Woman notices her rescue husky acting strangely — then realizes how he saved her life

Woman notices her rescue husky acting strangely — then realizes how he saved her life

Everyone should have a dog around the house. You never know when they’ll come in handy. Dogs have amazing instincts that let them find hidden risks that people might miss.

Recently, that happened. One woman says her rescue dog saved her life by getting her out of the house just in time to avoid a disaster.

luna in car

In September, Samantha Griffin from Indiana got her Husky dog Luna from Speedway Animal Rescue. It was the best choice she’s ever made because the dog just this minute saved her life.

Sam told Good Morning America that she started getting bad migraines on June 24. At the same time, Luna started to act funny.

“She kept telling me to go outside all day.” “And she doesn’t do that often,” Samantha told GMA.

Samantha tried to lie down to get rid of her headache, but Luna, her dog, wouldn’t let her. She scratched at her door and told her to go outside.

luna dog

The owner finally gave in and went outside. That’s when she heard her carbon monoxide alarm go off.
She told WRTV, “I grabbed all the kids that were in the house and called maintenance and the fire department. I found very, very high levels of carbon monoxide.”

CO is often known as the “silent killer.” People may not be aware that the colorless and silent gas can hurt or kill them. The most typical sign is a headache like the one Samantha was having.

Luna had miraculously noticed the high carbon monoxide levels before anyone else did. This made it possible for Samantha, her family, and herself to leave the house in time. The owner says bad things could have happened if she had gone to sleep as planned.

Samantha told WRTV, “If she hadn’t gotten me outside, I would have fallen dead asleep in here and probably wouldn’t have woken up.” “A dog has never done so much for me.”

“I’m stunned and thankful for everything,” she told GMA. “Because I wouldn’t be here without her.”

I can’t believe how smart and kind dogs are. Luna really saved his owner’s life by keeping her from getting too much carbon monoxide.

If you love dogs, please share this amazing story.

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