How to Avoid Misinterpreted Photo Editing Requests

  1. 6 That's Definitely Not The Same Octopus

    Among the photos here, this one stands out as quite an improvement. The girl wanted to look more natural and less awkward, although the original photo wasn't bad (unless you're into veggie stuff). But, they edited her into a scuba diving outfit, chilling with what seems to be a totally different octopus.

    Whether you're into veggies or not, if it happened to be the same octopus, that'd be a bit sad. The one in the right photo seems to be having a blast!

  2. 7 All Smiles

    Many folks have been in a spot like this before. The girl in the photo wasn't thrilled that her boyfriend wouldn't smile for the pic. So, she asked for him to "at least seem happy to be with me." What she got back was a photo of her holding a laptop, with her boyfriend joining in remotely from what seems to be a tropical paradise or something.

    Lots of people have faced a situation like this one. The girl in the picture wasn't too happy when her boyfriend wouldn't smile. She requested he "at least look happy to be with me." What she got back was a pic of her holding a laptop, with her boyfriend seemingly tuning in from what looks like a tropical paradise or somewhere similar.

  3. 8 Changing Up A Boyfriend's Old Shirt

    A girlfriend sent in this photo, annoyed that her boyfriend always wore the same shirt in their pictures. I mean, who doesn't have that one favorite shirt, right? Anyhow, she wanted the Calvin Klein logo gone. The edited pic shows the boyfriend without his beloved shirt, but now he's got a tattoo with the brand's name instead.

    We're big fans of it. His reaction when he shared the edited pic on Twitter was priceless. He captioned it, "his love will never deklein," which was just spot on.

  4. 9 Replacing Fingers With Toes

    This might seem obvious, but the girl wanted the guy's two middle fingers gone from the photo. We can understand why she'd want that. But instead, they replaced them with the guy's index toes. Well, at least they're not his middle toes, which is probably better than what he was doing before.

    It's also pretty silly, but that's not a bad thing. Actually, if you hadn't seen the first photo, the second one could pass as believable considering some of the others here.

  5. 10 At Least The Hair Is Gone?

    It's actually a pretty considerate request. The girlfriend noticed her hair was blocking her fiance's face, so she just wanted a few strands removed. But instead, she ended up with a strangely out-of-proportion neck. It does the job, kind of, but honestly, it seems like it would've been easier to just remove the hair.

    Then again, we might not be the best judges, considering we can't work Photoshop to save our lives. Maybe this was actually the easier and quicker fix, even if it does seem a bit odd.

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