23 Problems All Guys With Noticeable Proportions Can Relate To

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  1. 8 "Locker Room Reactions: Stares and Wonders"

    You either get dirty stares or looks of wonderment in locker rooms when the other guys see what you're working with.

  2. 9 Dancing with Restraint: Grooving with a Bulge

    "Getting your groove on the dance floor is a real test of self-control when your suggestive dance moves can turn into a headline act! Your undeniable talent for catching people's attention isn't limited to just your slick dance moves. It's the ultimate struggle between expressing yourself and unintentionally launching your own 'Bulge Boogie.' Dancing may never be the same again!"

  3. 10 "When Black Tie Means Bulge Spotlight"

    "At every black-tie event, it seems like all eyes are on you. Your confident, well-dressed appearance can sometimes lead to feeling like the center of attention for a particular reason – your bulge. In this short exploration, we'll delve into the comical yet relatable experiences of standing out in a formal crowd, where it's not just the tuxedo that turns heads."

  4. 11 When Bulge Meets Adventure: Outdoor Dilemmas

    This title hints at the challenges faced by individuals with conspicuous bulges when engaging in outdoor activities like horse-riding or rock climbing. It suggests that these activities, which often require flexibility and maneuverability, become more challenging due to the presence of a noticeable bulge. The title creates a sense of humor by highlighting the incongruity between adventurous outdoor pursuits and the need to manage and conceal one's bulge. It sets the stage for a lighthearted exploration of the practical dilemmas and humorous moments that arise in such situations.

  5. 12 Everybody assumes you always have a boner

    "Having a conspicuous bulge can lead to some amusing yet awkward misconceptions. People often assume you're in a perpetual state of excitement. In this exploration, we'll unravel the humor and misunderstandings surrounding life with a noticeable bulge, revealing the comical moments that arise when people jump to conclusions."

  6. 13 Actually sitting down in general is a bit of a problem

  7. 14 Playing any kind of sport is kinda uncomfortable

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