Shocking Electrical Hacks and DIY Screw-Ups, What Not to Do!


Are you ready to take on DIY electrical projects? Whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or just starting out, venturing into the world of electrical work can be both exciting and challenging. In this guide, we’ll be your trusted companion as we explore the ins and outs of DIY electrical projects. We’ll uncover common mistakes, share essential tips, and provide step-by-step instructions to ensure your projects not only succeed but also prioritize safety above all else. So, let’s embark on this electrifying journey together, learning, growing, and mastering the art of DIY electrical work.

2 in 1

Check out our homemade ceiling fan with a central light bulb, a clever and unique home project that combines functionality and creativity.

Sockets | Water

Dive into our DIY home hack where sockets work like taps, adding a unique twist to your electrical setup.

Ceiling Light

Transform your home with our DIY hack that turns bear bottles into a whimsical and eco-friendly ceiling light fixture.

Test ft the sea

Join our hilarious DIY adventure as we attempt to harness electricity from the sea in the quirkiest home experiment ever!


Check out our DIY home project with female connectors on the back of every switch, letting you easily add more switches and customize your setup.


Explore our quirky home hack where we craft a plug using just two nuts, proving that creativity knows no bounds!

Sunday Works

Illuminate your space with our home hack that creatively suspends a light tube using cloth and rubber tubing.

It can help you. When you are sad

After see this i don’t want to be sad anymore:

Play Set

I wants my Ants to play this set.

GREE or Midea

its Gree and Media Both

Switch Expression

I’m pretty sure the tile guy was proud of this.

Naughty Chandeliers

i can’t believe it’s happened

New clothes

What a sexy Electric bickney…

What a toilet

I don’t want to go this place ever.


Trap mouse Trap people

Lamp Bulb controller

Seprate For male and female


I think sockets are affried?

What did you see?

I think Both are Enjoying….


Be Safe Bro

Look legit

Don’t Trust it….


Home Diy, Replace of Light Tube.

Wife is in danger

Get relief From Wife.

Come On

We can it for bicke riding too??

New Version

New Version of Elactric Board.



Its realy a home DIY.

Hostel Room

When we invited friends at our room.

Bath Time

Please advice him to take bath quickly


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Mute Maven


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