heel crust-side-in.

Keep the Breakouts Away

If you struggle with acne, there’s a long list of tricks and tips that you can use to help reduce your breakouts. One that might help is actually not a change to your skincare routine.

Instead, make sure to change your pillowcase daily to reduce acne. When you sleep, your pillowcase absorbs the oils from your skin. That means over time, the oils on your pillowcase can irritate your skin, causing breakouts. Changing the case regularly can help a lot.

Unstick Those Stickers

It can seem like putting a sticker on something means it’s there forever. This belief can be particularly concerned when it comes to furniture.

All hope is not lost, though! You can change things up and remove the stickers with just a putty knife and blowdryer. The blowdryer will allow you to soften the adhesive and make it more removable while the putty knife is easier to remove stickers with than your hands.

Just Out of Reach

Especially to shorter people, a high shelf can pose quite a challenge. How do you check what’s in all those boxes when you can’t see inside them?

You don’t actually have to take down each individual box to see what’s inside. You can employ the use of your front-facing camera to help you out. This way, you have a live feed that you can see which shows you what’s up there from a perspective you can actually see.

Don’t Boil Over

It’s easy for cooking to get messy. Sometimes, things spill or they splash or maybe even boil over — and that, in turn, causes some chaos on the stovetop.

There’s an easy way to avoid boiling over at the very least. All you need is a wooden spoon — you can even use the spoon you’re cooking with. When you’re leaving your food to boil, lay the spoon across the top to keep the pot from boiling over.

Creating a Trash Box

If you’re feeling under the weather, you probably don’t want to get up and down all the time. In fact, you probably just want to lounge about and rest.

So, where do you put your dirty tissues as you use them if you don’t have a wastebasket nearby? You can use a second, empty tissue box for the job. With these two boxes, you have a handy option for ones that are ready to use and an entire box to toss when you’re ready to get up.

Upgrade Your Rug

Nothing feels better underfoot than a comfortable rug. Not every rug has the plush feeling that you’re looking for, however.

As for this hack, you can make any rug feel a little lusher without looking any different at all. All you have to do is purchase a bit of carpet padding that’s relatively inexpensive. Place this under your rug and it’ll add a bit more spring to your step.

A Runner’s Solution

There’s nothing quite as uncomfortable as walking around all day with blistered feet. Yet, it seems that they seem to be unavoidable sometimes.

These blisters are caused by friction which can come from the seams in your socks, for one. Luckily, if you turn your socks inside out, that thicker seam is on the outside and reduces the chance of blisters. It’s a trick that runners often use to protect their feet while they’re running.

A Moving Tip

Moving is a stressful process. In the end, you have to make sure that everything you own is in order enough to safely make it from one home to the next.

Moving clothes can seem like it takes up a lot of space all on its own too. To make packing clothes easier, don’t start to take down and fold everything in your closet. Instead, place a trash bag over a group of hanging clothes to protect them in transit.

Rescue a Phone Charger

As handy as our phones are, their chargers aren’t all that durable. On the other hand, they could be if you knew what steps to take.

Take a pen that you don’t use anymore and take it apart. Work the spring over the end of the charger and then slip a bit of shrink tube over it. Position these close to the end of the charger where they often crack and fray and blow-dry the tube so it shrinks to fit.

How to Store a Cake

Cake containers are a handy tool for making sure your stored cakes stay safe and pristine. If you don’t have one, though, you might be wondering what to do.

You can actually use regular Tupperware to store cake. Yet, if you place the cake down in it, it’s hard to cut a slice out. To avoid this, store the cake on the lid and use the larger body of the container to work as a lid.

Give it a Boost

If you find that your phone isn’t loud enough even at a high volume, what do you do? Are you doomed to listen to a low volume unless you get a speaker?

Alternatively, you could opt for a lower-budget way to turn up the volume. If you put the phone in an empty glass with the speakers facing the bottom, the sound will bounce and sound louder. It’s a great trick for music or even alarms.

Sweeping Up

Anyone who has tried to sweep up before quickly realizes a design flaw. When you sweep everything into a dustpan, there’s an inconvenient line of dirt left.

This can be particularly problematic when it comes to cleaning dangerous materials like glass. Don’t worry, however, because you can solve the problem with a little painter’s tape. This reduces the gap that you have to clear when you’re sweeping your dirt pile into the dustpan.

Solving a Stink

Once in a while, even the best of us catch ourselves smelling a little ripe. Maybe you woke up too late to catch a shower or simply forgot deodorant that day.

So, what do you do if this happens and you don’t have your deodorant handy? Do you have to run to the nearest store or all the way home? You could or, according to this life hack, you could use a half of an orange or a lemon to combat B.O.

If You’re Feeling Vengeful

When you go to the mailbox, you probably pull out junk mail addressed to you quite often. The best reaction is usually to toss it in the recycling bin or the shredder.

If you’re feeling particularly vengeful, you could cost the company a little bit of money. It might not make a difference in the long run but it can make you feel a little better about the junk mail you get. Not to mention, if you rip it up, the business is likely charged per piece of mail returned.

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