40 Hilarious Photos of the Most Unusual Pets People Take on a Leash

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Nowadays, with the wide variety of dog breeds available, it can be tough to distinguish between a cute pup and a unique animal on the street. It’s surprising to see these types of pets being taken for a walk like dogs, but here are 40 uncommon creatures being walked with a leash. Check them out and choose which ones you like the most! Pig Spotted The pig being led by its owner appears to be having a delightful time during their walk. It is engaged with its surroundings, smelling and investigating, and exploring the environment. Meanwhile, the owner seems pleased to spend time with their beloved pet in the beautiful weather. At times, they would pause and admire the surroundings while strolling alongside each other. The owner of the animal would sometimes sit down on a bench or have a quick snack with her affectionate pig. If your pet pig has ample space to roam around, it will accompany you joyfully during your walks! Sweater Weather It appears that this capybara has a keen eye for fashion and proudly shows it off. The leash is adorned with a thick, eye-catching green sweater that not only makes a bold statement but also provides warmth and comfort for this furry creature. It’s doubtful that the owner had concerns about other animals bothering the capybara since it appears content and at ease. Despite being the center of attention, the capybara seems unfazed by all the fuss and appears eager to relish its stroll while showing off its fashionable sweater. The Ferret Harness These creatures belong to the family of weasels and are commonly referred to as mustelids. They require care and are fond of investigating their environment, so be careful as they may wander into various areas of the house. The fret in question seems eager to explore its surroundings as soon as possible. The proprietor cautions that without a leash or a harness, it is not advisable for the ferrets to venture outdoors as they could get frightened or be caught by bigger animals and run away. If you wish to allow your ferret to explore your backyard, it is recommended that you attach it to an outdoor leash that is fastened to a fixture in the yard, such as a tree or pole. A Hedgehog on an Adventure If you happen to have a hedgehog as a pet, it’s important to understand that they do not enjoy being handled and transported around. Instead, you can bring them outside into your backyard to explore in a secure environment. Nevertheless, preparing your hedgehog for an outdoor adventure entails some planning. To take your hedgehog for a walk, you should have a harness and leash of appropriate size which can either be purchased online or made at home. It is important to let your hedgehog become familiar with the harness and leash, so begin with walking your pet indoors. Once your hedgehog is comfortable with it, you can gradually allow it to explore outdoors under your constant supervision. Eventually, when your hedgehog becomes comfortable with it, you can let it roam around freely outside while you relax indoors with a good book. Taking Flight The owl, which has been trained well, is prepared for flight as directed by its owner. To prevent the owl from flying away or hovering too low, the owner has it on a leash. If you have a busy day schedule and prefer staying awake until late at night, having an owl as a pet might be a great option for you. Since owls are active during the night, they can keep you company when you return home from work, making them an ideal pet for those who work outside their homes during the day. A Traumatic First Walk As discovered by a pet owner, some cats may not be enthusiastic about taking a walk outside. Although it is possible for your cat to eventually enjoy it, the initial experience can be distressing. This particular indoor cat was frightened by the idea of going outside for a walk and promptly meowed to be let back inside. Everybody felt sorry for the feline’s difficult situation, which caused empathy. Even though it took her a while to feel comfortable stepping out again, she finally got used to the notion of taking walks. The Mighty Bearded Dragon The Bearded Dragon seems ready for its daily stroll on a colorful leash and hops alongside its owner as they venture into the garden every day. After exploring the outdoors, it returns home. The lizard appears to delight in venturing outdoors but with the condition of being near its human partner. Its caretaker ensures that the animal doesn’t wander too far and accompanies it through the foliage, making sure there are no insects or potential hazards nearby. Not Horsing Around It’s quite rare to come across miniature donkeys. Taking them for a walk around the neighborhood is bound to capture the curiosity of onlookers who may have inquiries about them. The advantage of walking miniature donkeys is that they are similar to their larger counterparts, making it easy to find a suitable leash for them. It is important to take care not to leave your miniature donkey unattended on a leash near cars or people, as they may become frightened and escape onto the road. Alternatively, they could potentially attach themselves to someone’s legs and follow them home, which can be dangerous. Walking in Any Weather Occasionally, even a reindeer requires some exercise and that’s where a leash can be useful. The reindeer, with its thick fur, seems better equipped for the winter stroll compared to its owner. Converting! Wait… Sugar Glider Time The sugar glider enjoys taking routine short walks. For those who are unaware, this affectionate small animal is a marsupial indigenous to Australia resembling a larger version of a mouse with a bushy tail. Its moniker is based on its fondness for sweet tree sap and its aptitude to cruise through the sky in a manner similar to flying squirrels. These pets have some amazing qualities such as being peaceful, low-maintenance, and having a lifespan of approximately 10-14 years. Additionally, they are sociable creatures who love being in the company of other animals. An Alpaca Walk The alpaca appears to be prepared for its regular stroll, however, it’s sporting a leash instead of its customary neck strap. Alpacas tend to be communal beings that go for walks in groups with their companions from the herd. While this type of animal can tolerate living alone and may even be satisfied with it, they typically prefer to have company. Despite leashes being less practical than regular collars, these uncommon animals demonstrate that walking alone is just as feasible. Sniffing Skunk The skunk being walked on a leash appears to be hesitant and skeptical about the necessity of going on a walk. It’s not something that happens regularly, so the skunk may be uncertain about the commotion. Skunks prefer to be in charge, so being leashed takes away a bit of their control. Converting! Wait… Walking a Florida Panther This Florida panther on the leash seems majestic but also dangerous. This pet is definitely not for the faint of heart. This is a truly wild animal that only the most qualified pet owners should have. Many people have been commenting on how beautiful the leashed panther looks. But, at the same time, they know that if they get too close, it will try to attack them. Raccoon on a Leash This raccoon is ready to go on a leisurely walk with its owner, who has it leashed to their side. The leash is long enough to roam around but not so long that it can wander off and explore independently. With the sun shining, this raccoon can’t wait to see what adventures lie ahead! It trots along next to its human companion, happy as a clam. Perhaps they’re headed to the park or walking over to someone’s house? Whatever their destination, they’re going at a nice pace so that the raccoon can stop and sniff things along the way. Friendly Neighborhood Tarantula This unusual pet can make heads turn when it goes out on a walk. When a tarantula is in its cage, it can seem dangerous, but when on a leash, the arachnid becomes something else entirely. Tarantulas are creatures that many people might not want to come across in their neighborhood or yard. The hairy little guy may have eight legs and be as large as a dinner plate, which is enough to intimidate some people. But, with proper training and handling techniques, this pet can become an affectionate addition to your family. Hyena on a Leash This hyena looks domesticated while on a walk with its owner. The sizeable spotted animal is obedient and walks confidently, which can only be earned with experience. You start to wonder if this hyena has been domesticated like a dog or cat. This hyena appears to have adapted quite well to being on a leash and living near humans. Waddling Through the Aisle Service animals are often seen in department stores, especially during the holidays. The duck in the picture looks adorable. The woman seemed completely comfortable with the duck and walked around the store like nothing was out of the ordinary. She appeared to teach the duck new tricks as she patiently walked the store. The woman knows how to handle this type of animal. It’s likely not her first time using a service animal or walking an unusual animal on a leash around the store. A Sheepwalker The sheep needs some time in the fresh air, while the owner looks like he is doing the sheepwalk. They make an adorable duo and complement each other. It appears that this sheepwalker is taking his pet out to enjoy the fresh air of the city. Whether he’s just exercising his sheep or he’s going to take it to socialize, it’s nice to see them outside on such a beautiful day. Is That a Komodo on a Leash? It is a komodo in the picture, and the presence is enough to scare people. It’s probably one of the scariest animals you might encounter on your walk. The komodo dragon is a giant lizard with a mouth full of teeth and can grow up to three meters in length. They are found in forest areas, with the Komodo National Park being their native home. However, once they become tame, they make excellent pets as long as they have an expansive living area where they can roam free. A leash should be used carefully because it usually causes them to feel restrained and resentful. Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? This is definitely an odd sight — after all, it’s not every day that you see a man in a bathrobe just casually walking his pet chicken down the street. Luckily, the chicken does not seem too pleased about being on a leash. This chick is really well-behaved, maybe because she knows it’s the only way to finally learn why she should cross the road. A Fennec Fox who is a Willing Walker? Is there something known as a fennec fox that is a willing walker? It appears that our search is finally over. We found a fennec fox that loved walking with its owners, and the two seemed to sync perfectly. The owner would hold the leash, give it some slack, and wait for his pet to get ahead before pulling on it again. Seeing this adorable pet’s face during their walks together must have been a joy. A Snake Walker in the Town It is one of the strangest things we’ve ever seen. The guy has a leash around a snake as they walk together. We wonder if the snake has been trained to be obedient or protect itself from strangers. It’s hard to tell what’s going on, but the guy has an excellent grip on that snake. Though we think it’s strange, there is nothing wrong with walking your snake outside. Just ensure you know how to handle them correctly, or you could hurt yourself or others. Super Serious This bobcat on a leash looks all business. For people to have bobcats as pets they must have a permit, so this cat’s owners definitely know what they’re doing with this fierce animal. We are impressed by his attitude, considering most animals look scared when they’re on leashes like this one. But, we wouldn’t expect anything else from this cool cat. A Dog taking a Horse on a Walk The two animals share a great bond as the dog playfully walks his horse friend. The dog can be seen dragging the horse around, sometimes walking side-by-side. They love each other so much that it is not uncommon for them to lay their heads on one another during nap time. It may seem strange, but it’s just too adorable not to watch their heartwarming moments together. Befriended Bearded Dragon This bearded dragon on a leash looks strong and confident. He doesn’t appear to have any reservations about being out in public and doesn’t seem to care how other humans look at him. It may not be clear whether this bearded dragon is enjoying being on a leash, but it does seem that he knows how to strike a pose. The beardy dragon appears to know he has an essential job on his walk — to act tough. We think he could teach some of our more skittish friends a thing or two about confidence. Stephen Fry Walking a Sheep Stephen Fry is an English actor, comedian, writer, and film director. He’s a well-known animal lover who has been seen walking his many dogs on the streets of London. In this pic, he’s seen walking a sheep on a leash in front of a crowd of onlookers. It seems he’s having quite a good time with his unusual pet while also spreading awareness about some of the more exotic animals that need to be walked from time to time. The sheep may seem docile enough, but it’s essential to keep them close, so they don’t jump out into traffic or other dangerous situations. Babe and His Cat? It’s the pig’s day as it’s seen walking a cat on a leash. It’s fun to see these two animals not so different from us interact with each other. These best friends are often seen going for walks around their neighborhood together. If you look closely, you will know this pig has pride. It’s as if it was holding up the cat and telling everyone, “Hey, check out my pet! This definitely reminds us of another confident piglet. Wally the Alligator Wally the alligator loves to go on walks along with his owner. Wally is used to being out in the sun, so when it’s not too hot, he can go outside and enjoy his new backyard. His favorite part of going on walks is checking out all the other animals on walks too. He loves walking with his friends, whether they’re cats or dogs. Alligators aren’t usually known for liking being handled, but it was clear from an early age that Wally had no qualms about going on walks. He has become an emotional support pet to his owner. A Very Slow Walk This turtle seems to enjoy its routine walks with its owner. It’s very content to be carried around and watch the world go by. While it’s often seen lounging, this turtle looks at people and dogs while walking by. The turtle has grown up in a big city environment and has adapted well to living in such an urban place. Its long neck can stretch to see over objects to find food like snails and worms. It’s also good at catching bugs and fish in shallow water. Hop to It This rabbit seems pretty content to be heading out for its morning walk. Since its neck is delicate, the owners preferred to buy it a harness to attach the leash instead of something like a dog collar. That way, they can be sure that it can enjoy hopping around without hurting itself. The leash allows it to go where it pleases around its owner and maintains a sense of safety by keeping the animal from getting lost. Savannah Cats Tamed and Leashed This Savannah cat has a curious look when being taken for a walk. This cat is not used to being taken for walks on a leash because it looks very uneasy. Once the animal starts walking, its tail starts swaying back and forth. The animal is still tense even though it’s used to wearing a collar and going on walks with its owner. We hope this Savannah cat gets comfortable in no time. Leashing animals can be a great way to keep them safe and ensure they get plenty of exercise. A Pet Fox Taken for a Walk This pet fox, despite the leash, looks confident, independent, and aloof. The fox trots with his nose in the air and his tail sweeping back and forth across the ground. He stops from time to time to sniff at something of interest. It’s as if he knows he has nothing to fear. No one would dare come close enough to harm him. We see this same calm confidence in cats and dogs that are on their leashes, but somehow it seems more striking when we see it in wild animals like this little fox. Curious Rat This rat focuses on exploring new food items on its latest walk routine. He knows that if he doesn’t explore, he won’t find the food item of his dreams. There’s only one problem: the leash. It’s holding him back and keeping him in place when he wants to move away from this area and onto the next. The rat looks around curiously, wondering where all the good stuff is hidden. This really seems to us like someone has been inspired by a certain animated chef rat to love a real rat. Pot-Bellied Pig This pot-bellied pig looks cute, all set in its new leash for a walk. The leash is standard, but the owner used an extender because their pig is somewhat big. This pig walks with a swagger and refuses to be walked in the lead by his owner, who has to jump back every time the animal’s total weight comes into contact with the ground. It knows that if it doesn’t want to go anywhere, its owners have no choice but to let it do as it pleases. Iguana-Go on a Walk This iguana looked perfectly tamed and curious to explore the world. It’s a sight to behold — it’s one of the most tame-looking exotic animals we’ve ever seen. We don’t think this iguana has ever been off leash before, but he seemed to enjoy getting close to his surroundings and sampling some new foods. It’s incredible how many creatures are willing to let us touch them when they’re on leashes! A Bit Cat-Walk This tiger looks calm as it gets ready for its daily walk, of course, leashed. Tigers are known for being wild and ferocious, so leashing one up seems like an odd decision. However, it may also signify that the tiger is raised by humans, which means it’s accustomed to being around people and could be friendly enough to enjoy her time with them on the leash. One thing is that bystanders will indeed have a good time watching the tiger in all its glory up close. Additionally, the tiger, though leashed, comes across as a powerful animal proving that nature has endowed it with extraordinary gifts. A Squirrel on a Walk This little squirrel is enthusiastic about finding the world’s wonders on a leash. It is so exciting that it cannot contain its excitement and hops with joy when he sees new things. Following instinct, the young rodent darts across an open field on a warm summer day. His tail twitches as he eagerly walks through green grasses and purple flowers. The mammal weaves around tree trunks and the occasional rock. A Groundhog all Set for his Morning Escapade The cute groundhog in a pink leash is set to explore the world under a leash. Groundhog knows that he has a leash on but doesn’t care; it’s time for him to explore the world in a new way, with a bit of help from his owner. Watch how happy the groundhog is and how he struggles to escape the pink leash. His eagerness speaks volumes about what he wants and what we all want — to have a life outside our homes. A Bear on a Walk Bears are one of the most intelligent animals on the planet. They’re also not quite pet material. It takes a lot of effort and skill to take care of a bear at home. Luckily, this bear is still just a pup so he’s a lot easier to handle. That means it’s also easier to take him out on a walk to the backyard if he needs some time to play outside. Walking a Goat Having a pet goat is hardly a strange occurrence — just ask any farmer, they probably have at least four hanging around. It’s a little weirder, though, to take that goat on a walk like a dog. But, just look how sweet this little guy looks in his harness and leash. Clearly, he’s more than happy to be taken out and shown the sights on his daily stroll.

Nowadays, with the wide variety of dog breeds available, it can be tough to distinguish between a cute pup and a unique animal on the street. It’s surprising to see these types of pets being taken for a walk like dogs, but here are 40 uncommon creatures being walked with a leash. Check them out and choose which ones you like the most!

Pig Spotted

The pig being led by its owner appears to be having a delightful time during their walk. It is engaged with its surroundings, smelling and investigating, and exploring the environment. Meanwhile, the owner seems pleased to spend time with their beloved pet in the beautiful weather.

At times, they would pause and admire the surroundings while strolling alongside each other. The owner of the animal would sometimes sit down on a bench or have a quick snack with her affectionate pig. If your pet pig has ample space to roam around, it will accompany you joyfully during your walks!

Sweater Weather

It appears that this capybara has a keen eye for fashion and proudly shows it off. The leash is adorned with a thick, eye-catching green sweater that not only makes a bold statement but also provides warmth and comfort for this furry creature.

It’s doubtful that the owner had concerns about other animals bothering the capybara since it appears content and at ease. Despite being the center of attention, the capybara seems unfazed by all the fuss and appears eager to relish its stroll while showing off its fashionable sweater.

The Ferret Harness

These creatures belong to the family of weasels and are commonly referred to as mustelids. They require care and are fond of investigating their environment, so be careful as they may wander into various areas of the house. The fret in question seems eager to explore its surroundings as soon as possible.

The proprietor cautions that without a leash or a harness, it is not advisable for the ferrets to venture outdoors as they could get frightened or be caught by bigger animals and run away. If you wish to allow your ferret to explore your backyard, it is recommended that you attach it to an outdoor leash that is fastened to a fixture in the yard, such as a tree or pole.

A Hedgehog on an Adventure

If you happen to have a hedgehog as a pet, it’s important to understand that they do not enjoy being handled and transported around. Instead, you can bring them outside into your backyard to explore in a secure environment. Nevertheless, preparing your hedgehog for an outdoor adventure entails some planning.

To take your hedgehog for a walk, you should have a harness and leash of appropriate size which can either be purchased online or made at home. It is important to let your hedgehog become familiar with the harness and leash, so begin with walking your pet indoors. Once your hedgehog is comfortable with it, you can gradually allow it to explore outdoors under your constant supervision. Eventually, when your hedgehog becomes comfortable with it, you can let it roam around freely outside while you relax indoors with a good book.

Taking Flight

The owl, which has been trained well, is prepared for flight as directed by its owner. To prevent the owl from flying away or hovering too low, the owner has it on a leash.

If you have a busy day schedule and prefer staying awake until late at night, having an owl as a pet might be a great option for you. Since owls are active during the night, they can keep you company when you return home from work, making them an ideal pet for those who work outside their homes during the day.

A Traumatic First Walk

As discovered by a pet owner, some cats may not be enthusiastic about taking a walk outside. Although it is possible for your cat to eventually enjoy it, the initial experience can be distressing. This particular indoor cat was frightened by the idea of going outside for a walk and promptly meowed to be let back inside.

Everybody felt sorry for the feline’s difficult situation, which caused empathy. Even though it took her a while to feel comfortable stepping out again, she finally got used to the notion of taking walks.

The Mighty Bearded Dragon

The Bearded Dragon seems ready for its daily stroll on a colorful leash and hops alongside its owner as they venture into the garden every day. After exploring the outdoors, it returns home.

The lizard appears to delight in venturing outdoors but with the condition of being near its human partner. Its caretaker ensures that the animal doesn’t wander too far and accompanies it through the foliage, making sure there are no insects or potential hazards nearby.

Not Horsing Around

It’s quite rare to come across miniature donkeys. Taking them for a walk around the neighborhood is bound to capture the curiosity of onlookers who may have inquiries about them. The advantage of walking miniature donkeys is that they are similar to their larger counterparts, making it easy to find a suitable leash for them.

It is important to take care not to leave your miniature donkey unattended on a leash near cars or people, as they may become frightened and escape onto the road. Alternatively, they could potentially attach themselves to someone’s legs and follow them home, which can be dangerous.

Walking in Any Weather

Occasionally, even a reindeer requires some exercise and that’s where a leash can be useful. The reindeer, with its thick fur, seems better equipped for the winter stroll compared to its owner.

Converting! Wait…

Sugar Glider Time

The sugar glider enjoys taking routine short walks. For those who are unaware, this affectionate small animal is a marsupial indigenous to Australia resembling a larger version of a mouse with a bushy tail. Its moniker is based on its fondness for sweet tree sap and its aptitude to cruise through the sky in a manner similar to flying squirrels.

These pets have some amazing qualities such as being peaceful, low-maintenance, and having a lifespan of approximately 10-14 years. Additionally, they are sociable creatures who love being in the company of other animals.

An Alpaca Walk

The alpaca appears to be prepared for its regular stroll, however, it’s sporting a leash instead of its customary neck strap. Alpacas tend to be communal beings that go for walks in groups with their companions from the herd.

While this type of animal can tolerate living alone and may even be satisfied with it, they typically prefer to have company. Despite leashes being less practical than regular collars, these uncommon animals demonstrate that walking alone is just as feasible.

Sniffing Skunk

The skunk being walked on a leash appears to be hesitant and skeptical about the necessity of going on a walk. It’s not something that happens regularly, so the skunk may be uncertain about the commotion. Skunks prefer to be in charge, so being leashed takes away a bit of their control.

Converting! Wait…

Walking a Florida Panther

This Florida panther on the leash seems majestic but also dangerous. This pet is definitely not for the faint of heart. This is a truly wild animal that only the most qualified pet owners should have.

Many people have been commenting on how beautiful the leashed panther looks. But, at the same time, they know that if they get too close, it will try to attack them.

Raccoon on a Leash

This raccoon is ready to go on a leisurely walk with its owner, who has it leashed to their side. The leash is long enough to roam around but not so long that it can wander off and explore independently. With the sun shining, this raccoon can’t wait to see what adventures lie ahead!

It trots along next to its human companion, happy as a clam. Perhaps they’re headed to the park or walking over to someone’s house? Whatever their destination, they’re going at a nice pace so that the raccoon can stop and sniff things along the way.

Friendly Neighborhood Tarantula

This unusual pet can make heads turn when it goes out on a walk. When a tarantula is in its cage, it can seem dangerous, but when on a leash, the arachnid becomes something else entirely. Tarantulas are creatures that many people might not want to come across in their neighborhood or yard.

The hairy little guy may have eight legs and be as large as a dinner plate, which is enough to intimidate some people. But, with proper training and handling techniques, this pet can become an affectionate addition to your family.

Hyena on a Leash

This hyena looks domesticated while on a walk with its owner. The sizeable spotted animal is obedient and walks confidently, which can only be earned with experience.

You start to wonder if this hyena has been domesticated like a dog or cat. This hyena appears to have adapted quite well to being on a leash and living near humans.

Waddling Through the Aisle

Service animals are often seen in department stores, especially during the holidays. The duck in the picture looks adorable. The woman seemed completely comfortable with the duck and walked around the store like nothing was out of the ordinary.

She appeared to teach the duck new tricks as she patiently walked the store. The woman knows how to handle this type of animal. It’s likely not her first time using a service animal or walking an unusual animal on a leash around the store.

A Sheepwalker

The sheep needs some time in the fresh air, while the owner looks like he is doing the sheepwalk. They make an adorable duo and complement each other. It appears that this sheepwalker is taking his pet out to enjoy the fresh air of the city.

Whether he’s just exercising his sheep or he’s going to take it to socialize, it’s nice to see them outside on such a beautiful day.

Is That a Komodo on a Leash?

It is a komodo in the picture, and the presence is enough to scare people. It’s probably one of the scariest animals you might encounter on your walk. The komodo dragon is a giant lizard with a mouth full of teeth and can grow up to three meters in length.

They are found in forest areas, with the Komodo National Park being their native home. However, once they become tame, they make excellent pets as long as they have an expansive living area where they can roam free. A leash should be used carefully because it usually causes them to feel restrained and resentful.

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

This is definitely an odd sight — after all, it’s not every day that you see a man in a bathrobe just casually walking his pet chicken down the street.

Luckily, the chicken does not seem too pleased about being on a leash. This chick is really well-behaved, maybe because she knows it’s the only way to finally learn why she should cross the road.

A Fennec Fox who is a Willing Walker?

Is there something known as a fennec fox that is a willing walker? It appears that our search is finally over. We found a fennec fox that loved walking with its owners, and the two seemed to sync perfectly.

The owner would hold the leash, give it some slack, and wait for his pet to get ahead before pulling on it again. Seeing this adorable pet’s face during their walks together must have been a joy.

A Snake Walker in the Town

It is one of the strangest things we’ve ever seen. The guy has a leash around a snake as they walk together. We wonder if the snake has been trained to be obedient or protect itself from strangers. It’s hard to tell what’s going on, but the guy has an excellent grip on that snake.

Though we think it’s strange, there is nothing wrong with walking your snake outside. Just ensure you know how to handle them correctly, or you could hurt yourself or others.

Super Serious

This bobcat on a leash looks all business. For people to have bobcats as pets they must have a permit, so this cat’s owners definitely know what they’re doing with this fierce animal.

We are impressed by his attitude, considering most animals look scared when they’re on leashes like this one. But, we wouldn’t expect anything else from this cool cat.

A Dog taking a Horse on a Walk

The two animals share a great bond as the dog playfully walks his horse friend. The dog can be seen dragging the horse around, sometimes walking side-by-side.

They love each other so much that it is not uncommon for them to lay their heads on one another during nap time. It may seem strange, but it’s just too adorable not to watch their heartwarming moments together.

Befriended Bearded Dragon

This bearded dragon on a leash looks strong and confident. He doesn’t appear to have any reservations about being out in public and doesn’t seem to care how other humans look at him.

It may not be clear whether this bearded dragon is enjoying being on a leash, but it does seem that he knows how to strike a pose. The beardy dragon appears to know he has an essential job on his walk — to act tough. We think he could teach some of our more skittish friends a thing or two about confidence.

Stephen Fry Walking a Sheep

Stephen Fry is an English actor, comedian, writer, and film director. He’s a well-known animal lover who has been seen walking his many dogs on the streets of London. In this pic, he’s seen walking a sheep on a leash in front of a crowd of onlookers.

It seems he’s having quite a good time with his unusual pet while also spreading awareness about some of the more exotic animals that need to be walked from time to time. The sheep may seem docile enough, but it’s essential to keep them close, so they don’t jump out into traffic or other dangerous situations.

Babe and His Cat?

It’s the pig’s day as it’s seen walking a cat on a leash. It’s fun to see these two animals not so different from us interact with each other. These best friends are often seen going for walks around their neighborhood together.

If you look closely, you will know this pig has pride. It’s as if it was holding up the cat and telling everyone, “Hey, check out my pet! This definitely reminds us of another confident piglet.

Wally the Alligator

Wally the alligator loves to go on walks along with his owner. Wally is used to being out in the sun, so when it’s not too hot, he can go outside and enjoy his new backyard. His favorite part of going on walks is checking out all the other animals on walks too.

He loves walking with his friends, whether they’re cats or dogs. Alligators aren’t usually known for liking being handled, but it was clear from an early age that Wally had no qualms about going on walks. He has become an emotional support pet to his owner.

A Very Slow Walk

This turtle seems to enjoy its routine walks with its owner. It’s very content to be carried around and watch the world go by. While it’s often seen lounging, this turtle looks at people and dogs while walking by.

The turtle has grown up in a big city environment and has adapted well to living in such an urban place. Its long neck can stretch to see over objects to find food like snails and worms. It’s also good at catching bugs and fish in shallow water.

Hop to It

This rabbit seems pretty content to be heading out for its morning walk. Since its neck is delicate, the owners preferred to buy it a harness to attach the leash instead of something like a dog collar.

That way, they can be sure that it can enjoy hopping around without hurting itself. The leash allows it to go where it pleases around its owner and maintains a sense of safety by keeping the animal from getting lost.

Savannah Cats Tamed and Leashed

This Savannah cat has a curious look when being taken for a walk. This cat is not used to being taken for walks on a leash because it looks very uneasy. Once the animal starts walking, its tail starts swaying back and forth.

The animal is still tense even though it’s used to wearing a collar and going on walks with its owner. We hope this Savannah cat gets comfortable in no time. Leashing animals can be a great way to keep them safe and ensure they get plenty of exercise.

A Pet Fox Taken for a Walk

This pet fox, despite the leash, looks confident, independent, and aloof. The fox trots with his nose in the air and his tail sweeping back and forth across the ground. He stops from time to time to sniff at something of interest.

It’s as if he knows he has nothing to fear. No one would dare come close enough to harm him. We see this same calm confidence in cats and dogs that are on their leashes, but somehow it seems more striking when we see it in wild animals like this little fox.

Curious Rat

This rat focuses on exploring new food items on its latest walk routine. He knows that if he doesn’t explore, he won’t find the food item of his dreams. There’s only one problem: the leash. It’s holding him back and keeping him in place when he wants to move away from this area and onto the next.

The rat looks around curiously, wondering where all the good stuff is hidden. This really seems to us like someone has been inspired by a certain animated chef rat to love a real rat.

Pot-Bellied Pig

This pot-bellied pig looks cute, all set in its new leash for a walk. The leash is standard, but the owner used an extender because their pig is somewhat big.

This pig walks with a swagger and refuses to be walked in the lead by his owner, who has to jump back every time the animal’s total weight comes into contact with the ground. It knows that if it doesn’t want to go anywhere, its owners have no choice but to let it do as it pleases.

Iguana-Go on a Walk

This iguana looked perfectly tamed and curious to explore the world. It’s a sight to behold — it’s one of the most tame-looking exotic animals we’ve ever seen.

We don’t think this iguana has ever been off leash before, but he seemed to enjoy getting close to his surroundings and sampling some new foods. It’s incredible how many creatures are willing to let us touch them when they’re on leashes!

A Bit Cat-Walk

This tiger looks calm as it gets ready for its daily walk, of course, leashed. Tigers are known for being wild and ferocious, so leashing one up seems like an odd decision. However, it may also signify that the tiger is raised by humans, which means it’s accustomed to being around people and could be friendly enough to enjoy her time with them on the leash.

One thing is that bystanders will indeed have a good time watching the tiger in all its glory up close. Additionally, the tiger, though leashed, comes across as a powerful animal proving that nature has endowed it with extraordinary gifts.

A Squirrel on a Walk

This little squirrel is enthusiastic about finding the world’s wonders on a leash. It is so exciting that it cannot contain its excitement and hops with joy when he sees new things.

Following instinct, the young rodent darts across an open field on a warm summer day. His tail twitches as he eagerly walks through green grasses and purple flowers. The mammal weaves around tree trunks and the occasional rock.

A Groundhog all Set for his Morning Escapade

The cute groundhog in a pink leash is set to explore the world under a leash. Groundhog knows that he has a leash on but doesn’t care; it’s time for him to explore the world in a new way, with a bit of help from his owner.

Watch how happy the groundhog is and how he struggles to escape the pink leash. His eagerness speaks volumes about what he wants and what we all want — to have a life outside our homes.

A Bear on a Walk

Bears are one of the most intelligent animals on the planet. They’re also not quite pet material. It takes a lot of effort and skill to take care of a bear at home.

Luckily, this bear is still just a pup so he’s a lot easier to handle. That means it’s also easier to take him out on a walk to the backyard if he needs some time to play outside.

Walking a Goat

Having a pet goat is hardly a strange occurrence — just ask any farmer, they probably have at least four hanging around. It’s a little weirder, though, to take that goat on a walk like a dog.

But, just look how sweet this little guy looks in his harness and leash. Clearly, he’s more than happy to be taken out and shown the sights on his daily stroll.

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