35+ Really Interesting Body Abnormalities People Are Proudly Sharing


Since the beginning of time, humans have found differences to be fascinating. Sadly, this fascination sometimes also led to fear and ridicule. While some people with physical abnormalities have felt shame and hidden their difference, others have embraced their uniqueness and are happy to share them with us. From an extra toe to striped wisdom teeth, we’ve compiled a list of really interesting body abnormalities people proudly share — and it’s all courtesy of r/mildlyinteresting.

Marfan’s Syndrome

We’re sure there have been times when you felt like you were just a few inches away from reaching that thing on the top shelf. In those moments, it would be perfectly understandable to wish you had longer fingers to help you out.

This person seems to be just showing off that they don’t have that problem. Though it might look strange, they’re just going through life with the hand they were dealt.

Knuckle Up

We’ve all learned about the bone structure of the hand in anatomy class, and, of course, we assumed this applied to basically everyone. But, sometimes, people are born with unique situations, like this person right here.

That being said, you need knuckles for your hand to move. So, we’re unsure how this person grabs things without that middle knuckle. It would be quite challenging, don’t you think?


When something is scary or even surprising, most people end up with goosebumps all up and down their bodies. This poster, though, seems to be a patchwork of both bumps and smooth skin.

Though it seems that this person doesn’t really mind and has gotten kind of used to their strange body. /honestly, someone might not even notice unless they pointed it out!

Just A Little Gap

One place that many of us don’t often think about is what’s under our tongue. That’s because we never really see it until we do a thorough brushing of our teeth. We really want to know how long it took for this person to find this strange abnormality.

You would have to be pretty proud of this abnormality to want people to see it. However, it’s got to be strange for them to walk around, just open their mouth and point!

Splitting Hairs

Many people look to change their hair color on their heads, but this person has a unique look on their legs. It has to be pretty strange to walk around with people staring at your legs all the time.

If we had this, we might consider shaving them to keep this from happening, But, this person thinks it’s something to show off at parties! So, they wear those shorts proudly, waiting for someone to ask them about their hairy legs!

Something’s Off

Everyone is different, that is true, but mostly when it comes to their hands, they have middle fingers that are longer than their index. The fact that this person’s hands are like this might seem strange to many.

This person, though, likes to take pictures and post them everywhere. We think it’s cool they love their differences. People should definitely take their example.

Color Me Surprised

“You should get a little color.” “You look so pale.” If you are fairer-skinned, you’ve probably heard these a lot. But, this girl is probably told that so that people can feel comfortable looking at her hands.

This really does look like someone else’s hand! It doesn’t seem to bother her, though. She has grown to love it and is willing to let everyone know she has it!

Just One

That first gray hair can be pretty traumatizing for some. Finding it somewhere on your body where it can be hidden is one thing, but this person had theirs in a place that is not easy to hide at all.

While some might be embarrassed by it, this person is celebrating their cool difference! Honestly, we think it’s absolutely awesome — they look like someone straight out of the X-Men.

Split Down the Middle

It is one thing to have an abnormal body part that everyone can see and be proud of. This person’s abnormality has them saying “aww” every time someone brings it up, which is just crazy. At least, that’s how we feel.

This is crazy in the coolest way. But, it does make us wonder — does it have any effect on how their mouth operates? Does it mean that when they sing, they can do both the harmony and the symphony? So many questions…

Double the Toe

Having an extra toe is not as uncommon as one might think. However, this type of toe is rare and a little creepy if you ask us. Still, it doesn’t seem to be too much of a worry for this guy.

This small toe, though, could be a good conversation starter, we guess. After all, it is unique, and no one will be able to compete with them.

Hidden Treasure

Whenever you go to the dentist, you get sent for X-rays. When this occurs, the doctors are usually just looking to find your regular teeth, but this doctor found something pretty surprising.

That being said, they now have a picture of something they can pass around at a party. Of course, you won’t be able to see it if they open their mouths. Though this might be the only way to do so, we understand why they might want to share it with everybody.

Strange Colorization

One of the most painful things to have done to you is getting your wisdom teeth pulled. The pressure and pain that goes on with it is something that is life-changing. When you get them pulled, the doctor might give them to you.

Ideally, it’s going to be a regular tooth, but this woman got a unique little designer-style wisdom tooth. It’s something you want to show everybody!

One Crease

Many people enjoy getting their palms read to tell their fortune. This is done by looking at the lines on a hand for some reason. But, with this person, they’re going to have one heck of a time when they go to the fortune teller.

It is strange that there’s only one crease across this person’s hand. To be fair, though, this is a pretty subtle thing that we’re not sure most people would even notice at first glance.

Extra Teeth

Everybody’s body works a little differently. Though the basic concepts are all the same, sometimes our bodies just do their own weird thing which can lead to strange abnormalities, like this person who seems to have extra teeth growing.

Though we are unsure we would call this an actual tooth. Even still, they’re proud of it, and we guess that’s good.

Bonus Wisdom

Typically, most people only have a certain number of wisdom teeth. This usually is up to four, but this person was an overachiever and gave themselves an extra one.

It’s not something you can easily see, so we wonder if this person carries the X-rays in their pocket. If they do, this is way stranger than it looks when you see the image itself.

Off Center

“Eyes are the windows to your soul” is something that everybody has heard before. But, most eyes are pretty much similar when it comes to design. We would have difficulty looking this guy in the eyes once we noticed that his pupils were a little off-center.

The only thing we question is whether this guy is proud of this weird abnormality or whether it affects his vision. After all, it looks like he might have a bit of a blind spot.

No Middle

We’ve heard of people being double-jointed. But, not having a joint might be even weirder than that. Also a little awkward when you try to grab that door handle.

After all, your knuckles allow you to bend your hands to grab things, so we’re not sure this is one of those unique abnormalities you should be proud of.


Sometimes when you get older, veins start to appear. Most of the time, these veins are just like squiggly marks, and there’s nothing to be said, but this person took the time to look at all of them and find the number “2” in theirs.

The thing about this unique abnormality is that they better enjoy it while they can because that vein could potentially change at any moment.

Another Row

When we grow up, we lose our baby teeth, and we get our adult teeth. Most of the time, though, we only get one row of teeth. This person, though, looks as if they have two different rows of teeth.

Even though it’s not another row of teeth as it might look but simply extra bones, it’s still kind of creepy.  This should definitely be used to design a monster for a scary movie!

One Missing

We think it’s really an amazing thing for people with abnormalities that create issues with functionality that they find ways to deal with it. This person is missing a finger and yet still seems to be able to function very well.

Though most people would look at them strangely, they seem to embrace their uniqueness. That, to us, says bravery and strength!

Count to Four

It’s one thing to lose an appendage and learn how to live with it. It’s another thing to live your whole life without it. This person seems to really embrace the fact that they only have four fingers.

It does seem that it’s only on their left hand, so maybe that’s something they have come to terms with. One thing is for sure they definitely had to deal with some pretty awkward situations.

The Gap

When you’re a kid, people are always trying to compare you to your mom and your dad. Do you have their eyes, or their lips, or maybe a strange gap in your fingers? This woman and father shared a very unique trait.

It’s not really much of an abnormality, and it’s very unnoticeable unless someone points it out, but even still, it is kind of strange, especially since they both have it in the same fingers.

Two Become One

It’s really not uncommon for people to have webbed feet. There are even celebrities that have this abnormality who are very open about it. But, we must say it’s cute when you see something like this, even though it looks a little strange.

It’s good that this father is teaching his baby to be proud of their body as it will be helpful as they grow up. Having confidence like this will allow them to tune out anybody who decides to make fun of them.

Baby Teeth

One of the milestones in a person’s life that designates them moving from childhood to adulthood is the loss of their baby teeth. However, some people out there never get all their adult teeth.

It makes for a very strange smile when you look at it, but we’re sure nobody will notice unless she points it out. But, since she’s so proud of it, it is there on display!

Under the Skin

Most people hate going to the dentist because sometimes it winds up with some sort of surgery that is just painful and not very fun. But, sometimes, you get to see cool things like this.

We’re not sure how this doesn’t feel horrible, but it doesn’t seem like the guy is too worried about it. In fact, it seems like he would like everybody to know that there is an extra tooth waiting in the wings.


Sometimes when you’re feeling like a little going through a bit of a change, one of the first things most people do is head straight to dying their hair. Wanting to know what you would look like with the different hair colors can take a lot of work unless you’re this gentleman.

This is a very weird thing that many people would pay a lot of money to have, so we can understand why he’s so proud of this unique feature.

Half and Half

There are some unique eye colors out there that pop up occasionally. These are unique and beautiful but far from strange. However, occasionally, this pops up, and though it is very cool, it is very strange.

Even with this strangeness, we can understand why the person is super proud of it. It sets them apart and makes for a very interesting conversation. On top of that, as we said, it’s simply cool!

Scott Free

Criminals all over the world have tried to find ways to get rid of their fingerprints. This would make them very happy. We just hope this person doesn’t get that in their mind, though, because that would be bad.

It’s actually pretty cool that this guy has this situation. Though we said the police probably wouldn’t be too happy about it, we can still understand why he wants to show it off.

So Strange

If you’ve ever left your finger in the water for a long time, you’ll notice that it starts to lose color and shrivel up. If the rest of his hand was like that, that’s what we would think was going on, but the fact there’s only one finger is very creepy.

But, if it’s something he’s had his whole life, he’s had time to deal with it, so it’s probably been a conversation topic quite a bit. After a while, you either have to figure out how to hide it or just be proud.

Lighter and Lighter

Sometimes, when you get burnt, your hands will show red, which looks strange. But, when you suffer from this condition, apparently, the color leaves from the extremities, and it leaves you looking almost like a ghost.

But, if it’s something you can’t change, you have to learn to deal with it, and that’s what this person is doing. Though it definitely looks strange, it’s something that this person probably doesn’t even think about until someone points it out.


It might seem totally strange to have a whole hand that has knuckles missing. But, maybe even stranger to some would be a simple finger having that problem. Although, for the person who has it, it probably is something that goes without being thought of.

Unless you’re super proud of it, you don’t want to show it to everybody. By taking a picture like this, it’s clear that this person is pretty okay with the fact that they don’t have any joints in their thumb.

Right Angle

When you have something unique about it, you find a way to make it accessible for everybody. Doing this ensures that you don’t get made fun of and that you’re actually sought after because of this unique feature.

This person can do things at right angles with their fingers, which seems to be something they take pride in.

False Bend

It makes perfect sense to us that a crease develops where a finger bends. So, this instance is extra weird — as this finger doesn’t seem to bend where it looks like it should! It’s like a fake door hinge!

But, we would have never noticed the abnormality unless someone pointed them out. So clearly, this person is proud because they want to show us all and draw attention to it.

Not the Same

Most of the time, the human body is pretty symmetrical. The way one part of your body looks is similar to the opposite of it. For instance, one hand is going to look like the other. But, not for this woman.

It’s very odd that this person’s hands look like they came from two different people. But, maybe that’s a good thing. It could lead to a pretty interesting career in hand modeling!


Sometimes, the oddities we see must be shown to someone to believe they exist. This person’s veins and what they spell out seem very strange and something they really need to look at.

That being said, it’s good they took a picture because the veins may move and change and make it say something completely different over time.

Extra Sweaty

It’s a common stress symptom to have sweaty palms. This is especially true during puberty, as your hands tend to get sweaty at the slightest drop of any type of stress. In this condition where everything sweats more, it has got to be uncomfortable.

It must make it awkward to reach for anything or feel comfortable in public. But, it seems the person is okay with sharing their plight with everyone.

Color Scheme

Women pay a lot of good money to have new eyelashes so that they can either have different colors or thicker ones. This woman doesn’t have to worry about the different colors, although it does look like it’s a little mismatched.

The symmetry of the discoloration is quite strange. You can’t really even tell the difference. Plus, she can just put a little mascara on one side and not worry about the other!

By a Hair

There are cases of people that have extra hair growing in all kinds of places. For the most part, we’re sure that they try to keep that hidden because they don’t want the ridicule of others. But, when it’s in a place so obvious, it’s probably pretty challenging to hide.

But, when you’re dealing with it your whole life, you probably get pretty used to it. Although it’s got to be very challenging if you’re out and about trying to camp and lighting a fire because we all know how it feels to singe your hair.


Birthmarks on their own are pretty interesting abnormalities. But, this one is extra special. Not only is it a completely unique mark, but it also turns that nail into a specially designed artwork.

The only thing we wonder is how well this plays when this person goes to paint their nails. It must be pretty challenging to keep that hidden! After all, it is pretty dark, meaning they have to stay with those darker colors to have a cohesive look.

No Pruning

Sometimes, abnormalities aren’t created from the womb. It can also happen through an accident that you’ve had. This person had an accident, and now one finger can stay in the water forever without pruning.

We’re not sure if this is good or bad, but it’s definitely an interesting fact. One that probably makes kids laugh for sure!

Bunched Up

One thing is for sure — severing an Achilles tendon has to be pretty painful. Why they didn’t have it surgically connected, we don’t know. Maybe it’s not possible. But, it sure makes their calves look very interesting.

This is especially true during the shorts season when everybody can see it. This is one of those abnormalities that definitely is visible and becomes a topic of conversation because it is.

Lined Up

Some features usually happen pretty frequently when it comes to the human body. One of those is that tiny trail of hair on your stomach. It usually lines up with your belly button. We don’t know why this person is the exception to the rule.

Why this is something that is intriguing to anybody is beyond us. However, we find ourselves oddly drawn to figuring out why this person wants everybody to know this.


Having an eye injury has to be a super crazy and painful situation. Though, much like the rest of the human body, we understand that it is resilient, it had to have been hard to wait for this to heal.

When it did heal, and they saw this, they probably were pretty freaked out at first. However, we have to say that as long as it didn’t affect the vision, it’s a pretty cool abnormality to have.

Not So Big

There are certain parts of your body that have a name for a specific reason. When someone says big toed, it is because it’s the largest toe on your foot, or it’s supposed to be!

This person’s body didn’t get that memo, and it seems that the big toe for them is more like the middle one. It just looks strange, and like it could possibly throw them a little off balance.


Most people have one eye color, with the most common being, of course, brown, green, or blue. Some people, though are born with heterochromia, which gives them two colors.

This guy, though, seems to have every possible color in his beautiful eyes. This is definitely one abnormality that’s always going to draw people’s attention!

Giant Furred Moles

This individual has a condition called Congenital Giant Pigmented Nevus, more commonly known as Giant Furred Moles. Originally, this person simply appeared to have a lot of birthmarks. But, those birthmarks started to grow long hair when he turned eight years old and continued to grow along with him.

This type of mole is so rare that it only affects roughly 1% of the population worldwide. So, it’s safe to say that this werewolf-like man is extremely unique!

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Raza Chaudary


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