Ultimate Halloween 40+ Celebs Who Raised The Costume Game

  1. leo writes

    Will Poulter from We Are The Millers makes the perfect Sid from Toy Story. If there were a live-action remake, he should be cast as the mean, toy destructing child. He completed his look with a Woody doll, and the magnifying glass used to burn Woody like the movie. 

  2. leo writes

    Heidi Klum is the queen of Halloween. Each year she goes all out with her costumes to create the most over the top looks. In 2015, Heidi Klum transformed herself into Jessica Rabbit and brought the cartoon vixen to life. Her face and chest were covered with prosthetics which made her unrecognizable. 

  3. leo writes

    Ever since Channing Tatum became a father, he has worn some interesting Halloween costumes to make his children happy. In 2017, when his daughter was in preschool, he wore a full-body unicorn suit with a rainbow mane and matching horn for the Halloween carnival at her school. 

  4. leo writes

    In 2016, before the presidential elections, some of the most popular costumes were Melania and Donald Trump. Jemima Goldsmith dressed as Melania with a plastic Donald strapped to her back, groping her. This costume was complete with a campaign sign and the stolen speech from Michelle Obama.  

  5. leo writes

    Each year, Ellen DeGeneres debuts a fabulous and creative costume that is an ode to one of her many celebrity friends One year she dressed as the famed rapper, Nicki Minaj, and paired her revealing outfit with a long blonde wig. The look was far from her normal attire. 

  6. leo writes

    Most people are used to seeing Sara Sampaio strutting the runway at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, so it is shocking to see her with all these special effects makeup. For Halloween in 2017, Sampaio was unrecognizable with all the gore and blood hiding her natural beauty. 

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