Megan Fox Says Goodbye to Her Past with New Ink

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The actress recently covered up her old tattoo of her ex-husband Brian Austin Green’s name with a new, more racy design. The new tattoo features a snake entwined in flowers, and it’s definitely a statement piece. Some people are saying that the new tattoo is a sign of Megan moving on from her past, while others are saying that it’s just a way for her to show off her body. Whatever the reason, there’s no denying that the new tattoo is eye-catching.

New Tattoo Is a Sign of Moving On?

Megan Fox recently covered up her old tattoo of her ex-husband Brian Austin Green’s name with a new, more racy design. The new tattoo features a snake entwined in flowers, and it’s definitely a statement piece.

Racy New Design Sparks Debate

The tattoo was done by celebrity tattoo artist Nikko Hurtado, who shared a photo of the finished product on his Instagram account. In the caption, he wrote, “Cover up for Megan fox. Was able to completely hide the old tattoo and create a one of a kind piece of art.”

Is It Just a Way to Show Off?

Some people are saying that the new tattoo is a sign of Megan moving on from her past, while others are saying that it’s just a way for her to show off her body. Whatever the reason, there’s no denying that the new tattoo is eye-catching.

Fans Weigh In on the New Ink

The snake is a symbol of transformation and rebirth, so it’s possible that Megan got the tattoo as a way to symbolise her own personal transformation. The flowers, on the other hand, could represent her femininity and beauty.

Ultimately, the meaning of Megan Fox’s new tattoo is up to her to decide. However, there’s no doubt that it’s a striking piece of art that will continue to be talked about for years to come.

The tattoo has sparked a lot of debate online, with some people praising Megan for her boldness and others criticising her for her choice of design. However, one thing is for sure: the tattoo is sure to turn heads wherever Megan goes.

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