Mandy Rose, a WWE wrestler, shared her most embarrassing moment

Mandy Rose, a WWE wrestler dailyjugarr

Mandy Rose had her time in WWE. She did a bunch of stuff, but let’s just say setting up tables wasn’t her favorite part of the job.

Then, out of the blue in December 2022, WWE gave her the boot, just a day after she lost the NXT Women’s Title to Roxanne Perez on NXT TV. It was a shocker because she held onto that title for forever, 413 days! And she’d been part of WWE since 2015, too.

But life after WWE hasn’t been too shabby for Mandy Rose, aka Amanda Saccomanno, or Mandy Sacs as she’s known. She’s been raking in the cash on some subscription website, and with her WWE fame, it’s not surprising she’s doing well outside the company.

Remember that crazy SummerSlam 2020 in the “Thunderdome,” with no fans? Mandy went up against her buddy Sonya Deville in a “Loser Leaves WWE” match and came out on top. Pretty wild, huh? Especially considering some nut tried to break into Sonya’s place just weeks earlier, and Mandy was there too!

Mandy Rose’s Table Mishap

During SummerSlam, Mandy Rose opened up about her most cringe-worthy WWE moment when she struggled to flip a table onto its legs. She spilled the beans on her Power Alphas podcast.

She explained how heavy and tough those tables are, especially when you’re in the heat of the moment and totally gassed out. It was hands down her worst match ever, and she and Sonya both agree. So many things were going on in their lives that day, making it a total disaster.

Mandy had practiced flipping that darn table countless times, feeling confident she had it down. But when the moment came, she totally botched it, going the wrong way and struggling to lift it up. The ref tried to help, but it was a lost cause. They scrapped the whole table spot in the end, which was super embarrassing for her.

She even admitted it was worse than slipping at WrestleMania. People still tease her about it, calling it Mandy Rose vs. The Table, WrestleMania 38. But hey, she still won the match, and Sonya eventually made her comeback to WWE after some time off due to a scary incident.

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Raza Chaudary


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