After their beloved dog Ruger got lost in the yard, Brittany Simpson and her family had one of the worst fears any dog owner could have.
Ruger’s family worked hard to find him. Because he was tagged, they kept hoping that he would be found in the end.
Ruger’s family had no news for seven years, which was sad. They were sure their cute dog had been taken, and they didn’t think they’d ever see his sweet face again.
They had no idea that Ruger would find his way home.
Ruger Reappears
Becky and her children found a puppy running around in their Amarillo, Texas, yard in June 2024.
The dog was in bad shape. He had an open wound.
The dog was scared and suspicious, but Rebecca and her family were able to get him to come inside. They gave the dog food and a bath.
Rebecca knew the puppy had to see the vet right away because he was still shaking after the bath. She thought he might have a fever.
After a few hours, the kind woman took a picture of the dog and put it on Amarillo Pet Lost And Found. She hoped that the people who owned him would see him.
That day in June looked like any other day for Simpson. She was looking through Facebook when a face she knew showed up on her phone.
Simpson was in shock.
“As soon as I saw him, my heart stopped!” To quote Simpson, “I thought, ‘That looks so much like my dog.'”
Simpson could tell that the dog in the picture was his because of the way he was marked.
She left a message on Rebecca’s post that made her cry and said she thought the puppy was her dog, who had been missing for seven years.
As proof, she put up an older picture of Ruger.
Rebecca was sure it was the same dog after seeing the picture. When she took the dog to the vet, he was checked out and scanned for a microchip.
Simpson rushed to the vet’s office as soon as she got a call from the microchip company to get her dog back.
It looked like nothing was real. Simpson didn’t think she’d ever see Ruger again.
Reunited With His Family
When Simpson got to the vet’s office, she went up to her beloved dog and gently stroked him.
Ruger didn’t look up. He wasn’t sure who she was at first.
Simpson thought that the people who had Ruger weren’t taking good care of him. He had an infection in both ears and all over his body from germs.
She took the puppy to Amarillo to live with his new family.
The dog’s family opened their arms wide and welcomed him with love.
Their kids never forgot about their cute dog, and they were thrilled to have him back in their lives.
“It seems like a dream.” “All we do is hold him close and watch him sleep,” Simpson said.
It was important to Ruger’s people that they made up for lost time by giving him lots of love that he had been missing all these years.
Ruger started to heal and get used to life with his loving family soon after he got home.
He started to be more open with his people and soak up all of their love.
Ruger is finally back where he belonged the whole time.