40 Funny “Life Hacks” That Would Actually Make Our Lives Worse

40 Funny “Life Hacks” That Would Actually Make Our Lives Worse

It is a common practice for individuals to dedicate themselves to discovering solutions to a wide range of troubles, and these are frequently called hacks. These hacks aim to simplify some parts of our daily living, such as in the kitchen, in our automobiles or in our physicality. New and helpful hacks for everything seem to be continuously popping up. Nonetheless, the succeeding individuals were severely incorrect when they devised their hacks.

To Infinity and Beyond!

It’s unbelievable to consider a time when products weren’t labelled with expiration dates. Individuals had to rely on their sense of taste to determine if food was still safe to consume.

The individual’s perspective is that we only need to dispose of products that have expiration dates. Therefore, they provide a life hack. However, it is important to note that not all products without an expiration date will last forever, and the belief that they do is incorrect.

A Hack for Your Rack

It’s highly likely for people who live with someone else to encounter a housemate who struggles with dishwashing, perhaps even themselves. It can be a frustrating task to clean up after enjoying a delicious meal, and no one wants to spend thirty minutes doing it.

Unfortunately, dishwashers are not available to everyone. To solve this problem, this person has come up with a clever solution. The trick is to give the appearance of regularly washing your dishes by placing some clean utensils on the rack.

Biggest Bubble Bath Ever

If you have concerns regarding the presence of infestation or harmful microbes in your house, it would be advisable to contemplate on fumigating or disinfecting the area at the earliest convenience.

Although seeking help from a professional pest control service may be the recommended course of action, an individual offered a life hack that is not advisable. It involves producing bubbles from every opening in a home during a spring cleaning. This hack is impractical and unnecessary.

The Keys to Failure

Although we offer keyrings, earrings, and even noserings, it’s not recommended to merge them all into one chain. Unlike a Swiss army knife, you can’t keep everything together in one place.

Let me make it clear that we strongly discourage you from attaching your keys to your nose ring. If you encounter difficulty in removing the key from the slot and accidentally damage your nose, it can turn out to be a disastrous attempt at a life hack.

Anything for My Bagel

It appears that individuals will go to great lengths to ensure their food is perfectly prepared, like this man who believed that inserting his finger into the center of his bagel would help him slice it evenly by keeping the ring of dough in place.

The main issue with that is the high possibility that you may accidentally cut your finger. Although we share the fondness for bagels, we surely don’t want to compromise our body parts for it.

We’re So Wimble-Done

A lot of individuals take pride in their capability to effectively utilize and organize their space. However, while some are truly skilled at it, others may believe they are but their final outcome may actually be unsatisfactory.

This is a useless trick that seems foolish in concept and is just as foolish when put into practice. If someone intends to carry a maximum number of tennis balls to the court, they shouldn’t chop them in half. It won’t serve any purpose.

Time to Cash Your Chips

To be honest, it’s hard to resist the temptation of potato chips. In fact, the slogan of Pringles, “once you pop, you can’t stop,” emphasizes this. It’s unlikely that someone will be able to eat only a small amount of chips each time.

The person acknowledged on social media that they either plan on consuming the complete bag of Lays chips or not having any at all. Although they admitted that one bag is insufficient for them, they don’t want others to view them as gluttonous. Thus, they decided to attempt combining two bags of chips into one bag.

Eggs Are Eggs, Right?

There are individuals who hold the belief that the method or handling of food from packaging to serving is unimportant, as long as it belongs to a particular food category. However, the majority of people with logical reasoning are aware that this claim is false.

In terms of nutritional value, mashed potatoes are generally considered to be healthier than french fries, despite both being made from potatoes. The same applies to eggs. It seems that someone needs to have a conversation with the person in question.

More Bang for Your Buck

Do you dislike how quickly a bag of chips gets finished after opening it? Well, someone has come up with a trick that appears to have resolved that issue to some extent.

The process is simple, just crush your bag of chips to create smaller pieces. However, the downside of this is that smaller chips do not provide the same level of satisfaction as larger ones. It might be better to purchase more bags instead of relying on this method.

Such a Shady Hack

Are you familiar with the phrase “looking at life through rose-colored glasses”? Essentially, it refers to having a positive perspective on life. Interestingly, it seems that wearing sunglasses, regardless of their tint, won’t improve this person’s outlook on life.

It seems that they were experiencing a tough time and when they viewed the sky through their sunglasses, it appeared even darker. However, the positive aspect is that it appears their unlucky streak has come to an end.

Need a Hand?

Many individuals experience instances in their existence when they are alone and unsure of how to handle it. Providing a sympathetic ear or offering support during their difficult time can greatly assist them.

What if you are unable to articulate your loneliness to others? This person came up with a clever method to create the impression that they were not alone – it appeared to be an authentic human hand!

Wipers Up!

There exist certain drivers who believe that regardless of their parking violation, they can easily negotiate their way out of it. Consider the individual mentioned here who believed that he had discovered one of the most effective tricks on this roster.

This is like admitting guilt while driving, as it almost equates to putting your hands up and saying “I’m innocent.” It is possible for the parking officers to attach the tickets onto the windows with a sticky substance, which would be a more effective tactic than this one.

Smartphone – Dumb Idea

We appreciate the person’s mindset. Often, individuals overlook the accumulation of bacteria and germs on their mobile devices. It is vital to keep your smartphone clean to avoid falling ill.

The individual is strongly convinced that subjecting their phone to 30 seconds in the microwave will eliminate all the germs, but this action also poses a risk of the phone exploding.

The Fast and the Ridiculous

There are individuals who display excessive aggression while driving on the highway and begin to establish their own regulations, occasionally while seated comfortably in their driving position. It’s hard to comprehend that there are people who genuinely believe that the “R” on the gearshift denotes “Racing.”

We believed that everyone who acquired driving skills would know that “Reverse” is denoted by the letter “R”. If you also had the same notion, then how did you manage to reverse a vehicle previously?

The Sauce of All My Problems

Have you ever prepared pasta and realized halfway that you have mistakenly used the wrong sauce? This individual thinks that utilizing the washing machine could help save time in correcting this error.

We can assume that repeatedly doing this will not benefit your washing machine, so it might be simpler to cook a new batch of spaghetti since you will be making a fresh sauce anyways.

Longest Weekend Ever

Admit it, our occupations can become tedious at times. Repeating the same routine every day and coming to the workplace can exhaust even the strongest minds.

Sometimes, we can fall into the habit of just eagerly waiting for the weekend, only to find ourselves back at work again before we realize it. However, if you choose to leave your job, you can essentially enjoy an extensive weekend until you come across your next employment opportunity.

In With the New & In With the Old

This is one of those hacks that seems to imply that it will only really work if you trade in all of your current friends for completely new ones. Friends come and go, plain and simple.

Some people actually believe though that what we wear is very important when meeting new people. While it’s not imperative to buy new clothes just because you have new friends, it does help to update your closet every once in a while.

Introducing…the Selfie Tape

Let’s face it – selfie sticks are the worst. As a matter of fact, selfies kind of suck too. And yet, we’re all guilty of having taken part in at least a couple during our life.

Apparently, this guy couldn’t afford one and invented his own. Unfortunately, though, he didn’t take into account that the tape gets in the way of his face and makes him look absolutely ridiculous. He doesn’t seem to care though, so let’s cut him some slack. Say cheese!

Edible Smoke Alarm

This device goes by different names such as smoke alarms, smoke detectors, or fire alarms. Regardless, every family should possess one in case an emergency occurs.

You would be surprised how many people don’t have one or take their sweet time getting it fixed. When this person’s smoke alarm broke, they thought of an alternative method to replacing the battery. They used a popcorn pack and prayed that they would never have to eat it.

Add Pepper to Your Tea

There are so many unique-looking cups out there and vessels that can be used to drink a hot beverage from. However, never in our lives have we seen someone decide to drink tea out of a chopped bell pepper, until now.

It turns out that this guy was so lazy and didn’t have the strength to simply clean a coffee cup, so he went with this instead. We imagine that it must add some sort of strange aftertaste.

Always the Real Thing

Recycling is more important than ever and we can do a lot of good if we put our soda cans in the right trash cans. However, there seems to be an alternative to simply throwing them away – you can repurpose them.

While it’s perfectly normal to drink Coca-Cola out of the can, have you ever considered reshaping the can to convert it into a cup? Yeah, neither have we. It’s not a good idea. Don’t try this at home, kids.

Time for Sssome Ssspaghetti

Keeping all of our pasta in one place can be tricky at times. Unless your spaghetti already came in a bag, you’re going to want to find something to tie it all together.

Usually, an elastic band or a tool designed for this will do the job. However, this person believes that his pet snake will be just as effective and in theory, he’s right. With that said, this slithery creature is bound to let go at some point.

Hot Diggity Dog

The fact that this person had the nerve to refer to these as “hot dog seeds” is enough of an indication that this is one of those life hacks we simply shouldn’t take seriously.

The last time we checked, hot dogs don’t grow on trees. They are processed food and more often than not, are made out of meat. That’s another thing that doesn’t grow on trees! Some people think up some wacky ideas for July 4th and this is certainly one of them.

Egging Him On

It seems like there are a million and one ways to cook eggs. You can scramble them, fry them, poach them and boil them, amongst other ways. But some people are just too busy to cook some eggs in the morning.

They have jobs to do and people to see. So this guy decided to try and boil an egg by putting it in a cup of hot coffee. While it worked, there is no denying that this is a highly unorthodox thing to do.

So Fresh, So Clean

People are always looking for new and unique ways to enhance the way they look. New nail polishes of various colors are always showing up. Never in our lives though have we seen someone try to paint their nails with toothpaste.

Sure, tubes of minty goodness have some cool patterns, like this red, white and blue one. It would certainly look fitting during a July 4th parade. However, it’s unlikely to set and you’re going to smell way too fresh for your own good.

Still Scared of the Dark?

There’s just something really creepy about old dolls. In theory, they shouldn’t be that scary because they are based on one of the cutest things in the world – babies. However, there is a chance that the film Child’s Play changed the way that human’s thought of dolls.

The idea of them coming to life and haunting us is something we definitely don’t want to actually be real. This is why using an old doll head as a lamp for our kids is probably not the best idea.

Eat, Sleep, Eat, Repeat

It’s good to have a nap during the middle of the day to recharge your batteries. However, doing it for financial reasons is probably not the right reason to do it. Of course, this life hack only really works under the pretense that one buys all of their meals.

If you can cook, then you can probably afford to eat three meals a day without it burning a hole in your pocket. This hack only applies to a certain type of individual.

We Have Reached Boiling Point

Some ideas sound a lot better than they actually are and this is certainly one of them. Boiling water can be tedious so there must be a way to save time doing this, right? The Mpemba effect is the theory that boiling water freezes quicker than water that is room temperature.

At any rate, the following life hack is redundant as it is done with the assumption that the frozen water will refect back to boiling temperature when you defrost it. It won’t.

Shower Therapy

Regardless of whether we are overtly confident or are seriously lacking self-esteem, we all need to take a shower, from time to time. So what happens when you step foot into the shower but simply don’t like who you are?

Do you just stand there and willow in your own self-pity? No, you do what this guy did. Truth be told, pretending that you are drowning to give yourself some much-needed adrenaline sounds like the kind of hack we wouldn’t personally recommend.

Snap Back to Reality

There is no denying that virtual reality sets are a cool thing to play around with and will slowly but surely revolutionize the way we live. As a result, they are generally very expensive, so it’s understandable why people would feel the urge to steal them.

The whole point of VR though is that it is artificial. Just because you committed a crime in the real world doesn’t mean you will get away with it in the virtual one. You’re still busted.

Don’t Be a Superhero

While it is widely believed that women are generally more attracted to men who are funny than those who are not, a boyfriend/husband’s sense of humor can often get them into a lot of trouble.

In fact, if your spouse is angry, probably the last thing you want to do is try and crack jokes. More often than not, this will only make matters worse. Maybe turning his wife into a superhero works for this guy, but it won’t for many other couples.

Throw Away the Bad, All of It

Sometimes, the best thing to do is walk away from all the negativity. Our lives can get oversaturated with people who get us down and if that’s the case, it might be time to trim the fat a little in your social life.

However, this person seems to have taken this idea to a whole new level, applying to virtually every aspect of their life. Sure, dealing with landlords, managing our finances, and paying bills all suck, but they are still mandatory.

No Holes in This Hack

There are some hacks that try to cover up the cracks and this is a perfect example. Everyone has to deal with the inevitability of having holes in their socks. It’s just a circle of sock life.

Eventually, socks become worn out and you need to replace them with new ones. However, this person thought of a way to keep the same socks forever. Simply color the exposed skin in the same color as the sock and you’re good to go!

Extremely Hot Coffee, Anyone?

Don’t you just hate it when you buy a cup of coffee to go but before you know it, it’s cold? It turns out that this person found a way to heat it back up again.

However, we can’t believe that this gas stove didn’t set the paper cup on fire somehow. Instead, one could simply pour the coffee into a ceramic coffee cup and put it in the microwave for a minute or two. Voila, no harm done.

Battle of the Noises

It is a classic hack that is often used when one is bombarded with an uncomfortable sound. Someone suffering from some sort of noise pollution will try and drown it out with louder noise.

But what if you are the one who is at fault for the noise? A sensible individual would take their car to get it fixed immediately. Not this guy, though. Instead, he decided to drown it out with some music from the radio.

Freshly Baked Bread

Mornings can be so hectic and we often don’t have enough time to do everything we need to do. So why not combine certain daily practices such as eating breakfast and brushing your teeth, like this person did?

While people like minty flavors, we can’t imagine this tasting so good. It almost looks like a strange, fluorescent blue kind of caviar that we never knew existed. If the tube of toothpaste wasn’t in the photo, we might have been convinced that this was the case.

Better Safe Than Sorry

Safety is always the name of the game and all buildings should have at least one fire extinguisher at their disposal, just in case. However, where you put this important appliance can also be the difference between life and death.

At the end of the day, what good is a fire extinguisher when your building is burning to the ground and it is too high up for anyone to reach? You better hope that you’ve got an NBA star around who is tall enough to get it.

This Hack Tips the Scales

So many of us are extremely conscious about our weight and will take desperate measures to try and trim off some fat. Whether we try intermittent fasting or try training for a marathon, there’s always some sort of way to shed some pounds.

This guy was convinced he had found a new way to lose weight and he wouldn’t even have to work hard in the process. He believed that by weighing himself while doing his business, he’d see some results…


Don’t you just hate it when you check the freezer and you realize that you have run out of ice cubes? What are you supposed to do in order to make your water freezing cold? It doesn’t make sense to put a glass of water in the fridge for half an hour.

This person thought that putting frozen pieces of broccoli into their water would have the exact same effect. What they didn’t take into account was that they now had broccoli-flavored water.

A New Way to Zoom

It is no secret that some people struggle to read the texts on their phone. This can be a real problem, especially if you have to use your phone a lot to read articles, amongst other things.

Apparently, this person benefits a lot from putting their phone into a glass of water. Someone should tell this person that there is actually a setting on your phone that can make the text bigger. It’s a lot easier than buying a new phone every time you do this.

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