34+ Pet Owners Share Their Paw-sitively Hilarious Vet Visits

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Our animals are our dear companions and best friends, but that doesn’t stop them from getting into all sorts of trouble. Luckily, veterinarians are there to calm our fears and diagnose even the silliest of issues.

From swallowing whole corn cobs to being picky eaters to simply being dramatic, these pets have a knack for stressing out their owners and draining their wallets. Prepare yourself for a hearty laugh as we delve into the funniest vet stories that made us howl with laughter.

Sympathetic Sickness

It’s scary to find out that your dog is sick, but it’s even more nerve-wracking when not even medical tests or a trip to the vet can explain what’s going on with your furry friend.

This dog had a mysterious illness, but it turns out there was nothing to worry about. All he was suffering from was a case of being extra empathetic to his family. He just wanted to be included in the suffering. How sweet.

Can You Hear Me?

If you thought your partner had selective hearing, you might be surprised to find out that your dog has the ability to pick and choose what they want to respond to.

Not only did this sneaky bulldog suddenly decide she no longer wanted to listen to any commands, but she also cost her owners a big chunk of change. That’s one way to flip the switch on who’s in charge.

Thoroughly Disgusted

If your dog keeps throwing up, it might have a serious allergy or some kind of sickness you should get checked out. That, or they might just hate kids.

Not only did this dog not like children, but she made herself throw up anytime she was near them just to show how physically repulsed she was by the kids. The pup sure knows how to express her emotions.

Wagged Too Hard

Dogs wear their emotions on their sleeves. If you’re ever worried about whether your dog is happy, just look to see if their tail is wagging or not.

This adorable dog physically couldn’t control her happiness and had to nurse her sore tail after an exciting day at the beach. It turns out that a dog can indeed be too happy. This just made our hearts melt.

Throwing a Tantrum

It can be stressful to watch over someone’s pet while they’re out of town. What if something goes wrong and they suddenly keel over and pass out with no explanation?

The obvious first response should be to take them to the vet. However, you might need to check they’re not just throwing a tantrum because their owners have left them alone. We can’t get over how hilariously dramatic this canine is—though we’re sure these women didn’t find this funny in the moment.

Gas Him Up

Not being able to communicate with your dog with words can be difficult. When they are clearly in pain but can’t show you where it’s coming from, it’s time for a trip to the vet.

It turns out that dogs are just like us. All they need is a nice long nap and to let out a little—or a lot—of gas, and they’ll feel much better. We’re sure their owners wished they had let out a little gas before they took them to the vet. This must’ve been the most expensive fart ever.

Prepping for Winter

One great thing about cats is that they’re able to groom themselves, which saves their owners a whole lot of time. When this kitty suddenly stopped grooming herself, her owners were sure something was wrong.

It turns out that the cat’s winter weight was making it difficult to reach every part she needed to clean. Hey, a girl should be able to gain a few pounds without having to feel self-conscious.

Tummy Troubles

If you thought eggs were the only things that came out of chickens, you’d be wrong. Just take a look at our dear friend, Mabel the Hen.

After feeling sick and despondent, Mabel was finally able to return to her happy self after she released what had been building up in her tummy. We bet the vet didn’t expect to see that on his X-ray machine.

Faking It

We all need a vacation to relax and unwind from the stresses of everyday life. However, in the chaos of packing and planning a trip, we might neglect the feelings of our pets.

This pup took it upon herself to try and convince her owners to stay. If they weren’t going to pay attention to her, then she was going to make them pay attention to her, even if that meant faking an injury just to get some extra attention. Now that’s one smart dog.

Seasonal Depression

After traveling in unfamiliar places with unfamiliar water sources, you never know what you might catch and bring home with you. When this dog was showing signs of lethargy and illness, her owners became worried she had caught something.

After a very expensive trip to the vet, they found out that the only thing their beloved pup had caught was a case of the post-vacation blues. That’s how we feel after coming back from vacation as well.


Cats can be quite temperamental. If things aren’t exactly as they like them, they’ve been known to throw a fit or two—even if they do it to themselves.

Though cats inhale their own hair and probably eat all kinds of things, a leaf was the last straw for this kitty, who needed to be taken to the vet after refusing to swallow as normal. We wonder what procedure they had to do to get this cat to remember how to swallow that cost so much money.

Just Happy to Be Here

It’s worth it to be cautious when it comes to your pets, especially when their symptoms can be difficult to diagnose. But in some cases, your pet might just be happy to be in your presence.

Whether they’re panting all the time or just can’t stop purring, you might have cats that don’t know how to physically handle their joy. We hope these kittens never lose their excitement.

Polly Wants Attention

Just as we get attached to our pets, they too become reliant on our company. All those days of his owner going to work and leaving him alone for hours had finally gotten to this parrot, who decided to fight back.

If your bird’s poo stinks, he could definitely be suffering from a stomach issue. That, or he’s purposefully giving himself digestive issues just to make you notice him more. Check in on your birds, and give them some extra love—for both of your sakes.

Sore Loser

No one likes losing, but we’ve never heard of it becoming a medical issue. This owner was nervous that their cat was on his last legs, but it took a trip to the vet to assure them the only thing wrong with this cat was a bruised ego.

This cat is taking losing to new extremes, not wanting to show his face around the neighborhood. Hey, he may not know how to fight, but he does know how to be dramatic.

Hubba Bubba

Taking care of your pets means getting to know them on an extremely close level. After carefully inspecting their dog’s behind, these owners thought their rear end looked quite odd.

Turns out this pooch’s cheeks were spread open just enough to have a piece of gum off the floor stick right where the sun doesn’t shine. Now that’s a situation no one should have to deal with.

You’re Grounded

It’s hard to explain why some things scare us beyond belief, but that’s why they’re called irrational fears. Even horses get freaked out by the silliest things.

We’re not exactly sure why this horse suddenly became afraid of the ground, nor how it reacted once it realized it was standing on said ground. All we know is the vet had to be called in, and that’s enough for us.

Big Mouth

After noticing their parrot was feeling off, this pet owner took their bird to the veterinarian. When the vet called on the phone that day, he sounded worried.

Apparently, the parrot had been mirroring the mood and behavior of it’s owner. It kept repeating, “Please! Don’t do it!” The vet said it might not have been his place, but he wanted to know if the owner was safe in her own home—and that’s how this parrot saved this owner from a bad home life.

Hairy Situation

The world of dog breeding has reached new heights recently. Nowadays there’s a cross mix between any two breeds you can imagine, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good thing.

The vet in this case was an Afghan hound and wiener dog mix, and the combination of breeds gave her a horrible temper. She bit the vet as soon as he tried to get under all that hair to check on her. The only diagnosis was that she needed to be taken to the groomers!

Have a Cow

A new calf was born on the farm, but the farmers were convinced he was deaf. He wouldn’t respond to sounds, especially when the humans would call for him or try to get his attention.

However, one trip to the vet showed that he wasn’t deaf at all, he was just sassy. From the moment he was born, this alf decided he didn’t have to listen to anyone, and went about his business. Talk about being stubborn as a bull.

Lost My Marbles

After swallowing a whole bag of marbles, this dog was rushed to the vet, who said the only way to save him was by performing emergency surgery. The owner was overwhelmed at the cost, but the vet has something to ease his mind.

After they removed all of the marbles from the dog’s stomach, they’d be able to clean off all the marbles and put them in a jar for the owner to take home. That’s the most expensive jar of marbles we’ve ever heard of.

Pizza Problems

While exchanging funny vet visits, one owner shared their story about a cat who had a hair tie wrapped too tightly around his paw. Compared to the pizza-eating dog, however, that’s nothing.

After eating a whole pizza pie, this dog acted like it couldn’t move and couldn’t stop whimpering. The vet checked him over and found a pizza slice stuck in his throat. The only way to get him to get it out was to shove his fingers down his throat. Luckily, in the end, it came out—all in one piece!

It’s a Wild World

Out of all of the sources to purchase a dog from, breeders should be the most trustworthy, since they oversee every aspect of the birth and socialization of the pups.

Too bad the breeder this person bought their dog from failed to mention that their pooch was a real-life wolf they raised to be a house dog. What are they supposed to do with this information three years later?

10,000 Steps a Day

We all know how important it is for us to get our steps in. Walking keeps us healthy and active, and can be a truly underestimated way to lose weight.

The same is true for cats. This kitty wasn’t losing weight due to some sickness or depression. It turns out that when you move into a bigger house, your cat becomes smaller. Who would’ve thought?

Bugging Out

Cats tend to generally take care of themselves, but when it comes to food, some felines can be pretty high maintenance. This cat stopped eating for long enough that it became concerning and a trip to the vet was required.

All it took was one tiny bug with a bitter taste to completely ruin this cat’s palette and cost its owners a boatload of money. That’s one powerful bug.

Picky Eater

While humans eat all kinds of things, everyone has a favorite food. The story is different when it comes to canines. This dog’s favorite food kept him from trying anything else.

This picky eater decided he would only be willing to consume food if it was a chicken nugget. What a pricey way to find out that your dog has a specific palate.

Hare Raising

Change is difficult. Oftentimes, we find ourselves resisting adjustments to something we’re not used to until we finally reach a stage of acceptance. This rabbit hasn’t gotten there yet.

With fur like this, we’d definitely expect this bunny to be a drama queen. Instead of trying out a new brand of food, she’d much rather starve herself to make a point. You can tell she has no regrets.

Green With Envy

No one likes having to get surgery—not even dogs—but at least there’s comfort in the knowledge that you’ll get to go home to your loved ones taking care of you.

However, if you’re the dog that’s not getting surgery, knowing the other pooch in the family will be getting all the attention is your worst nightmare. In a fit of jealousy, this pup made it seem as if he needed medical attention. Hey, at least he got what he wanted.

Down to Earth

Every pet owner dreads finding out that their pet is infected with worms. These parasites can cause all kinds of issues within your animal, and require quick assistance.

However, if the vet determines it’s just an earthworm, your precious pet is probably safe. Your wallet on the hand might suffer heavily, but it’s a fraction of the cost it would take to treat actual worms.

Seize the Day

Welcoming a baby into the home completely changes the dynamic of the household. Furniture is babyproofed, schedules are changed, and attention is placed on the baby and the new mother.

If you own a basset and are expecting a baby, prepare yourself now for the moping and moaning. The only seizing this puppy was doing was seizing the opportunity to put the attention on himself.

Sick of This

No one likes going to the doctor, but an annual check-up is necessary to make sure everything is working the way it should.

Unfortunately, a routine check-up made this kitty sick to his stomach, forcing its owner to have to stay for an extra evaluation. You can make your cat go to the doctor, but he’s going to make you pay for it.

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Mute Maven


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