Ultimate Halloween 40+ Celebs Who Raised The Costume Game


Spooky season is upon us, which means Halloween is right around the corner. If anyone knows how to win a costume contest, it is these celebrities who spend tons of money on their custom-made costumes. From Kim Kardashian to Harrison Ford, your favorite celebs might not show up at your door for candy, but they do bring their costume A-game each year. Get into the spooktacular mood with these extravagant costumes. 

  1. leo writes

    Popeye is known for his bulging muscles fueled by cans of spinach, and The Rock's body was perfect for this costume. There are few costume matches as perfect as this, and in 2015, he brought the cartoon character to life for Halloween. 

  2. leo writes

    Every year, Neil Patrick Harris and his family nail their Halloween costumes. Ever since NPH and his husband welcomed their twins, they have built a reputation for their themed group costumes. One year they dressed up as all the classic monsters such as Frankenstein and Dracula. 

  3. leo writes

    "Hello, Danny. Come play with us." For a 2017 Halloween party, Bruce Willis and his assistant dressed up as the creepy Grady twins from The Shining. The two donned wigs, knee-high socks, and matching dresses to complete their memorable look. 

  4. leo writes

    Although she is unrecognizable here, Adele nailed the costume from the 1994 Jim Carrey classic, The Mask. From the zoot suit and polka dot tie to the hyperrealistic mask, the singer should have won costume of the year. 

  5. leo writes

    Although Kristen Bell voices Anna in the Disney movie, Frozen, her daughter requested that they dress in matching Elsa costumes for Halloween. For two years in a row, Bell was forced to wear her Frozen dress, but she won parent of the year for following her daughter's demands.

  6. leo writes

    After co-starring in The Heat, Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy developed a close relationship. For Halloween in 2013, the two took their children trick-or-treating together and attempted to go incognito as fishermen. Although they were barely recognizable, the paparazzi still spotted them.

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