Bride Gets Shamed for Wearing “Naked” Wedding Dress


Brides from all over the world consider selecting a wedding dress to be a significant occasion. Supermodel Ellie Gonsalves, on her big day, discovered her ideal attire, which happens to be somewhat unconventional. She opted to unveil her chosen dress to her followers. Unfortunately, some of them expressed dissatisfaction with her distinct choice, even going as far as criticizing it.

Ellie Gonsalves is an Australian model and influencer.

Ellie Gonsalves, originally from Australia, is a multi-talented individual who excels as a model, actress, and influencer. With a thriving online presence, she has amassed over 1 million devoted followers on Instagram. Through her captivating posts, she offers an insight into her glamorous photoshoots, captivating travel experiences, and most notably, breathtaking moments from her extravagant wedding.

Recently, Gonsalves got married and posted a video of her dress reveal that went viral.

One of the videos and photographs that Gonsalves shared from her most important day caused some controversy. In the video, the joyful bride is seen confidently entering in a short, white lacy dress. She smiles and poses for the camera, as well as her unseen husband. However, the caption accompanying the video says, “The expression on my husband’s face when he saw me in this dress during our wedding,” followed by a few amusing emojis.

Although Gonsalves’s husband loved her dress, other people were less awed by her choice.

Although Ellie Gonsalves’s husband responded positively to the reveal of the dress, certain individuals among her followers believed that it was unsuitable for a wedding. One individual expressed their opinion by stating, “I apologize, but this dress isn’t appropriate for a wedding,” while another questioned, “It’s a lovely undergarment for the evening, but where is the actual dress?”

Despite the negative comments, many others came to her defense.

Luckily, Gonsalves’s successful evening was not impacted by the unfavorable remarks. Eventually, she chose to share another brief video in which she is seen dancing and having a great time at her wedding celebration. In the caption, the joyful bride expressed her reaction to the worldwide outrage over her “naked wedding dress.”

Despite receiving negative comments, Ellie Gonsalves received an overwhelming amount of support. Many people praised her, with one follower commenting, “You look absolutely breathtaking! The dress suits you perfectly!” Additionally, there were individuals who stood up against the critics, questioning why others felt the need to voice their opinions when it was none of their concern.

Receiving criticism for your outfit can be quite disheartening, and unfortunately, a similar incident occurred where a young woman had to explain and defend her workout attire. To learn about her response, feel free to explore our previous article.

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