Drake Bell says Josh Peck reached out to support him after he shared about abuse in a documentary series

Drake Bell says Josh Peck reached out to support dailyjugarr.com

Drake Bell hopped on social media to spill the beans that his Nickelodeon bud. Josh Peck, hit him up privately about the abuse allegations Bell mentioned in that documentary series. Then, after the show Quiet on Set. The Dark Side of Kids TV” aired on Max, Josh Peck posted a video on social media that went viral with comments demanding he address the accusations against his co-star Bell.

In the doc, Bell talked about being sexually assaulted by a Nickelodeon coach named Brian Peck (no relation to Josh) back in the early 2000s. TMZ covered the whole thing, reporting all the juicy details.

“I just want to clear something up,” he said in the video. “I’ve seen loads of comments on Josh’s TikToks and posts. And lemme tell ya, going through all this is super emotional and a real rollercoaster. lot of it is very, very difficult.”

Bell kept on saying,Yeah, not everything’s out there for everyone. But I just wanna let you know that he [Peck] hit me up, and it’s been very sensitive, but he has reached out to talk with me and help me work through this and has been really, really great. So I just wanted to let you guys know that and to take it a little easy on him.

Controversies in Drake & Josh Series and Creator

Drake Bell and Josh Peck were the main actors in the beloved Nickelodeon series “Drake & Josh” from 2004 to 2008, spanning four seasons and two movies. However, it’s worth noting that Josh Peck did not appear in an episode titled “Quiet on the Set.”

In 2003, Brian Peck, aged 43 at the time, faced serious charges, including offenses involving minors, such as sodomy and lewd acts. Recently, revelations emerged suggesting that Drake Bell was one of the victims of these incidents.

Additionally, a documentary titled “Quiet on the Set” shed light on disturbing allegations surrounding the conduct of Dan Schneider, the creator of “Drake & Josh.” The documentary implicated him in instances of mistreatment and inappropriate behavior towards young actors. In response to the documentary, Schneider issued a public apology, acknowledging and expressing remorse for his past actions, some of which he found regrettable and embarrassing.

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Raza Chaudary


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