AI Created a Barbie for Every State, Here’s How They Turned Out

  1. 11 Minnesota

    Here's another Barbie that perfectly reminds us of the state she's supposed to be from. Minnesota Barbie is all bundled up in preparation for the state's harsh winter. Her puffy jacket and thick sweater would be hallmarks of people from the Midwestern state. However, we can also see some of that iconic Midwestern warmth that people from Minnesota are known for. She also looks like she could be getting ready for some time spent outdoors with Ken.

  2. 12 Iowa

    Iowa Barbie embodies everything we think of when we think of the great state of Iowa. Her yellow background also reminds us of one of the state's beloved football teams, the Iowa Hawkeyes. Iowa Barbie looks like she would be at home in a charming Iowa town or out on the farm with Ken. Her denim shirt definitely speaks to the state's long history of being a center for agriculture and farming.

  3. 13 Missouri

    We're going to be honest; we didn't know a whole lot about Missouri before seeing Missouri Barbie. (Sorry, all you Missourians out there.) However, after a little bit of research, Missouri Barbie makes a lot of sense. The state is known for its mix of Midwestern and Southern cultures, and we get both of those from Missouri Barbie. It also has a long history of being the birthplace of some pretty famous artists, including Mark Twain.

  4. 14 Mississippi

    Big Hair has been a recurring theme with Southern state Barbies, and Mississippi Barbie is no different. Her vintage look reminds us of the 70s and 80s, which isn't surprising considering the state has a long history of being at the forefront of musical innovation. Mississippi was the birthplace of the blues and rock-n-roll. And Mississippi Barbie looks like she harkens back to this era in musical history.

  5. 15 Michigan

    The great state of Michigan is just about as diverse as it can get in terms of the environment. One could enjoy some of America's best wilderness in the upper peninsula or spend their time in the revitalized city of Detroit, soaking up history and the vibrancy of life in a big city. Michigan Barbie looks like she's probably enjoying some time in the city in this image, with a very stylish patterned jacket.

  6. 16 Kentucky

    Kentucky is a great state with a lot of history. It's mostly known for its bourbon, the Kentucky Derby, its southern food and hospitality, as well as being the birthplace of former president Abraham Lincoln. Many of its towns and cities are smaller in size but extremely charming in nature. Kentucky Barbies looks like she's from a small mountain town in Kentucky, with her throwback floral patterned shirt and curly red hair.

  7. 17 Georgia

    Georgia, like many other states in the South, is known for its hospitality and its beautiful scenery. Georgia Barbie looks like she could've stepped straight out of an ad for the state. She's rocking a spotted t-shirt, along with a light jacket, because it can get pretty warm in the Peach State. Her clothes tell us that she's ready for just about anything, from a stroll through one of the state's large cities to a hike out in the mountains.

  8. 18 North Carolina

    North Carolina is filled with scenic mountains, small towns and cities, and beautiful beaches. The state's Barbie probably owns a beautiful home in the foothills and is spending this day sitting on the porch sipping coffee and reading while watching the time go by. Honestly, that sounds like the dream life, and we're kind of jealous of North Carolina Barbie. She also looks like she could own a farm or ranch, and she's getting ready for the day.

  9. 19 Virginia

    Virginia is a state of many things, as is the state's Barbie. She looks like she could be working and enjoying life with Ken in a small, charming city as a painter or in a studio of some kind. That makes sense for Virginia since the state is home to plenty of smaller, more artsy cities and towns while also having plenty of parks, beaches, and other natural activities for residents to enjoy.

  10. 20 Delaware

    The good people of Delaware must really enjoy their rock music because that's the vibes we're getting from Delaware Barbie. However, that wouldn't surprise us considering how many famous people are or were from the state, which definitely punches above its weight. That said, Delaware Barbie is still super fashionable in a classy yet understated way. She also looks like she's about to take a trip, maybe to a concert or something with Ken.

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Aftab Ahmad


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