Capturing Victory: Perfectly Timed Sports Photos For The Gold Medal

  1. 6 Getting Punched in the Kisser Is Great in Slow Mo

    Boxing is literally the sport of punching each other in the face. Ideally, you would defend that space with soft gloves. But sometimes, a boxer is caught off guard. Here, a photographer captured exactly that moment for all to analyze.

  2. 7 No One Knew That Prancing Was a Pro Tennis Move

    Tennis is a sport that has high viewership for both genders. There are a few differences in playing style, and the men tend to hit harder and faster. Even Serena Williams admits that men's tennis is like a whole different world.

  3. 8 I Believe I Can Fly, I Believe I Can Touch the Sky

    Basketball stars all seem to have one thing in common. They're incredibly tall, and this allows them to soar to heights most of us would consider a struggle. But there still has to be some method to shooting hoops, besides height. What's the strategy, right here?

  4. 9 Volleyball Seems A Lot More Intense Than We Knew

    Volleyball is a team sport that usually takes place at the beach. There are practices in gyms, too. But where is the harder terrain to play? This perfectly timed and sandy photo seeks to answer that question, once and for all.

  5. 10 He Faced That Hurdle Like No One Else in the Race

    We sometimes talk about jumping over hurdles as a metaphor for the tough things in life. But it actually is a track and field sport, and there are athletes who specialize in the task. Here, one runner fails to hop on time. How does it go for him?

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