Capturing Victory: Perfectly Timed Sports Photos For The Gold Medal


From the Olympics to NBA games, modern sports are shown on TV all over the world. These events capture amazing moments for everyone to see. But there are also funny mistakes, caught on camera at just the right time. Some fans love watching these funny moments even more. Do you enjoy them too? If you do, it's time to see a collection of the funniest sports photos taken at the perfect moment!

  1. 1 Hockey Is All About Stepping Over Dead Bodies These Days

    Field hockey doesn't get the attention it deserves, but today is the day. Here, a motivated opponent is running full speed ahead to the ball. No one is going to get in her way if she has any say in the matter.

  2. 2 Diving Can Get Ugly on the Way Down, We Must Admit

    Diving can be a graceful event to watch, for those who appreciate the art. But most of us never formally train to jump from a high post. We just enjoyed doing cannonballs at the local pool. Looks like we weren't alone!

  3. 3 When You Merge Souls to Reach Those Ice Dancing Goals

    Ice dancing is the most playful of the Olympic contests, without a close second. Even those who claim they hate sports tune in for a few segments. Maybe the audience would be even bigger if more people knew that literal magic was happening on the ice, like right here!

  4. 4 Rumor Has It Hockey Is More Intense Than Any American Sport

    Sure, Canada is passionate about it. But that doesn't mean that the country below has noticed. Americans seem to be busy with baseball, basketball, and even lacrosse, at times. There just doesn't seem to be room for hockey in their hearts.

  5. 5 Take Me Out to the Ballgame, Take Him Away From That Bat

    Baseball might seem like a dull game. There's a whole lot of standing around and throwing back and forth. Fans claim this part is fascinating, like a secret chess match with interesting moves to watch. But the game will always have its haters.

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