Breaking The Mold: 30+ Celebrities Owning Their Unique Style


Most of the time, celebrities look fantastic because they have access to stylists and the best designers in the world. However, this clearly isn't a foolproof system because there are times when celebrities have donned hideous outfits that also happen to cost a fortune. We guess money can't buy style, and these celebrity fashion fails are proof of that. From Kim Kardashian to Paris Hilton, these outfits will make you question why they paid so much money for such hideous garments. Scroll down and see if your favorite celebrity ended up on our list after making some questionable fashion choices.

  1. 1 Nicki Minaj's Cheetah Outfit Didn't Inspire Many Trends

    The red carpet is the perfect place to show off your glamorous side, and Nicki Minaj decided to take it in a different direction for the 2011 Grammy Awards. Designed by Givenchy, Minah wore this outrageous cheetah print getup. She even completed the outfit with cheetah print hair. 

  2. 2 Katie Price's Pink Horse Outfit Turned Heads For The Wrong Reasons

    If anyone knows how to keep the press talking, it is Katie Price. If they aren't commenting about her relationship dramas, then people are talking about her over-the-top outfits like this one. For the fifth anniversary of the KP Equestrian range, Price showed up in this bizarre pink horse costume. 

  3. 3 Jaden Smith Channeled His Inner Batman... For A Wedding?

    Jaden Smith likes to be different when it comes to fashion. When Kim Kardashian and Kanye West got married in Italy, instead of wearing a regular suit like most people, Jaden chose to wear the white Batman suit he had worn to his prom.

  4. 4 Perez Hilton Must Have Forgot His Pants

    In 2009, during Fashion Week, blogger Perez Hilton went to a party wearing a big Disney shirt that hardly covered his bottom. He matched it with gold high-top sneakers, making quite a bold statement, though maybe not the best one.

  5. 5 Rainy Day Fashion

    In theory, a clear raincoat is a cute idea if you are wearing a stylish outfit that you want to show off. However, Rose McGowen's version was oddly shaped and ill-fitting. The cone-shaped plastic cape had slots for her arms, but if it rained, those arms would have gotten wet. 

  6. 6 Lady Gaga Infamously Wore Her Dinner To The VMAs

    Who can forget the time Lady Gaga wore a dress made out of meat to an award show? Designed by Franc Fernandez, the dress was the top fashion statement of 2010, according to Time magazine. Gaga said the dress was about fighting for what you believe in. 

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