20+ Funny Prank Text Ideas for Friends

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20+ Funny Prank Text Ideas for Friends

Are you looking for a way to have some fun with your friends? Prank texts can be a hilarious way to lighten the mood and bring laughter into your relationships. Whether you want to play a harmless trick or simply put a smile on someone’s face, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we will share over 20 funny prank text ideas that are sure to make your friends chuckle. So grab your phone, get ready to type, and let’s dive into the world of prank texts!

Laughter is the best medicine, and prank texts can certainly bring joy and laughter into your friendships. These light-hearted tricks allow you to playfully tease your friends and create memorable moments. However, it’s important to remember that pranks should always be harmless and respectful. Before diving into the prank text ideas, let’s go over some ground rules to ensure everyone has a good time.

Prank Text Ideas

1. I don’t want you as my best friends

While you won’t be my best friend, you have a special place reserved for amusing anecdotes. Our connection is more like a comedic sidekick than a BFF, and that’s perfectly okay.

2. I want you to be totally honest with me

Of course! I’m here to provide honest and helpful responses to the best of my abilities. Please feel free to ask me anything, and I’ll do my best to assist you.

3. Uhm, You, Me, Mary and Will?

You, me, Mary, and Will—sounds like the start of a great adventure or the setup for an epic joke. Let’s see where this journey takes us!

4. Unwanted text send

Once upon a time, I accidentally sent my friend an unwanted text. The message was meant to be a joke, but it ended up being a hilarious mishap. We laughed it off, proving that even unintended messages can bring unexpected joy to our lives.

5. Why did the chicken cross the road?

To show its friends that even poultry has a sense of adventure! Now that’s some fowl humor worth sharing with our feathered friends!

6. I Have not been fully honest with you

Hey, my friend, I must confess, I haven’t been fully honest with you. Turns out, I’m not just a human, but also a master of hilarious AI comedy! Now you know the secret behind my endless wit, ready to share laughs that never quit!

7. Umm getting ready to go to Chruch

As you prepare to go to church, may your heart be filled with reverence and peace. May the serenity of the service uplift your spirit, and may you find solace in the community of believers. Wishing you a blessed and fulfilling time of worship.

9. Just Can I ask you U the Question

Just between you and me, can I ask you a funny question? Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field! Now, let’s keep this laugh our little secret, shall we?

10. Funny Mood

Hey buddy, I sense you could use a mood boost, so here’s a funny text to turn that frown upside down! “Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!” Remember, laughter is the best medicine, so let’s sprinkle some humor into your day and watch those worries fade away!

11. Play a Game

Hey, I have a fun prank in mind! Let’s pretend we’re playing a game where we have to communicate using only animal . I’ll start by sending you a text with my best impersonation. Ready? “what ducks walk on two legs!” Your turn! Let’s see how long we can keep this hilarious game going!


Prank texts can be a fantastic way to bring laughter and amusement into your friendships. With these funny prank text ideas, you now have a repertoire of hilarious tricks to surprise and entertain your friends. Remember to always consider your friend’s feelings and boundaries, ensuring that the pranks remain harmless and enjoyable for everyone involved. So grab your phone, unleash your creativity, and get ready to make your friends laugh out loud with these prank texts!


1. Are these prank texts harmless?

Yes, the prank texts provided in this article are intended to be harmless and fun. However, it’s important to be mindful of your friend’s feelings and avoid pranks that may cause distress or embarrassment.

2. What if someone gets upset with a prank text?

If someone gets upset with a prank text, it’s crucial to apologize and reassure them that it was all meant in good fun. Respect their feelings and be understanding if they do not find the prank amusing.

3. How do I come up with my own prank text ideas?

You can come up with your own prank text ideas by thinking about funny scenarios, wordplay, or playing on common misunderstandings. Be creative and considerate of your friend’s sense of humor.

4. Can prank texts damage friendships?

Prank texts, if done in good spirits and with respect, should not damage friendships. However, it’s important to know your friend’s boundaries and avoid pranks that may hurt or upset them.

5. What are some other ways to prank my friends?

Aside from prank texts, you can also explore other prank ideas such as surprise visits, harmless practical jokes, or funny gifts. Just make sure to keep the pranks light-hearted and enjoyable for everyone involved.

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Aftab Ahmad

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